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upon walking into a deli in wilmington, nc the other day our ears were greated with the acoustic sounds of two individuals (middle age man and 12 year old kid) playing "secret agent". they played a number of other instrumentals including 'walk don't run' and "hava nagila".

turns out the older man was the younger kids instructor. he said the kid picked out all the tunes and likes dick dale and the ventures. the instructor told me he told the kid he needed to learn some stuff by the shadows and was surprised i knew who they were.

there is hope for the youth of america Wink

Amen to that!! Worship

ask the instructor to play bass and the 3 of you and your son should start a band.
Very Happy


ask the instructor to play bass and the 3 of you and your son should start a band.
Very Happy

yeah Very Happy to bad it's 5 1/2 hours from where i live. we were there for college orientation.

Doh!! never mind.


Welp... I was in Sports Authority today and Walk Don't Run came on their sound system. It took my son to point it out to me, as I was oblivious to it.


My wife and I were walking through a local mall recently when "Pipeline" came on over their muzak system.

She said "hey - they're playing one of your songs". (our band has "Pipeline" in our set).

Not to divert here but I have the most uncanny psychic force to get Chris Isaak music to start playing when I go to any place that has Muzak or other sound systems. I wish I could harness that power. Yeah, he's popular but NOT THAT popular.

Interestingly, a lot of kids cartoons here in Australia have surf guitar tunes playing in the background, mainly original material. I'm not quite sure what the connection is between the surf music and cartoons that have nothing to do with the beach ...and I'm not talking about Sponge Bob, either (which I think is a hoot).

Tim O
oestmann guitar



i walked into a little sandwich shop here today and they had the margarita-ville (jimmy buffet ) XM station on and teisco delray was playing. i don't know the name of the tune but very surfy. i did notice people in there were paying attention to it and the owner (an ex DJ who's a little on the loopy side) was pretending to surf between the tables. then another dull 'beach music' vocal came on and everyone went back to talking amongst themselves.

Balboa Blue by the Marketts in Walgreens last Wednesday.

i was in a deli today and playing was the worst version of 'apache' i've ever heard. i almost didn't recognize it as it had so many horns drowning out the rhythm guitar. it must have been a k-tel recording.

i was in a deli today and playing was the worst version of 'apache' i've ever heard. i almost didn't recognize it as it had so many horns drowning out the rhythm guitar. it must have been a k-tel recording.

It must not have been this version then, it's the bomb.


I was in a Harley Davidson shop in Bristol Va./Tn. today and heard Misirlou, Apache, Surfrider, Journey to the Stars........ oh yea it was because my band The Thunderheads played their Surf party!!!! Thats right loud Harleys and even louder Fender Amps!!!!!! "Surf Long and Prosper"

i was in a deli today and playing was the worst version of 'apache' i've ever heard. i almost didn't recognize it as it had so many horns drowning out the rhythm guitar. it must have been a k-tel recording.

I've been in stores that, for whatever reason, hook up only one channel of their stereo systems. Or the two speakers will be so far apart that you can hear only the one you're standing under.

Or it was really a bad version. I hear odd arrangements of surf songs in Rubio's sometimes.

Ghastly Ones over the intercom at a Party City in Santa Ana...

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Ghastly Ones over the intercom at a Party City in Santa Ana...

what the Hell were you doing at Party city?

looking for more crappy rainbow tiki mugs.


newer dick dale in the background of a mattress ad on the radio.

Well, i guess that some poster had a gig on a strip club or something. I guess that´ll be one of the most unexpected places.

Rubio's Fish Tacos was playing the Insect Surfers once.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

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