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Permalink S Californians -- is everyone OK (re: the fires, etc.) ??

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This whole situation is simply awful. My heart goes out to those who are having to pick up and leave their homes to avoid these blazes. I can't imagine what it would be like, although what I've seen on the news is pretty unsettling.

Stay safe, everybody.

Outskirts of RSM/trabuco canyon has been given mandatory evacs and my neighbors have received reverse 911 calls. We use cell only so didn't get it. Only land-line is FAX.

Right now they are concerned that the Cleveland National Forest gets going. If it does it could potentially take out rsm, coto de caza, ladera ranch, ortega highway and into rural san juan cap. There is a LOT of dry brush (aka fuel) there and the traffic impact would be catastrophic.

I5 is shut down both ways last time I checked because of Camp Pendleton fire. Marines are ready for evac.

Trying to stay calm and alert-folllow the news as close as we can. Best wishes to fellow SG101ers out there and thanks to those keeping us in your thoughts. Dario

From Goober in Malibu:

Thanks to all for the kind thoughts. Cable has been down since Sunday--no TV no internet. It finally came back up this morning--Charter said some of its fiber-optic lines burned. . We were under voluntary evacuation. The fires came within two ridges, but the LAFD backfired at a ridge near Los Flores and the damn hillside went out! If it had reached our tract, we were certainly toast. A water main broke this morning in Topanga Canyon, so we're staying dirty and keeping our fingers crossed for no flare-ups. News says Malibu is 75% contained. Kudos to those great fire fighters!

P.S: there's a good south swell happening! The Goob.

Having lived in Ventura for 3 months (temporary duty at Port Hueneme, with an Army National Guard unit I was deployed with), back in 2004, I have to say I have a fairly good mental grasp of the scope of this. When they were reporting on the news "Mexican border up to Santa Barbara," I was like holy !!! Shocked Gotta call one of my aunts in Ft. Worth, soon, to find out how an aunt in/around Rancho Santa Margarita is fairing. My prayers to all of you out that way!


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Over a million evacuated!
The moon was out nice and brown last night. No smoke over Ventura today for a change.

Hang in their SO-CAL Surf friends you are in my prayers!

satellite images from nasa

Hope everything is fine with SG101ers and families in SoCal.

Best wishes from Brazil.

how are you friends...

we hope the fire will finish soon...

Are you find Ted, Jeff ,Tena.etc..etc... so cal Surfguitar friends...??'

we are watching the fire on tv and is horrible...

All our hearts with you...

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Alfredo, I think that everybody we know is ok, but its hard to tell just now, have to wait and see till everything is out.



OK........I'm ready for this to be over.

The fire turned away from my sister's house, thankfully.

I'm sick now. All the smoke and ash is getting to me.

The local school district has shut down for the rest of the week because some of the schools are in burn areas, are emergency sites, or are just experiencing bad air quality.


I took this photo on Tuesday:


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

thanks jeff..
estamos muy preocupados!!

we.ll need to listen god notice about So cal as soon as posible..


With you...

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

are you find Tena....I,m Happy for this!!

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Thanks for the concern UF!

Once again, our home is safe! However, evacuation areas are much closer than the fires of three years ago. We have a family of in-laws staying at our place since they were evacuated earlier today (they are just a bit further north from Rick's place). The air is filled with smoke and ash... heavier at times and in various places. It can be very eerie at times.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes


"I see your hair is burnin'
Hills are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar"

Are yu well?....

University is all rigth too?

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

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