
sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
317 days ago

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272 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
256 days ago

GDW: showman
207 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
129 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
122 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
108 days ago

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88 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
39 days ago

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Ferenc, that is nearly on topic. You aren't going to post anything borderline offensive, incredibly cute and entirely off topic?

Ferenc, that is nearly on topic. You aren't going to post anything borderline offensive, incredibly cute and entirely off topic?

With apologies Jake, in the future I'll try to be a lot more useless.

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I thought Canadians were all polite & humble Laughing

Take Off, Eh
Rev Canuck

Canadian Surf

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I love that South Park song! Especially the Anne Murray reference.


Canadian Surf

I wish I had stuck my thumb up my ass instead of reading this thread.

I just noticed Jake that not only did you post a photo of a politician, the photo is captioned with the F-Bomb. Extra demerits for you! RTFM

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I just noticed Jake that not only did you post a photo of a politician, the photo is captioned with the F-Bomb. Extra demerits for you! RTFM

But it was funny...

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He must be American. Si, mi amigo?

Simón, ese.

WARNING: If this trainwreck of a thread veers over the cliff into a political battle, it's gone.




Rick Astley? Now _that's _offensive! Laughing


My work here is done.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.





Was Zak born in Canada?

No, not even close. Laughing

He was hatched.

Really man, these 3 posts are what you've decided to crawl out from under your rock for the last 6 months since you posted? Go back.

There hasn't been any interesting threads in 6 months. you guys are so repetitive and boring with your showman head and jazzmaster talk, this site has become the one at the bottom of the favorites list that you check once a month only to find that it's the same 5 or 6 guys on every thread talking about how good they are and how their gear is far better that everyone elses. I am not saying that is a bad thing, it's just not interesting reading. Sea you guys in march!

Well, to be honest my playing is a lot better and I've upgraded my gear since the last six months. I apologize if you find that boring. But these guys really love my constant updates on how great I am at guitar and my blog on how my tone control pot on my VINTAGE 1966 FENDER JAZZMASTER is reacting to my VINTAGE 1962 FENDER BROWNFACE SHOWMAN played through my 1963 FENDER REVERB UNIT.


There hasn't been any interesting threads in 6 months. you guys are so repetitive and boring with your showman head and jazzmaster talk, this site has become the one at the bottom of the favorites list that you check once a month only to find that it's the same 5 or 6 guys on every thread talking about how good they are and how their gear is far better that everyone elses. I am not saying that is a bad thing, it's just not interesting reading. Sea you guys in march!

I can hardly wait Suicide

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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Was Zak born in Canada?

No, not even close. Laughing

He was hatched.

Really man, these 3 posts are what you've decided to crawl out from under your rock for the last 6 months since you posted? Go back.

There hasn't been any interesting threads in 6 months. you guys are so repetitive and boring with your showman head and jazzmaster talk, this site has become the one at the bottom of the favorites list that you check once a month only to find that it's the same 5 or 6 guys on every thread talking about how good they are and how their gear is far better that everyone elses. I am not saying that is a bad thing, it's just not interesting reading. Sea you guys in march!

Damn i got here late, but....Quien Es Este Pendejo!? haha nah but seriously who the fuck bashes on people for talking about "showman heads" and "jazzmasters" in a forum that is made for that? YOU DONT HAVE TO READ IT!, shit i dont read half the threads on this site unless its something im interested in. But maybe we should talk shit to each other every 5 or 6 months .. now that would be interesting to read. if the Posts are so fucking boring why dont u make one that suits your interests.




Combo Tezeta IG

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yeah that's the kind of posts i dont read haha or if u've noticed. NEVER GET REPLIED TO! haha i wonder why....




Combo Tezeta IG

i was going to catch up on flava flave's latest adventures on VH1 but keep getting drawn back to this thread. heaven help me. Rolling Eyes Wink

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