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Permalink Recorded new song tonight..gratuitous POG use, Cardboard box

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I uploaded it to myspace. I was pretty much just messing around with the POG and decided to try and record all the parts just using the guitar and pedals. I didn't have any way to do drums, so I mic'd a cardboard box and beat on it. The organ and bass sounds are just the POG. I used my black Parts Jazzmaster for all the parts. I don't have a real recording setup, so I used a cheapo computer mic and free Kristal software. The amp was my Roland Cube 20.

Things get a bit weird in the middle, and I somehow added a couple beats to a measure or something. I didn't feel like fixing it, so I left it. I named it "Nightmare on Meter Street" since I messed up the time. It has a sort of horror/surf feel to it...Pretty rough, but it was fun to record. Cool

Nobody liked my song? Crying

Didn't load

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Strange....Works for me. Even if I'm not logged in.

It loaded for me. I liked it, the cardboard box adds a cool back to basics feel to it, like an old country rockabilly song.

Ignorance in Music is Ignorance in the Soul

no music for me either

Worked for me. Sounded good, good job.

"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I remember pogs. Basically just oversized tiddlywinks if you ask me.

Remember when Alf was on a pog?

Off Topic Sorry

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I promise I'll listen to your song tonight.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

whats a Pog?

my brother used to collect the round pogs, even had a steel diamond plate one, the kind of metal for bumpers on trucks.

oh back to the song,
its uh... ok.
I thought you had a reverb tank?
I can't hear it if so.


oh back to the song,
its uh... ok.
I thought you had a reverb tank?
I can't hear it if so.

Enough about the reverb, Jeff. What'd you think of the melody? Whack Wink

If this is still in question I bet he means POD.

That's the built-in reverb on the Roland Cube 20. Confused

No, I didn't mean a POD. I meant a POG. It's a pedal made by Electro-Harmonix. Stands for Polyphonic Octave Generator. Makes a pretty decent 12 string sound and a cool Organ sound...


Thanks, I stand corrected....


oh back to the song,
its uh... ok.
I thought you had a reverb tank?
I can't hear it if so.

Enough about the reverb, Jeff. What'd you think of the melody? Whack Wink

I'm sorry, there was a melody there?
sounded like a so so backing track that still needed a melody still.

maybe if it had more .............

oh never mind.


It was just me playing around. If I worked on it more it would probably be better. I didn't intend for it to be a serious piece. Rolling Eyes

Like I said, I recorded it through an $8 computer mic in 30 minutes. Thanks for the criticism. Suicide

I hope people aren't this rude to everyone who posts their stuff.

should I lie and say its amazing?


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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 19:53:29

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