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Permalink PHOTOS from Clarkston Surf Fest '06 (Post 'em here, folks!!)

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It seems instro surf music and events are few and far between - and I would bet Surf Fest will be on again in '07....but in the meantime:

I know the Surge tends to get gigs at Trader Vics in downtown ATL. I'm sure the Penetrators play around from time to time. El Capitan said they were playing at the Starlight Drive-in Invasion (just missed that one on Labor day). You may want to go to and look up each band that played Surf Fest - they will list their gigs individually.

As for us - we ain't exactly the big time, but we're trying to play out more at events like backyard parties and BBQ's. We're playing up in Ellijay at Apple Arts on the Square on Saturday, Oct 14th. Now THAT is the big time for us!

Also - since you missed Surf Fest - you can watch nearly the entire set of The Surge at this link:

The were the "headline act" at Surf Fest - and got drenched with rain during their first song - so they simply moved the show inside...and put on a great performance. Check it out.

Thanks Geezer...I didn't even know the names of most the bands in the this is a great start. Also, If you guys ever feel like travelling out to the West GA area (Carrollton, GA) to do a show....let me know...I could set up a cool surf/rockabilly show, and would be willing to promote it. I know about every musician in this town, so it wouldn't be hard to put something together, and get some folks in there to hear it...I have a good relationship with several club owners here in town. I think it'd be cool for people here to experience something they're not used to. Just an idea....if anyone would be interested, let me know.....take care, Keary

We'd be totally open to working on the idea of doing some kind of local gig/surf night thing down in Carrolton. (Although I need to look up where exactly that is, I must say).

If you wanted to do a multi-band type surf gig, I'll bet some of the other bands such as The Surge may possibly be interested in playing down ther as well. If you could come up with some more specifics - I'd be glad to socialize the idea around.

If you want to get a better idea of what you'd be getting into with our band, visit and you'll find a bunch of videos of us performing, either live or in my attic "studio". We'd be grateful to open up for some of these more seasoned bands for sure!

Let us know - Rob from SG

We are in the West Georgia area about 40-45 miles from's a small college town, but all the venues have a pretty good draw no matter who is playing. The particular venue I have in mind is an italian restaurant called Mia Bella...we have some lame-o laws here in town, so pretty much every venue is a restaurant...or sales have to be atleast 51% food to alcohol. There are adjoining rooms, the largest of which holds 125-150 people. I could definitely secure a weekend night, and if we could get a decent crowd, the bands definitely get the door if not more, depending on drink sales. I can't make any promises as far as money is concerned, and I'm not sure how important that is to you, I just want to be as honest as possible about the matter. Regardless, this town needs some surf music! Perhaps it would be best to pair you guys with a local non-surf band before we unleash the all out surf spectacular and I could even do an acoustic set to kick off the show, whatever is needed. If you're interested, I'll promote it correctly here locally, and I believe it'll be a smash. I could design a really cool flyer, etc. etc. After I hear back from you, I'll get in touch with the booker, and find out what days are available. Take Care, Keary

Keary, Very Happy We're totally up for it and it sounds like you are as well. I especially like the idea of developing a cool poster - I can assist with any graphics you may need. If you'd like to do an accoustic set before us - or combining us with another local band in some way - both sound like ideas that could be worked out. The Mia Bella scene sounds pretty low key and cool for something like this.

About the $'s - if it would work out where we could recoup some gas $'s and maybe a few beers on the house - we'd be good to go. As long as the crowd is willing to forgive us for maybe missing a few notes here and there - we'll all end up having a great time. We are raw surf, with no rhythm guitarist, baby!

If this still sounds good to you, give us some available weekend nights - probably a Saturday would be preferable - we could start planning this with you. You're welcome to come over and listen to us jam one night if you'd like in the attic - we're over in the Norcross/Peachtree Corners area in ATL. Or, we'd be glad to otherwise meet up with you to figure out a game plan. We can share our set list and play long or short - depending on what works best.

Thanks again - and let us know how you'd like to proceed - Rob from SG.

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