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Permalink Picks 2023!

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I know there is a sticky post already , but wanted a fresh take on a few picks…

It seems that a lot of people say that the Dunlop Gels are the shit and sound very close to the og tortoise shell picks of yore. The only problem being that they’re brittle and break easy.

I read that some like the Cool picks , while others prefer a wide variety of others…

Does the pick really influence your sound? It may be because I’m an intermediate player , but I’ve tried probably 2 dozen picks and I notice very subtle differences between a couple of them , but not enough to make me prefer one over the other.

With that said , what picks do YOU play with and WHY?



Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 16:28:55

I like the purple Dunlop Tortext guitar picks. I go with the ones that fit my style of playing - they are grippy enough that they don't slip out of my fingers, and fit what I like in the range of flexible to stiff.
Grip and flex are the two main variables that count in my mind. Having a cool color is a bonus.

I still use these, guess for 15 years or more. Cannot find anything better, simple, durable, nice grip. Also I find this form more convenient.

I don’t think it influences the sound (at least when you don’t play with Mexican peso)

Finding a right pick for you is more about attack control, steady fast or slow picking and comfort for you personally, as we have different hands, fingers, hand positions, attack strength and other.


Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

My preferred Dunlops are the Hetfield Custom Flow White Fang (Ultex) and the Big Stubby (Nylon), both in 1.0 mm. They're easy to grip and both have a nice, bright sound. I don't usually like nylon picks, but the Big Stubby is somehow different.

I love these Planet Waves 1.00mm Duralin wide picks:

Duralin wide

Why does there need to be another thread for this? Now people are posting to both, lol.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Time to lock er down Brian!


Brian wrote:

Why does there need to be another thread for this? Now people are posting to both, lol.

I just figured I’d make a new post because I find that posts in sticky posts don’t get nearly as much views as a new post.

basically a way to reinitiate discussion in the age of FB and Instagram, since the other Pick post is from 2006 , before FB and Insta took over…..

Figured it wouldn’t hurt

if this isn’t allowed then delete it or whateva…!

Brian wrote:

Why does there need to be another thread for this? Now people are posting to both, lol.

Also, I had questions about specific picks

Padraig wrote:

Time to lock er down Brian!

Or merge em! It's silly to have two.

Daniel Deathtide

Whenever you bump a thread it becomes visible on the home page and via the "Show Topics With Unread Threads" feature (see here).

You are right in that stickied posts don't seem to get read. Big Grin

I let my friend Jeff get away with it (or rather I just gave up) when he starts 40 threads about the yearly convention / festival. Laughing

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

A single sticky thread about important and commonly discussed topics makes for one-stop shopping when looking for information about that topic. This thread - - explains the entire rationale for this approach, with which I totally agree.

One of the very best things about this forum is that this 'one sticky thread' approach makes it real easy to find discussions about the most important aspects of surf guitar. I see no reason to subvert that, or allow it to be subverted. I am one of the chief moderators on the Steel Guitar Forum, and we constantly find ourselves searching for and directing people - especially new people - to relevant threads about the most important and constantly discussed topics. I am thinking we should adopt a similar approach to the one here.

As far as picks go - there is not a lot new in picks, especially flat picks. Most 'hot new ideas' in picks are mostly micro changes. I think it would be reasonable to start a separate thread if there was, actually, some seriously novel pick idea. It does happen every once in a while, but in my experience, mostly in thumb and finger picks. Flat picks come in different sizes, thicknesses, materials, shapes, and other relatively minor design differences. But a flat pick is a flat pick, and that seems to be the massively dominant approach in surf guitar.

Also, I had questions about specific picks

And the perfect place to ask about specific picks is on the pick thread.

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