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Archive for August, 2007

John Blair's New Website

John Blair, noted surf historian and founder of Jon & The Nightriders writes:

I've been working on my own website and it's finally online. Please check out:

As indicated on the site, Jon/Nightriders' 1986 LP "Stampede" is going to be released on CD for the first time by Crossfire Publications later this year. The CD has been mastered from the original 2-track tape and will include several bonus tracks. I don't have a street date yet, but I'll post it here when I find out. There are other projects in the works, too. Check out my website for further info.

Keep on the lookout for a new 4th edition of his “Illustrated Discography of Surf Music, 1961-1965,” revised and greatly expanded!

And finally, please welcome John to SG101!


Surfside - The Denvermen

A great slow moving surf tune, grab a couple of guitars and off you go.

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A perennial favourite

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New Satan's Pilgrims T-shirts for Sale!!!!

Help us recover from near bankruptcy caused by our recent shows in Vegas and LA!

These are brand new, 3 color design, t-shirts with artwork done by PDX poster artist Mike King. It was originally used for a poster for a New Years show in 1996 (I think). This is a brand new shirt, never before available.

We have listened to YOU, the SG101 community and tried to give you what you demand! Our fans come in all shapes and sizes and want to look their best, so we have made S,M,L (pictured here) all on the small side. The XL and XXL, however, run big and are not as "form fitting" Wink . The XL and XXL are also not "heathered" like the one pictured, meaning they are a pure, deep color without the faded look.

$22 includes shipping. Don't forget to let me know if you need me to throw in a live DVD or Best of cd for the same shipping (total price will be adjusted based on the order). The paypal address is now
Ted Pilgrim
PS We didn't gamble the band money, I swear.
PPS Read more to see the shirt design.

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Get Three Coffins Ready On Flying Saucer Rock N' Roll Podcast #33

Flying Saucer Rock N' Roll Episode #33

Hey All You Reverb Junkies. Get Three Coffins Ready Can Be Heard On The "Flying Saucer Rock N' Roll Episode #33 Podcast!!!!!" Right Now. Our Song "El Cementario" Appears Thanks To Dan Electreau!!!!!! Click On The Link Above To Access This Golden Piece Of Explosive Reverb Action!!!

New Illuminoids CD Released!

The feature length, all instrumental CD "secret society of surf guitar" by THE ILLUMINOIDS has just been released.  We wish to thank all of the SG-101 members who gave us support and encouragement for our song "The Czar Of Surf Guitar" (Tribute to Ivan). 
The CD of mostly originals reflects a broad spectrum of influences.
Visit for more information.

Lee Hazelwood dies at 78

Lee Hazlewood, acclaimed singer and songwriter, died at age 78 on August 4th, 2007. Many news media outlets have picked up the story and ran tributes and obituaries:

MSNBC (AP Story)
New York Night Train
The Independent

These articles mainly talk about his work with Nancy Sinatra and his solo career. Of interest to surf fans was his collaborations with legendary guitarist Duane Eddy, who had an enormous influence on the young surf guitarists in the 1960's. Hazlewood wrote songs and produced Eddy, helping to pioneer that deep twangy guitar sound that inspired the surf genre. The recent tributes fail to mention that Hazlewood penned several surf classics that were recorded by Colorado's The Astronauts: "Baja", "Movin", "The Hearse", "El Aguila", and "Surf's You Right". These landmark songs have been covered by literally hundreds of surf bands since then. The surf crowd thanks you, Mr. Hazlewood.

The Madeira Update: Hot Rod Hula Hop III this Saturday!!

Hello all!

We hope you're enjoying your summer.  Things have been a bit quiet in the Madeira camp lately.  Three reasons for that: 1) we're all keeping quite busy this summer, 2) Patrick is not as easily available anymore, and most importantly 3) we're working very hard on the songs for the next album.  We have all the songs for the CD at this point (13 in total), and the recording session is booked for December.  We're very excited about the new material and feel it'll be a worthy follow-up to "Sandstorm".  The best news; you don't have to wait until next year to hear the new songs!  Read on...

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