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Permalink S Californians -- is everyone OK (re: the fires, etc.) ??

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reading back East the horrible stories of all the fires in Southern California

thought a quick note, with some prayers, was in order

let's hope this all gets under control real real soon


I heard that the Clint Beachwood household might have to Evacuate, and that Rick from Rickshaw records was about 100 meters south of the evacuation line. Hope it stays that way.
good luck to everybody near the fires.

I had to go out to work for 2 hours today,
I feel like I smoked 2 packs of cigs.



Thanks for the concern UF!

Once again, our home is safe! However, evacuation areas are much closer than the fires of three years ago. We have a family of in-laws staying at our place since they were evacuated earlier today (they are just a bit further north from Rick's place). The air is filled with smoke and ash... heavier at times and in various places. It can be very eerie at times.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes


"I see your hair is burnin'
Hills are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar"

Yeah, thanks Freddie. San Diego is a wreck right now. We're just watching the news which is completely stressful. No work today. Probably no work tomorrow cuz my work is in Rancho Bernardo which got tore up really bad. The problem is that there's really no way out of the city right now. So we're just sittin' tight, waiting it out. Stay safe Clint. Hope all ye San Diegans are doing well!!

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cheers to you so cal folks. my friend has been evacuated.

my city of gainesville burned this year. smoke and ash for days.

All of our SoCal friends are in our thoughts and our hopes for a speedy end to the fires.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Even here in Surf City there is lots of wind, smoke & ash in the air. So much so, it is not very enjoyable to go outside. It must be miserable & scary for those closer to the fires. It's stunning to watch this on TV.

The Pyronauts have many friends in San Diego and SoCal, thinking about all of you, stay safe!

Paul The Pyronaut

From the SOFLA contingent, our thoughts for your safety and prayers for a quick end to the fires go out to you. From what we see over the news, Superhero efforts are being displayed by all those firefighters!!


Thoughts and prayers are with you all, I just can't imagine what it must be like to have that scare.

I'll second what everyone else said. Ran, Hans, Clint, all others affected hang in there. Patrick of the Madeira and his wife live in Vista, only about 7 miles from Escondido where a major fire is raging. We heard from him last night, and they didn't have to evacuate yet, but it's obviously possible they'll have to at any time. Looking at the footage on the news it looks absolutely apocalyptic. Very scary.

Good luck to you all, and we will hope and pray for the best.


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Last thing I heard from Tiki Tena was her nose was bleeding from the dry winds and ashes… Hope she’s alright!

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

The Santiago fire (about 10 minutes from us) has burned over 15K acres thus far. I spent the entire day yesterday moving a bunch of Gomez Amps' inventory into deep storage-enhaling smoke along the way.

The fire there was sparked by an arsonist and me thinks it's the same b***hole that lit up Laguna long ago that really left a lot of damage. We are suspicious he/she may try and go for somewhere south of Santiago Canyon so we felt best to move a ton of parts and completed amps to be safe just in case.

Wind gusts have been in excess of 50 mph here in Rancho Santa Margarita and may pick up later today-who knows. It's bad.

I feel bad for all those affected.

Best wishes to fellow SG101ers out in this hell.

We've been in a voluntary evacuation area since yesterday afternoon. We've had a couple of the reverse-911 warning calls. The fire isn't really all that close, they're being extra safe. The ash is unbelievable. It's so dark you'd think it was going to rain. One of the evacuation centers is just a few blocks away from me so I'm sure I'm pretty safe.


A native to SoCal the 1 thing and I mean only 1 thing I hate and don't miss is the Santa ana winds this time of year "Santa Ana winds you suck eggs!!!" warm dry fall season.

My prayers and thoughts are with you my friends
Jason Lee, Clint everyone!!!


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Good luck everyone and be safe. My thoughts are with you as well. I couldn't believe what I saw on the news this morning either.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Kristena, told me last night that her sister was having to evacuate, so she was helping her move some important stuff.

I am no where near any of the fires, but alot of the pools that I clean are. goona be F**d up from the dirt/dust/and ash, not looking forward to this week.

I agree with Kyle, Santa Ana winds suck.

my mom had a nose bleed too.



Stay inflammable!!!

Stay Safe Amigos!!!!

The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

Last edited: Oct 23, 2007 16:24:43


Thanks for the nice thoughts. My wife and I live in western Encinitas which borders Olivenhain and Rancho Santa Fe. Our area currently is designated "voluntary evacuation".

My car is packed with the important stuff: my best guitars (including my workhorse Fender Strat and Gibson Nighthawk), all my basses, and a few select (small) amps and stompboxes. A lot of other gear will have to be left behind (incl. my G&K bass amp head/4x10 cab, drums and recording rig). My wife's car will carry the other important (non-music) stuff. We're set to leave if so ordered.

It's a hell of an inconvenience, but the alternative is worse.

~ Jonathan/LBoP

Thanks for all the well wishes. My wife, son, and I took off this morning around 5:00 and headed for the center part of the city (Clairemont) because there was major activity in the east county where I live and we didn't want to wait around. We packed the bare necessities including my AVRI Jazzmaster and Strat. We've since returned home because things look to have settled quite a bit in my area. What really sucks is that you can't really get any sleep cuz you want to stay on top of things in case things take a turn for the worse.

The situation is improving in some areas, but still very dire in others. My thoughts go out to all of you that are in harms way!!

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