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Permalink Any Squier Bass VI Lovers?

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My Bass VI was a boring basic black so I refinished it myself with Rustoleum Glitter Blast followed by 6 or seven coats of Kustom Canz 2K clearcoat.

Last edited: Jul 19, 2023 20:01:25

Fronkensurf wrote:

My Bass VI was a boring basic black so I refinished it myself with Rustoleum Glitter Blast followed by 6 or seven coats of Kustom Canz 2K clearcoat.


How is the paint holding up?


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 16:24:18

Thanks Weird OH84 and TQI.
The clearcoat is a really hard finish with a catalyst/activator in the can. You pull a ring on the bottom of the can to release it. It's kind of like opening a can of Guinness. I did it last week so I can't yet speak for its durability, but it's just like it was sprayed out of a gun. Sweaty outdoor gig tomorrow night, so we'll see.

I'm waiting for decals to arrive in the mail. I didn't want to put a Fender VI decal on it and I couldn't find a Squire VI decal, so I bought a Fender VI decal and a Squire Stratocaster decal and I'm going to cut them up to make a Squire VI decal out of them.

Fronkensurf, do you use your VI as a bass or as a baritone guitar in your band?


Up until recently, my band has always been a trio. But a few months back we added another guitar and keyboards, so I'm still finding the best places to use it. Right now I use it on 1 song as a sort of tic-tac bass, tuned E to E. On another song I solo, ala Glen Campbell Wichita Lineman. Going forward we plan to integrate it more and more. It's pretty thunderous when played through my 2x12 National Glenwood amp. Especially with flats!

The whole family.

The Whole Family:


Cool set of guitars, for sure. But inquiring minds want to know: What's that up on the wall next to the Jaguar?

Micro-Frets Stage II!

Beautiful Squier Bass VI refin (and your other guitars, too)!

Here's my Squier Classic Vibe Bass VI in Lake Placid Blue w/ matching headstock that I bought from Chicago Music Exchange. Only mod I've done to it so far is get an aftermarket mint green pickguard.

Loving it!



The doofus formerly known as Snorre
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World Famous Philistines: 2014 - 2015
K39: 2013 - 2014

Last edited: Jul 20, 2023 13:35:13

Love the gold sparkle! Did you strip it first? Or just scuff up the poly?

Here I am playing Eastwood Outlaw on my Squire Bass VI with The Surge. It's tuned E-E and sounds great with heavy La Bella Bass VI round wounds, and thanks to the Stay Trem bridge, Collett and vibrato bar system, it intonated right away, stays in tune and is a lot easier to play.


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Surf_Skater wrote:

Love the gold sparkle! Did you strip it first? Or just scuff up the poly?

I just wet sanded it with 320. I used the black poly as a basecoat.


The decals arrived today. I couldn't find a Squire VI decal, but I could find a Squire Strat decal. So I combined it with a Fender VI decal. Not perfect, but not faking it either. A lot of guys use Fender VI decals which I think is a little suspect...

It's not like anyone else has a gold sparkle VI!
My recent Gretsch is silver sparkle so naturally I really love both your guitars.
Nice and flashy for when you are on stage!


Last edited: Feb 01, 2024 13:26:42

Padraig wrote:

Fronkensurf, do you use your VI as a bass or as a baritone guitar in your band?

Fronkensurf wrote:

Up until recently, my band has always been a trio. But a few months back we added another guitar and keyboards, so I'm still finding the best places to use it. Right now I use it on 1 song as a sort of tic-tac bass, tuned E to E. On another song I solo, ala Glen Campbell Wichita Lineman. Going forward we plan to integrate it more and more. It's pretty thunderous when played through my 2x12 National Glenwood amp. Especially with flats!

This is a question for the ages. I’ve loved the VI for many years, but finding a place for it in a band can be tricky. I keep mine tuned E-E, and spend most of my time in the middle of the VI’s pitch range, unless there is specific room in the arrangement to use the lower range. However, the place I like the VI best is as a low melodic instrument.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I love my Squier Bass VI. It’s a tobacco burst, and I have no plans to paint it. I’m going to leave it stock. I think it would be interesting to have a band with no actual bass guitar, but use the Squier in place of the traditional bass section. The way it distorts is quieter than a regular guitar, but thicker than a bass. You don’t need to add extra fuzz to get it to break heavily. I think that opens the possibility for some unique timbres in a 3 or 4 piece band.

I like my Squire Classic Vibe Bass VI Out of the box it was a hot mess. A lot. There was little I liked about it beyond the concept. Upgrading it to my satisfaction was a journey. If you want to check out my video series on the upgrades, here's the playlist (which reminds me, I still need to do the final follow-up video of what it sounds like now!)

I used it on two tracks for my upcoming EP, to play bass parts that were difficult for me on a traditional 34" scale four-string bass, so all the effort was definitely worth it.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

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