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Permalink Sign up list for SG101 member jam at the 2023 sg101 festival

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Is there a lineup yet for the Sunday jam?

Saltwater310 wrote:

Is there a lineup yet for the Sunday jam?

There is no lineup as of now. Seems to be little interest for this go-around. List your instrument and which song(s) you'd like to perform.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Insert crickets here


Here’s a crazy idea. Since we have 2-3 guitar players, a drummer and bass player committed, why don’t we just pick 10-12 songs and see if we can pull it off with no practice. It could be awesome or it could be a total train wreck. Either way, it’ll be way more entertaining than hearing a DJ kill time before the next act.

That is, of course if everyone is cool with it.

just a thought.

Tiki wrote:

Here’s a crazy idea. Since we have 2-3 guitar players, a drummer and bass player committed, why don’t we just pick 10-12 songs and see if we can pull it off with no practice. It could be awesome or it could be a total train wreck. Either way, it’ll be way more entertaining than hearing a DJ kill time before the next act.

That is, of course if everyone is cool with it.

just a thought.

I've thought of that already but was waiting to see if there was more interest as we get closer to the festival.

It's a fantastic idea if all the players are willing to "go the distance" haha —


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

TheFintastics wrote:

Tiki wrote:

Here’s a crazy idea. Since we have 2-3 guitar players, a drummer and bass player committed, why don’t we just pick 10-12 songs and see if we can pull it off with no practice. It could be awesome or it could be a total train wreck. Either way, it’ll be way more entertaining than hearing a DJ kill time before the next act.

That is, of course if everyone is cool with it.

just a thought.

I've thought of that already but was waiting to see if there was more interest as we get closer to the festival.

It's a fantastic idea if all the players are willing to "go the distance" haha

Well, it’s just over a month away. If people want to step up, they should do it pretty soon…

So here’s another crazy idea. Let’s just say that everyone is cool and we move forward with this idea. How about instead of us picking songs, we put like 50 in a random generator and have it spit out a dozen. Just to make things even more fun. Lol


Tiki wrote:

TheFintastics wrote:

Tiki wrote:

Here’s a crazy idea. Since we have 2-3 guitar players, a drummer and bass player committed, why don’t we just pick 10-12 songs and see if we can pull it off with no practice. It could be awesome or it could be a total train wreck. Either way, it’ll be way more entertaining than hearing a DJ kill time before the next act.

That is, of course if everyone is cool with it.

just a thought.

I've thought of that already but was waiting to see if there was more interest as we get closer to the festival.

It's a fantastic idea if all the players are willing to "go the distance" haha

Well, it’s just over a month away. If people want to step up, they should do it pretty soon…

So here’s another crazy idea. Let’s just say that everyone is cool and we move forward with this idea. How about instead of us picking songs, we put like 50 in a random generator and have it spit out a dozen. Just to make things even more fun. Lol


Yea, that's a pretty crazy idea for sure.

I'm definitely not into learning multiple songs that I'll never play again except for one time. With no rehearsals.

Without enough members throwing out a list of songs they already know, there may be not enough common songs between everyone to put on a 45 minute jam.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

I would be up for jumping in on just about anything, but Sunday I'll be in and out due to connecting w/ local family, & those plans aren't totally set yet - and the guitars are staying back in Chicago... then again, that might just give me a good reason to buy another one, like last year



With Sunday, July 30th only 33 days away, I'd like to place a deadline for anyone wanting to sign up for the member's jam.

If you're wanting to perform one or two songs, please list:

1: The songs you want.
2: Your instrument.
3: If guitar, rhythm or lead.

Let's wrap this up by Sunday, July 9th.

If we can get 9 songs or so, that'd be great. (My selections are listed earlier in this thread).

We need more guitar players!


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Hi guys! My name is Vince and I’m really excited as this is my first time attending the festival. I would love to take part in the member jam and the 2 songs that I would like to play lead guitar on are Surfin’ Spooks and Mysterion by The Ghastly Ones. Also am I supposed to bring a guitar and carry it around on Sunday? Thanks. Also I have the bass and drum tracks for anyone that wants to learn them by ear Smile

JetBlackVince wrote:

Hi guys! My name is Vince and I’m really excited as this is my first time attending the festival. I would love to take part in the member jam and the 2 songs that I would like to play lead guitar on are Surfin’ Spooks and Mysterion by The Ghastly Ones. Also am I supposed to bring a guitar and carry it around on Sunday? Thanks. Also I have the bass and drum tracks for anyone that wants to learn them by ear Smile

Hi. I’m Phil. I’ll play bass for both of those songs. I’ve played them both before in bands previously.

I would like to play bass on the following two from Gellert’s (TheFintastics)list:

Red Sunrise (love that one!)
Just Like Heaven

I’m available to play bass on any others as well.


Today is the last day to sign up for the SG101 Member's Jam.

So far, we have these seven songs that people want to play. Moving forward, we need people to chime in with their choice of instruments and songs they want to perform on stage.

  1. Red Sunrise - Space Cossacks

Gellert - lead guitar
PhilTiki - bass
ScottyBravo - drums
Available - rhythm guitar

2.Everybody Up - Fender IV

3.Margaya - Fender IV

Jimbones - lead guitar
Available - drums, bass, & rhythm guitar

4.Just Like Heaven - The Cure

Gellert - lead guitar
PhilTiki - bass
ScottyBravo - Drums
Available - Rhythm Guitar

5.Surf Rider _The lively Ones

Saltwater310 - lead guitar
Available - Drums, Bass, & rhythm guitar

6.Surfin' Spooks - The Ghastly Ones

7.Mysterion - The Ghastly Ones

Jet Black Vince - lead guitar
PhilTiki - bass
Available - drums & rhythm guitar

Please chime in if you would like to support these 7 songs and which instrument you'd like to play, thanks Smile


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: Jul 09, 2023 18:55:37

This may be the perfect time for some gear showcase items




What font is that?

Social Media

Dunno, Artist Fred Lammers did it




I'm still down to cover any drumming spots that aren't claimed.


ScottyBravo wrote:

I'm still down to cover any drumming spots that aren't claimed.

I can do the unclaimed bass parts as well. If needed.


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