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I picked up a copy of this (NM & cheap!) at the Austin Record Convention last weekend


I've got this on CD, but that vinyl sound really kicks it up! Also, picked up a couple of Ventures albums that I was missing in my collection and a handful of cool 45's....

the sadies

Tales of The Rat Fink soundtrack? There live one is really good too. It sucks that movie isn't playing up here Evil Question Exclamation


the sadies

Tales of The Rat Fink soundtrack? There live one is really good too. It sucks that movie isn't playing up here Evil Question Exclamation

It was released on DVD a couple of days ago.

got these a day ago

the fireballs torquay
the best of the tornadoes
the best of the trashmen
the dynamic guitar sound of the clee-shays
the revels intoxica

get coosta mingy!!!

Also, picked up a couple of Ventures albums that I was missing in my collection

I just did that, too--I got On Stage, Where the Action Is, Walk Don't Run Vol. 2 and Super Psychedelics.

I also picked up the Stingers' Guitars A Go-Go LP.



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I also picked up the Stingers' Guitars A Go-Go LP.

I have that one, too. Beautiful cover photo and some nice fuzztones from Mr. Cole.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

well I did buy 6 used cds today for 12 bucks, but I already have them.
But I got them for x-mas presents or to sell to people.....

Boss Martians -13 evil tales
The Cival Tones- Rotisserie Twist
Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited-The Fluid Soundbox
The Aqua Velvets-Radio Waves
Bongo King-Operation Latin Surf
Reverend Horton Heat-We 3 Kings(X-mas cd)

I got a Sword( Stoner rock) promo single
and fromthe show with Infrareds I got a 5 song cd demo from
Rockin' Rose and the Rhythm Boys



that one, too. Beautiful cover photo and some nice fuzztones from Mr. Cole.

Yeah, the fuzz sounds great. How does Vol. 2 stack up in comparison? The cover's not nearly as cool, and some of the song titles didn't exactly knock me out.

Cool stuff just keeps arriving in the mail. Today the two Space Agency albums I ordered showed up--Galactic Vibrations and Kaliedoscopic Sounds.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Surfers Mood Volume 2 on Romulan AWESOME!!! Really great 60's stuff from The Vistas, The Majestics and The Breakers. My new favourite record!

Yeah, the fuzz sounds great. How does Vol. 2 stack up in comparison? The cover's not nearly as cool, and some of the song titles didn't exactly knock me out.

Don't know since I've not heard it. I agree the front cover isn't that hot.


I just got the Blasters album also on Crown which is supposed to be a Jerry Cole project too. 6 vocals and 4 instros. Really good I think and more solid than some other Cole albums on Crown.


My copy is visually near mint but really noisy (fry pan) when played Mad Makes one wonder if the rumour is true that Crown added sand to the vinyl mixture for some of their releases...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Let's see if this thing works ... I picked these up recently:

THE SADIES - Tales of the Ratfink Original Soundtrack
THE MADEIRA - Sandstorm
THE GHASTLY ONES - Target: Draculon


The Whys, of course! I'm loving that CD right now. The first tune is my favorite.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Voodoo Court: "Nuclear Vacation: The Party's Over"


the halibuts 'live at toes'

The Insect Surfers "Lyve in the Valley of the Sun" and
"East West" vinyl E.P. along with an Insects' T-shirt and
sticker. Oh yeah!!!!!
Guitar Rock Thumbs Up Worship

Bob S.


'the utterly fantastic and totally unbelievable sound of los straitjackets' on vinyl

Nice. I've had my eye on that one.

Besides The Whys' album, I also picked up two Civil Tones albums and the "Jungle Exotica" comp, which I really dig.



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Just got The WHYs CD as well!

also in the past couple months:

The Fireballs: Here are The Fireballs (vinyl)

Takeshi Terauchi & Blue Jeans: Let's go Eleki Bushi (vinyl)

Kayama Yuzo & The Launchers: All Of Yuzo Kayama (vinyl)


Besides The Whys' album, I also picked up two Civil Tones albums and the "Jungle Exotica" comp, which I really dig.



Warren, that disc ROCKS!!!! I can't count the times that has been the "mood music" in the Ratmobile while we were en route to shows, and on tour.

"Water... water.... water 'ma gonna do? Somebody ran off with my camel!!!"


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