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Permalink the first surf instrumental you learned to play?

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I got my first electric in 1966 and like everyone else, WIPEOUT was the first thing I could play on it, along with LOUIE LOUIE, DIRTY WATER and SATISFACTION. Those were the heaviest riffs of the day at my school. When Cream came along we had to learn to solo for 20 minutes.

"Stoked," one of Carl Wilson's instrumentals on the Surfin' USA album.
I think I learned all the instrumental tunes on that record at one time or another. They did tamer versions of Miserlou and Let's go Tripping. This was before I knew who Dick Dale was. It got me going doing the lead guitar thing, though.

I got my first electric in 1966 and like everyone else, WIPEOUT was the first thing I could play on it, along with LOUIE LOUIE, DIRTY WATER and SATISFACTION. Those were the heaviest riffs of the day at my school. When Cream came along we had to learn to solo for 20 minutes.

I woulda hung myself. Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I woulda hung myself. > When you're that high you can put up with a lot. Soloing for 20 minutes is way better than listening for 20 minutes. Here's to the 2:30 song!

Astronauts' The Hearse


was so proud...

hehe These were obviously too difficult for me in my yoot.


I remember making a stab at SLAUGHTER ON 10th AVENUE....and getting it pretty well, but the rest of the band couldn't make it. Understandable.
Same thing with CARLS BIG CHANCE and SHUT DOWN PART 2....

I think I had worked up sort of truncated stripped down (read: easy to play) versions of Sleep Walk and Church Key and Blue Moon, as a yoot, but finally learned them correctly all the way.

diamond head, and i was hooked

Walk Don't Run just like response #1 -

always looking for more tab to learn...

Well in a few weeks this thread will be a year old. I have watched it on and off, for the whole time.
But ya know, I still can't remember the first surf tune I learned on guitar. But it could be almost any that has been mentioned that fall during the 1963-67 time period.
Hey we need a old surfer guy smiley. Groovy

Not surf in the strictist sense but..Peter Gunn

BOMBORA!!!! (The Original Surfaris version.)



Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

"Pipeline", although I didn't learn it quite right 'cause I was working from memory. I still don't play it exactly right, but people seem to enjoy hearing a slightly different version anyway.

Camel Toe Stomp, Bomboras

4 out of 5 people prefer Thee Swank Bastards to nothing.

Pretty much our Summer of '63 songlist:
Honky Tonk
Walk Don't Run
Ghost Riders in the Sky
Forty Miles of Bad Road
Sleep Walk
Hold It
Swinging Shepard Blues
Memphis (really bad)
Wonderland by Night
Theme From a Summer Place
Ram Rod


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

the first surf song i learned without looking at tabs was Scatter Shield by the Surfaris.

wipeout and miserlou went before that, the tabs were so available and i didnt wanna try to do it by ear.

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First surf tune I learned....hmmm.......I was either Pipeline or Last Date from Ventures albums. Now that I think about it I guess Pipeline was first because I had one of those handy dandy Play With the Ventures albums to learn it from.


pipeline! though i think i had a go at misirlou when first starting

I started with Walk, Don't Run and then Pipeline. But, I seem to remember messing around with Wipeout years ago when I first started playing guitar.

Walk don't run (I know, a popular choice) Rolling Eyes
Then some Los Straitjackets stuff - they still really inspire me -

Walk Don't Run ' '64.
....on a massive-necked acoustic Kay, flatwound strings, with a DeArmond pickup in the hole...played through the amp and speaker of a black & white floor model RCA TV set. Cool ....I'm not kidding.... !

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory....

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