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Permalink Sign up list for SG101 member jam at the 2023 sg101 festival

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Hey all,
Happy to announce the return of the member jam,
Chime in if you want to play a song.
it will be at 12:15 on Sunday July 30,
At the SG101 festival, day 3.


I could post a bunch, but I'll stick to two tunes I love... I'd be stoked to have someone join me on Everybody Up & Margaya (a la Fender IV). I'll do lead!

The Men in Gray Suits (Montreal, Canada)
Facebook: The Men in Gray Suits
Instagram: The Men in Gray Suits

Last edited: May 01, 2023 15:02:57

I would like to play any song, rhythm or lead guitar, it doesn't really matter. I'm a fast learner Big Grin

Edit: The 21 songs below are ones I know well. I can do either lead (L) or both rhythm and/or lead (B).

1) REEF BREAK - The Atlantics B
2) BATMAN - Los Choppers Version B
3) JOURNEY To The Center Of The Surf - The Madeira B
4) BI0METRIC Data - Irradiates B
5) PIPELINE - The Ventures "Live version" B
7) FLIGHT Of The Surf Guitar - The Atlantics L
8- MISIRLOU - Dick Dale B
9) RUMBLE - Link Wray L
10) NITRO - Dick Dale L
11) WIPEOUT - The Surfaris B
12) SHE Loves You - The Beatles B
13) RED Sunrise - Space Cossacks L
14) TWO Guitars - The Mustangs B
15) RING of Fire - Johnny Cash (The Surf Lords Cover) L
16) PARANOID - Black Sabbath (Amphibian Man Cover) B
17) HAVING An Average Weekend - Shadowy Men On a Shadowy Planet L
18) HOT Box Car - Shadowy Men On a Shadowy Planet L
19) WALK Don't Run - The Ventures B
20) MAGNETO - Messer Chups L
21) APACHE - The Shadows version L

I just did a YouTube interview with Ryan Hagerty (from Pi Records) in case people want to associate a face with my presence here on SG101 Big Grin


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: May 03, 2023 16:52:27

I'd like to be part of this but I can't play any song in a fashion that you could tell what I was doing. I will be the guy clapping for everybody who can. Smile

Bump this dead fish


If anyone else would like to participate, please throw your hat in the ring. I can coordinate everyone's requests, songs, and instruments if that's cool to give Jeff a break from this function.

Right now, all we have are myself and JimBones on guitars. We need a drummer (or several) plus some bassists. With 35 to 45 minutes allotted, that'd be good for at least 10-14 good surf songs.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Let’s say 9-10 songs
Because of change over and tuning.


I'm in for whatever.


Yay. I was hoping you’d chime in Scotty


You know I'm always down for the Member's Jam, Jeff! Big Grin

Glad to see Gellert back, now where are the other regulars...

Maxx?? Don??


Many people left SG101 for social media sadly


Anyone else want to participate?
At the very least, we need a bass guitar player.
Current count, 2 guitarists and 1 drummer.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Come on people


Hey everyone. I’ll play bass. Especially for Just Like Heaven!

Btw, I’m up for anything else as well. I’d hate to see the Member Jam disappear due to lack of interest.

let me know.

Alright! We have a committed drummer and bassist. In a surf GUITAR forum & festival, there should be no shortage of guitarists.





Question: this will be the first time attending SG101. If I want to participate then obviously I bring the JM but do I have to schlepp my amp too?

Saltwater310 wrote:

Question: this will be the first time attending SG101. If I want to participate then obviously I bring the JM but do I have to schlepp my amp too?

No schlepping of amps are necessary. There will be a full backline of drums, bass amp, and two guitar amps for everyone to use.

If you know which song or songs you'd like to perform, list them and we'll try to get all the musicians in place willing to join you on them. Thanks for asking a good question.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Surf Rider by The Lively One's

Last edited: Jul 03, 2023 20:25:03

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