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Permalink Larry Collins...Dick Dale inspiration?

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This was over on Facebook. The relevant bit start about 10 minutes into the video. Check out the proto-surf style picking!

Deke Dickerson (is he on here?!) said

"This is so great to see! I have been talking about this for years, but nobody seems to believe me. This is a completely true story… When Dick Dale was a Rockabilly singer in the late 1950s, he dated Lorrie Collins, and Larry told me that dick dale would show up at their house in Van Nuys and ask Larry to show him licks on the guitar. Larry’s style has always been more double picking (with the elbow) the Joe Maphis’ style of flatpicking (at the wrist). I have always said that Larry Collins is the true inventor of the surf double picking guitar style…Dick Dale copped it from him (and of course, used a Fender guitar, added reverb, etc.) this clip pretty much proves this theory is correct!"

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

Good grief! Lil' Larry was rippin' it. Great commentary from Deke, and totally agree with the 'supporting evidence' (to a GREAT story, btw! You'd never hear Dick cop to being taught the guitar ropes by another 'kid'). I mean, look at that left hand over the low E fretting at ~11:23. Not sure I'd say I thought Dick (or perhaps even Larry) invented that move (probably not), but to see Larry play Malagueña like that and to know how much Dick does (did) that same showmanship move live. Hard to argue the influence and timing.

Neat post and great footage! Thanks Matt Thumbs Up


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

I don't think Dick ever dated Lorrie. My understanding is that he was always hot for her but she wasn't interested.

Check out the July, 1981 issue of Guitar Player magazine. There's an interview with Dick in that issue where he claims he had a lesson or two from Larry Collins and that he had met Larry and Lorrie on Town Hall Party (where he played trumpet for a short time).

Then, there's this. Although this isn't dating evidence, something was going on at the time this photo was taken.


Last edited: Nov 03, 2023 20:35:43

Oh Dang! I stand corrected. Dick does give credit to someone else teaching him guitar. For anyone wanting to buy the edition, they are on Ebay. Good or bad, one seller also posts pictures of the main articles.

For ease of reading... (right click, open in new window for full zoom/scale if in-line isn't working for you) (Sorry, something wonky going on with file upload of images)

PS - Dick Dale in SHORTS Shock Shock Shock



El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Last edited: Nov 03, 2023 19:11:03

Confused Source file is 1600x1110. Not sure why it won't upload w/ any higher resolution... None


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Larry is an absolute MONSTER. MONSTER!!

Bango Rilla!

DiPintos, Fenders and Reverb (oh, my!)

The GO-GO Rillas
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That’s an impressively fast right hand.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Thanks for posting that video. What type of guitar was Larry playing? - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

Thanks for posting that video. What type of guitar was Larry playing?

Mosrite, most likely.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I clicked this post expecting wild speculation, got so much more. Nothing to add, just loving it!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

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