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i'll start........

We got a wii this Christmas, the kids and their parents are loving it! The graphics are not "next generation" but the interface and gameplay more than make up for it.

Swing! Twang! Shake! Twist!

Wii isn't vintage gaming! Already off topic! Even if Nintendo does offer vintage games for it, they are just emulations. Laughing
I really dislike modern video games, for some reason they just don't draw my attention like 8-bit and 16-bit games do.

I had a NES back in '89 and a Genesis in the early 90s, those were the two consoles I spent the most time with. All those years of bad mouthing the SNES, which you had to do if you were a Sega guy, I've finally gotten a SNES and this thing I hate to say, beats the Genesis.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I had a NES back in '89 and a Genesis in the early 90s, those were the two consoles I spent the most time with. All those years of bad mouthing the SNES, which you had to do if you were a Sega guy, I've finally gotten a SNES and this thing I hate to say, beats the Genesis.

I had all three of those systems back when I was a kid, and I wish my parents didn't trade in my NES and SNES for a sega genesis. I mean, I really liked mine, and there were a ton of great games on it, but I really liked my old nintendo systems.

I am super sweet

Shaun, if anything you can pick up a NES or SNES fairly cheap these days. Hit the flea markets and thrift stores.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Sorry, I missed the word "vintage." Ooopsy.

I still miss my old Atari, which was actually the store-branded console sold by Sears. My favorite game was Pitfall.

Swing! Twang! Shake! Twist!

Shaun, if anything you can pick up a NES or SNES fairly cheap these days. Hit the flea markets and thrift stores.

Don't have any flea markets or thrift stores near me, so I would have to go on the bay to get one.

I am super sweet

My girlfriend got me an Atari 7800 for our 1 year anniversary. The most touching part was that she did her research (we're original NES kids) and said "I wanted to get a 2600".

Too bad it uses the really old antennae connections and I can't plug it into anything without a trip to Radio Shack.

I also found a TI-99 in a thrift store in completely working condition. The game that came with it is terrible though

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

My fav was probably Coleco Vision. Zaxon was the sh*t!

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We got a wii this Christmas, the kids and their parents are loving it! The graphics are not "next generation" but the interface and gameplay more than make up for it.

we have the wii at our house...i like bowling and golf...but i can't get the hang of guitar hero that's a trippy game!

I recently got a plug-into-your-tv-battery-powered-ATARI-PONG-re-issue at a garage sale for US$5.00 !!!

It has: PONG, BREAKOUT, WARLORDS, CIRCUS...and several others!!!
all the great awesome games i can actually play and win...especially when playing against a pro-level 10-year-old PSP, wii, gamecube master...oh the joy of kicking butt at PONG!

I knew investing all those lunch-money-quarters would pay off grandly someday!


Nintendo is vintage? Bah...

We had an Odyssey 2 by Magnavox. Ha. And later my mom won an Atari 2600 in a contest. One of my best friends had an Intellivision. That thing rocked. We once had a boxing match go 18 rounds, and my friend was steadily beating me. He had 99 hits on me, and the next one rolled it over to 0. So I ended up winning. There was much screaming in the basement that day.

We had a TI-99 with a cassette tape drive! Then later got a C-64. That thing had the best games. Anyone play M.U.L.E.? That had the best music on a computer game ever. And it was basically an Economics game! Ivan did you ever see this?

I don't like consoles for gaming now. My kids have a Wii and it is fun, but not like a good PC game. Although I can see a Wii being fun if you had several friends over and a bunch of beer.

I'm hooked on multiplayer PC games now. Call of Duty 4 multiplayer is tons of fun!

And DP, yeah they are making tons of money off those old games again by packaging them as controllers. I was finally able to play my old arcade favorite Xevious again that way. But now they have ported many of those old arcade games to the Wii. It's amazing.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The first one we had only played pong and a variation it called hockey. Man, I haven't thought of that in a long time. This would have been in the 70s. Just black and white graphics too!! Haha, I feel ancient . . .

I wonder which unit that was. I never did get into video games, but that's a fun memory.

boop . . . . boop. . . . boop . . . . (ball hitting paddle.)

we have an original pong game hiding in our attic but only one paddle works Shocked

"Whatever Happened to Pong?"-Frank Black

Will there ever be a game as great as Shaq Fu?


All those years of bad mouthing the SNES, which you had to do if you were a Sega guy, I've finally gotten a SNES and this thing I hate to say, beats the Genesis.

You totally sold out the scene, man.

Seriously, though, I did pretty much the same thing - I was a Sega kid through and through, but one of my old roomnates had a SNES. It's hard to argue with Mario Kart and Pilotwings. I still think Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are two of the best games I've ever played, though. (And still play, thanks to the Sonic Collection for PS2).


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

One friend had a Coleco Vision and another had an Atari somethingorother. We played those for a couple of years before the NES came along. My brother and I have recently been indulging our nostalgia for NES games.

I loved my Genesis, but somebody "borrowed" it and it never found it's way back to me. I had Revenge of Shinobi, Sonic, and Golden Ax. That was like all I needed for months.

For SNES, I have one title: Super Bomberman 2.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Nintendo had the games but Sega had the Cool

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

They were selling an Atari 2600 reissue a couple of years back, called the Flashback 2, which connects to your TV via RCA cables. I have one, and it's pretty neat, if you love Pitfall and some of the classic games that come preloaded on it, I think there's about 50 games total. The thing is that it's not an emualtor, but actually a reissue of the original machine, and with a little modification, can actually be used to play old atari cartridges. I say a little modification, but I've never been brave enough to rip mine open. Anyway, I picked up mine at Wal-Mart for $25.00 two years ago.

The vintage game store near my place has hundreds of Atari cartridges, and a few pong consoles. They also have a few Colecovisions that come through each year. I saw some mention of Coleco, and that console was awesome. We had the Atari adapter and the roller ball and everything. I may have to pick another one of those up one day.

Speaking of vintage consoles, who else played the Commodore 64? I had about a billion games for that thing, unfortunately, my parents threw out my perfectly good Commodore when I went into the Navy back in '93, and man, I wish I still had it.

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