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so i finally worked up enough money for a cabinet and head. i just bought an empty 2x12 and two 12" weber california speakers and ive decided to get a vintage bassman head. the silverface bassmans seem to be selling for much lower on ebay, are there any problems with silverface bassmen? i know silverface usually go for less but they seem to sell abnormally lower with the bassmen. also i know its best known as a guitar amp, but how is it for bass?

I have a 1967 Silverface Bassman 50. Had it since 1983. New tubes in it twice, and a capacitor job (finally) last year. It's a trooper!

I currently use it as my surf guitar amp, but originally I played bass through it for about 5 years...a Mosrite bass...

It sounds pretty decent for bass in a small venue or recording situation, but 50 watts is pretty meager when it comes to outdoor gigs and larger halls, it won't keep up with a Showman nor a loud-ass mic'ed drummer. Also, I didn't want to chance loss or injury to the head anymore: I switched to a 300/100 watts Gallien Krueger bi-amp rig for bass playing gigs nowadays. Modern bass amplification simply sounds better to my ears...more clean power. And it's way easier to replace if something goes wrong.

But, as a guitar amp, I still drag the Bassman out to gigs and sounds so sweet, and is extremely reliable. And, I use the Bassman in the DaveStudio. Like you, I use a homemade 2X12 cabinet.

The only problem I would watch for is if someone messed with the internal wiring attempting some sort of lame-ass mod back in the day. Many Bassmans had their circuitry modified by wanna-be Ted Nuggent's back in the 70s and 80s...some have presence circuits installed, some have had their channel circuitry messed with in an attempt to emulate Stevie Ray Vaughn or something. I'd also be wary of the so-called "Blackfaced" mods...another lame attempt to increase gain aimed mainly at the Blues crowd...some may like it, but I am not fond of mods when purchasing a vintage Fender Amp...if any modification is going to happen, I want to be the one in charge doing them!

If it's simply a nice clean Silverface in good condition, I think you'll be very pleased.

You might want to try some NOS GE 6L6 tubes in that Bassman, if you buy the Silverface Bassman...those GE tubes sound great to my ears!

good luck,

Holikujak, my bassist and I were shopping for a new head for him to play in our band and settled on a Bassman 100. They're silverfaces made in the early 70's. They have great tone and the extra power you need for bass, and are very reasonably priced. Check on Harmony-Central for more info.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

yea i was actually jsut looking at those, i like the added midrange control and preamp/master volumes, and after a quick ebay search they still look pretty affordable

I like Dave am one of those SF bassman adepts - best value for money imo. it will sound absolute killer with those webers!!

I've played through the 100w bassman as well - I dig it for bass (right volume, great sound, straightforward) less for guitar. I 'd buy it If I needed a double dut amp, but for guitar I prefer the 50 watter. changing powertubes is cheaper too.

on the mods - if you have (a friend who has) experience with a solder gun and ams, don 't woryy too much about mods, unless they are dramatic (like when they felt they should drill hole in the chasis - that's a sign of no respect for vintage amps!) - most are easily reversable. I agree with Dave though, an un-modded one is preferable.

the lack of mid control is not really a problem as far as i 'm concerned. the thing sounds good, why worry. however, would you feel the need, the circuit is the same is with a midcontrol, except for that the mid 'control' has a fixed resistor instead of a pot - it's set at about 7, but it's changing it to a different value is very easy (one easy to solder resistor) ... completly reversible and not likly to bring down the amps value - i've considered trying it just for tinkering's sake, but I haven't got to it yet.

one thing - there's many (slightly) different bassman circuits, generally speaking the older the better. however, stay away from the 70w or 135 watt versions - they suck for guitar. also, but here opions may differ, I'd prefer the version without a master volume.

last piece of advice (again, opinion really, but please, someone, back me up Wink ... whatever budget you have, reserve a $150 or so for a tech overhaul in the first year. maybe your new baby will be A okay from day one - chances are, it might need or at least benefit a lot from one or more of the following: -rebiasing -capjob - new preamp tubes - new output tubes (always rebias)

imo a $400 with a decent tech going over it, will in most cases sound way
better than a $600 amp 'as is'. of course, ymmv


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I agree with wannes...a visit to the tech is worth every penny.

when I first bought my Bassman, all it needed was new tubes and a bias.

after about 15 years of play, it was ready for some new capacitors and more new tubes and re-bias...

way, way back, I had a three-prong grounded power cord installed...

you get the idea.


NICE! just won the auction on my new 66 bassman!



hey! hey! THAT'S one nice Basssman 50 you got there! The AB165 Bassman circuit is sweet sounding (it's in my '67 Silverface, too!)...

looks like you got yourself one clean mean surfing machine!

I bet you'll be absolutely stoked when it arrives!


ps: don't forget to take that amp in to the shop for its first check up...that way you'll get years and years of hassle-free sonic bliss out of her!

yea, im in the process of sending all my stuff in for their yearly checkups so this will be next!

hey! hey!...The AB165 Bassman circuit is sweet sounding (it's in my '67 Silverface, too!)...

Ummmm, DP, silverface amps were introduced in '68 - '67 Fenders were all blackface. What gives?


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hmmm... I don't know...

I checked the production codes inside on the paper tube chart sticker...

it's an AB165 circuit... "PB" Fender Musical Instruments tube sticker...Production "16"...serial number on chasis: A 36073

...wherever I got my info, those codes seemed to match 1967 or so...

Maybe I got bad info somewhere along the line...

oh well, its has Silverface cabinet and faceplate...I always thought there was overlap between Blackface and Silverface production and distribution in '67/'68...

but again, I could be wrong Wink


I think I read something like this while attempting to date it:

"Fender Tube amp codes-1953-1970: (look for a 2 letter code stamped on the tube chart inside the back of the amp)- the first letter is the year, and the second letter is the month of manufacture. For example an amp stamped NA would have been made in Jan. of 1964. Here is a list of the first letter showing the year of manufacture.

A-'51, B-'52, C-'53, D-'54, E-'55, F-'56, G-'57, H-'58, I-'59, J-'60,
K-'61, L-'62, M-'63, N-'64, O-'65, P-'66, Q-'67

A=Jan, B=Feb, C=Mar, D=Apr, E=May, F=Jun, G=Jul, H=Aug, I=Sep, J=Oct, K=Nov, & L=Dec"

Since mine was a Silverface "PB" (Feb '66), I assumed it was an early "crossover" from approximately 1967 or so...It's basically the Blackface AB165 circuit/chasis in Silverface cabinet and cosmetics...

but, then again...maybe it's from the 70's???

any authorities on this one out there???


NICE! just won the auction on my new 66 bassman!

very very cool holikujak! congratulatons! looks like a great deal too, I'm not an expert on US priices, but I've seen them gone higher up on ebay.

DP, Ivan, I'm not an expert for sure. I always understood that even the authorities don't always consent on the dating thing. I look at the trannies and a rough estimate is good enough for me. somebody might have put on the wrong stamp, the wrong chart, it might not be the original cab.

anyway, this is c/p'ed from the ffg 'fender amp timeline' (while in the model descriptions, they put all the silverfaces as 'from 1968 to ...'):

Fender begins the transition to new "Silver Face" cosmetics.
Seth Lover of Gibson is hired by Fender.

Fender changes the entire amp line to the "Silver Face" cosmetics.
The Bandmaster Reverb is introduced.
The Bronco is introduced.
The Dual Showman Reverb is introduced.



Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

DP, your date stamp of PB would put the amp at February of '66, and there's definitely no way that silverface amps were made at that point.

I looked at the Fender Amps book, and there IS an ambiguity there that I hadn't noticed before. So, silverface amps may have been introduced in '67, though it does say in one point that the "blackface amps were available at least through the last month of '67". So, the two may have overlapped somewhat. As far as the Bassman, it says the following: "The '69 catalog, really the '68-'69, finally showed the new silverface models with 'blue' grille cltoh and aluminum trim. This theme was introduced on the solid-state line in the summer of '66, but would not be used ont he tube amps till more than a year later."

So, it's possible you have a very early silverface model - but I'd say it's more possible that the cab and the electronics are actually different pieces - your cab is a '66 and your electronics post '68. Like Wannes said, you should check out the transformers and see what dates are on them.


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...So, it's possible you have a very early silverface model - but I'd say it's more possible that the cab and the electronics are actually different pieces - your cab is a '66 and your electronics post '68. Like Wannes said, you should check out the transformers and see what dates are on them...

the problem with the transformers is that they may (or may not) be an original component...

I need to learn how to read transformer codes...that would help with the ambiguity and confusion.

thanks, Ivan, this is an interesting thread!


I need to learn how to read transformer codes...that would help with the ambiguity and confusion.

thanks, Ivan, this is an interesting thread!


nothing to it


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I didn't check transformers yet...but I found a site that supplies chasis serial number with year corelations:

Bassman AA864, AA165, AB165 (blackface)
A00100 to A03800 - 1964
A03800 to A15000 - 1965
A15000 to A25000 - 1966
A24000 to A33000 - 1967

Bassman AB165, AC568, AA270, AA371 (silverface)
A32000 to A40000 - 1967
A39000 to A49000 - 1968
A48000 to A58000 - 1969
A58000 to A60000 - 1970

Mine is A36073...

looks like that falls into 1967 Silverface territory.
again, tube chart reads Feb '66...

Fender surely built tons of chasis', stuck them in inventory, and installed them into cabs later...1967 was the crossover year, so it's plausible that a 1967 chasis was mounted in a '66 box...and given the Silverface treatment.

now I am really curious about those transformer codes!


transformer number reads "606 740"

according to UncleSpot...the "7" stands for the last digit of the production year (1967), the "40" stands for the week of production (40th week)...

i think the DaveAmp is a '67 Silverface Bassman 50.

NICE! just won the auction on my new 66 bassman!

did the amp arrive yet?!?!?

the suspense is killing me Shocked

haha nope, i live in DC and the amps in california so it shouldnt be here untill tuesday or wedsday

transformer number reads "606 740"

according to UncleSpot...the "7" stands for the last digit of the production year (1967), the "40" stands for the week of production (40th week)...

i think the DaveAmp is a '67 Silverface Bassman 50.

Cool, DP. I should mention that often the transformers are a fair amount earlier than the actual amp. In my January '64 Showman, two of the transformers are from the middle of '63 and one even from '62! So, even though your tranny is from '67, it doesn't necessarily mean that the amp is from '67 - though when taking the chassis serial number into account it does appear to be one of the very first silverface Bassmans (albeit in a '66 cab).


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