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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Musician »

Permalink the first surf instrumental you learned to play?

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apache! Twisted Evil

Pipeline. I was so proud.

I learned several surf tunes out of a surf guitar tab book that I had bought years ago. But the first surf tune that I actually "learned" on my own by ear was Diamondhead.


I didnt even know it was surf.


image WIPEOUT!!! (Even learn't the drum parts and I don't play drums.)


"Twisted" from the Ventures Twist Party Vol. 2., then "Diamond Head". WDR came much later. Sorry Bob Bogle.

Tequila - bass normal speed (from Play Guitar with the Ventures).

I've only played it with the Ventures so this may not count :).

My buddies needed a bass player since they all play guitar so I decided to pick it up. I'm almost 50 so this is hard work.

I cannot play Walk, Don't Run but I'm working on it. It is fast!

This is a great list of tunes to play. I'll have to start working on Miserlou and Pipeline.

Looking for some jazz and a little libations - js

The Batman theme ha ha ha.
Really, that was the first surf-y instrumental I learned.

Augusto Vite

Not strictly surf but Peter Gunn folowed by DD's version of Hava Nagilia

Pipeline...... Then I wrote Rainy Day Beach

The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

Cool pipeline

Cool pipeline

Yep. Me too.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Secret Agent Man

Probably Karate by the Beach Boys, then something like Miserlou.

sheriff of noddingham
-david marks and the marksmen

Blue Star (not surf, but what a beautiful old instro)
...been playing for 26 years now and am rediscovering music that suits me best - old instrumentals, surf included, but not exclusively (shoot me 8)).

Probably Pipeline.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Wipeout and Hawaii Five-o, I'm learning them right now! Guitar

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Assuming what I do can be considered "playing" the guitar:

"Walk Don't Run" _

xted said:

> Wipeout and Hawaii Five-o, I'm learning them right now!


Try the slow version: "Martine Five-O". It's the last song on the Starbuck's CD.

The Goob_

Pipeline - the Agent Orange Version Razz

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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