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San Francisco

Posted on Nov 18 2006 06:29 PM
did the band stay the night at anybodys house to save money, or did they get a motel every night? If so do you ask for that or do people offer?
While in the Bay Area the band stayed at my house. On the road they stayed in Hotels, though I tried to stay with a friend- for 2 reasons- 1- save money, 2- Van security (these days there are too many stories of bands getiing ripped off, if you stay in a motel, you should definitely unload the equipment after a show.)
what about money for the shows, do you pre arrange/ ask that they get a good chunk of it, or just let the home band, or club owner figure out how much to pay them?
Most of the local bands were extremely nice and donated their portion to the touring band. If you are dealing with the club, it is essential to work out a deal upfront. These days some clubs are offering a 50/50 split after they pay expenses, this it total BS, you will get screwed. Ask for 80% of the door, or a guarantee. Also BS are clubs that ask fans which band they came to see then divi up the money according to that- the out of town band will get next to nothing.
I am thinking of booking a show every now and then, and am trying to politely figure out the money side of things.
This has been one thing that has kept me from doing it so far.
I know that once money gets involved its a good way to loose bands/friends, if something goes bad.
True enough, that is why you have to have an agreement before hand.
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San Francisco

Posted on Nov 18 2006 06:32 PM
I had heard from Gavin(Reptile records) at the San Diego show. That they had sent him a previous cd awhile back.
do you know anyhting about that, would you be able to get some of those too?
Their previous release was called "Surf Opera" and was CDR only. 6 or so of the tracks on that were remixed and included on "San Jyo".
Jeff, can you convince Gavin to join SG101?
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Posted on Nov 18 2006 06:32 PM
thanks fo rthe info on the booking touring bands.
now how bout my last post about the early Why's cd, hint hint
just razzin ya, take your time. no rush....
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
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MV Mi Amigo

Posted on Nov 22 2006 05:20 AM
I'm actually in the Land of the Rising Sun now (in Tokyo), so if anyone knows anything about local shows for The Whys (or any other bands they thought were cool) I'd love to hear about it.
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
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San Francisco

Posted on Nov 22 2006 09:24 AM
The Whys do have some shows coming up. On Dec 28 they will play in Tokyo on a bill that includes a Surf Coasters reunion.
Check the WHYs myspace page for show dates.
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Posted on Nov 22 2006 05:28 PM
I had heard from Gavin(Reptile records) at the San Diego show. That they had sent him a previous cd awhile back.
do you know anyhting about that, would you be able to get some of those too?
Their previous release was called "Surf Opera" and was CDR only. 6 or so of the tracks on that were remixed and included on "San Jyo".
Jeff, can you convince Gavin to join SG101?
Sorry Ferenc, I missed this post of yours.
thanks for the whys 1st cd info.
I told Gavin 40 times to join sg101 he wont do it, hes one of those lazy sods that likes the yahoo groups, where its sent to him.
but isn't that what the Rss feed does Brian?
maybe one of you can convince him. I give up.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
Posts: 5097
San Francisco

Posted on Dec 21 2006 11:41 AM
I got a small stack of WHYs CDs. I sent notices to everyone who asked for a copy, and I will have 3 copies left after that. If you want one, please PM me. Cost is $14 in the US, and $17 international. Price includes shipping.
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Posted on Aug 01 2024 09:43 PM
I thought it would be fun to give this thread a bump after seeing them at SG101. I didn't see them on the first go-round, but I remember people being hyped on them.
— Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio