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"Whatever Happened to Pong?"-Frank Black

"Paddle the paddle to the side to the side
To the side to the side to the paddle the paddle
Paddle the paddle the side to the side
Ball in the machine"

I wish Frank Black hadn't started ... well, sucking. "Teenager of the Year" is just as good as - if not better than - the last two Pixies albums.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Will there ever be a game as great as Shaq Fu?


No, Never.

I've got quite the collection of stuff -- I have an OOOOLD Pong that ran on D-cell batteries and plugged into the TV via one RCA cable. I have a 2600 with a handful of games, an NES with 35-40 games, and SNES with a dozen or so games. Need I mention that all of this is being played on an old console television???


Pong was the business back in the '70's, there was nothing else until along came this weird little game at a sit down console called 'Space Invaders' the rest is history.

I wish Frank Black hadn't started ... well, sucking. "Teenager of the Year" is just as good as - if not better than - the last two Pixies albums.


sort of my feeling also. i also liked a lot of stuff from his projects with the catholics. ('bullet', '666', 'the man who was too loud')

Nintendo had the games but Sega had the Cool

"Sega does what Nintendo doesn't."

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"


Nintendo had the games but Sega had the Cool

"Sega does what Nintendo doesn't."

I thought it was "what Nintendon't"

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

You know, it's kinda sad that alot of these kids that are growing up in this generation are probably never going to play any of these great systems. I mean, the new next gen consoles are going to be ordinary to them.

I am super sweet

Still have my ORIGINAL Atari VCS (aka, 2600) in the room next to me.
It still works. Very Happy

My dad bought it in 1977 or 1978--whichever year it first came out. I
was seven or eight at the time.

Incidentally, try for a way to play classic arcade
game emulations (someone mentioned Xevious earlier). I think that
site still works. I've got a ton of classic (i.e., late 70s/early 80s) arcade
games that way: Gorf, Frenzy, Berkzerk, Donkey Kong, Pac Man (ANd
Puck Man--the Japanese original), Ms. Pac Man, Wizard of Wor, Depth-
charge, Elevator Action, Food Fight (talk about an obscure one!), Frogger,
Gyruss, Jungle King, Mr. Do, Mystic Marathon (another obscure one),
Omega Race. . . the list goes one.

Man, I'm getting old. Crying

BUT, I STILL love my PS2! Gonna wait a while to get a PS3.


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

Incidentally, try for a way to play classic arcade
game emulations (someone mentioned Xevious earlier).

Sorry--it's actually Embarassed


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

I was always a Nintendo kid growing up. One of my friends had a Sega, and I hated it. Just hated it. I could not get into those games. I'll take Mario Brothers over Sonic any day of the week.

I know Shaq Fu enters into this somewhere, too....hmm. Oh well.

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