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Permalink Folks in the US, did you hear??? (Absinthe)

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11 Pages!!! Shocked
Just fuckin' get a bottle!!!

LMAO Agree

I third Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation


Of course someone on that forum could say the same thing about us for writing 20 pages on a Jaguar bridge grub screw. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Dec 12, 2007 18:38:54

The long term effects are the danger.

I vote for that being the Lava Rat's next CD Cover!!! Awesome. Laughing

The Secret Samurai Website
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Seriously, that is so bad ass.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Great work Doug! Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks guys. I'd like to thank Manet, without whose help this wouldn't have been possible.

Of course someone one that forum could say the same thing about us for writing 20 pages on a Jaguar bridge grub screw. Smile

Now that is funny Brian,


Has anybody heard from SurfBandBill? I hope he's not nursing a bottle of Absinthe.

I read there was one brand that the FDA didn't like because the label had a monkey beating a skull with two femur bones....I believe it has been approved and is now on my christmas list!

I was at Hi Time Liquor and winery in Costa mesa today gettin me some rum for the holidays, and pickin up some x-mas gifts.

I asked the guy if they had absinthe as it was supposed to be legal today,
and he said they have had it for a month or more.
I think the said they had 3 dif. ones.
but not the one from Alameda.

he said 2 shots and you get a great body rush, tingly all over.
one doesnt need the sugar and water, its fine strait, the other 2 do.
I'll have to wait till after x-mas to get one.

but they are about 50 bucks there.


imageThe long term effects are the danger.

ohhhh.... myyyyyyy................ goddddddddd.......!

Doug, you're my new hero. That is AWESOME!

I just got my best Christmas present!

I did finally pony up and buy a bottle of "Lucid" Absinthe at BevMo a few weeks back. It's good, but the stuff I had in Europe was better. But I'm not complaining -- now I can go to the store down the street and pick up a bottle rather than flying 17 hours. Now that the holidays have died down a bit, I am ready to really take some Absinthe down.

Sorry all for the prolonged absence, but I was busy grading papers and writing papers. Now I'm back on the normal.


Lava Rats practice had it all last night. About 18 PBRs met their demise between the three of us and then it was upstairs for some post rehearsal Absinthe. Oh yeah, we played pretty well also!


drummer-Lava Rats

Oh yeah, we played pretty well also!

How can you remember? Smile

Man, how did I miss that painting? Brilliant!

Well, you gotta remember -- the playing was a bit of an afterthought...

We did rip it up, though, and we've got some new tricks up our sleeve for the coming year...


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