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Permalink Jim Messina interview for "A Day at the Beach" podcast (#166)

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Thought I should start a new topic to announce this special podcast. There has been a rumor running around the surf community that Jim Messina (Buffalo Springfield, Poco, Logins & Messina) is not proud of his surf music days back in the 60's with Jim Messina and His Jesters. Not only is it a bad rumor but nothing could be further from the truth.

About a week ago I got on the phone with Jim and his high school friend (and former Jester) Ron House. Jim was quite happy to discuss his high school days and how The Jesters helped kick start his amazing career.

There are many threads here on SG101 that discuss Jim and the band. I had lots and lots of questions for him but I pretty much let the interview run its own course. The interview runs about 45 minutes then I play a few Jesters songs at the end... theirs and covers.

Jim was very gracious and friendly. Hopefully this will end all rumors that he does not like talking about his "surf" days. Enjoy!

Listen to the podcast here:

Check out the playlist and more info on the podcast here:

Here's the thread to all my playlists here on SG101:


WOW!!! Listening now. This is FANTASTIC, Clint. THANK YOU!

Worship Worship Worship


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Very cool! Thanks.

He also has plenty of pics of the old Jesters days on his website, to further dispel this odd myth.

Thanks for doing this Clint! I really enjoyed it!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Thanks Clint,

my opinion,
Jim wandered into post surf territory too much.
But I expected this ahead of time.


Thanks for doing the interview, Clint!

It would have been great to learn more about the mystery of the different recordings and the song titles, but some things are just lost in time.

(I must admit, that I'm a little baffled by some of the statements and the attitude in the interview, especially the part about Dick Dale, but that just shows how different perspectives can be outside the bubble of the surf music community.)

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

I'm glad you were able to get this.

Me... not so lucky. I spent about a $1,000 to rent a hotel room, equipment and crew to get an interview with him.

Then he refuses to sign the release. Nice guy!?!?

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

A truly excellent job, Clint, I enjoyed the interview a great deal, and I think we all learned more than a few things about the Jesters, many of which were really cool! A bit frustrating that Messina did easily veer off to talk about non-Jesters things, but probably not too surprising. Inviting Ron House was EXCELLENT, I think it added a lot to the entire interview since Ron's memory of those days seem to be often better than Jim's, and sometimes they seemed to trigger each other's memories, too. Anyway, thank you for doing this, Clint, you've performed a true service to the surf music community!

(Tom, I can't believe what you wrote above!! Wow, that's just.... unbelievably crappy! I'm blown away. Mad No Here's deeply hoping he changes his mind.)

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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

For me, not surprisingly Big Grin , the Messina money quote : "The Stratocaster has always been, I think, a great guitar for playing lead on surf music. The Jazzmasters were great for doing rhythm, but they weren't really great instruments to play the double-picking on, they didn't seem to have the physical coupling that the Strat did, and neither did the Telecasters, so it just worked out great." Cool

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: May 03, 2020 14:54:37

Just finished it - great interview Clint!! Thanks for putting this together!


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

Looks like he's seen the light and switched to maple fretboards!

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

This was interesting Clint. Thanks for putting this together.
I found the Dick Dale comments to be REALLY interesting. Especially considering some of the luke warm soft rock styling of Loggins and Messina put out at half the age of an aged Dick Dale.

I would love to see Jim play some surf again tho as to he was tops at that at such a young age. Technically and sonically he's tough to beat.

Also I have never heard that second version of High Voltage without the whoops and car sounds. It's a different take entirely with a different chord progression!

Are all the takes different on the 1982 reissue?!

Sorta embarrassed by that as to the Aquanauts titled their first album after that song!

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Last edited: May 04, 2020 18:26:37

I think we all owe you one, Clint. That was a big get. I'm impressed that Messina recalls some of those details...the names and places, the scene at that time. Also yes, no dismissal of those days--or even bitterness because of the disappointing way his album was treated--just more of a live and learn sort of attitude. Why should he when he went on to a lucrative career and fame?

I almost couldn't believe it when he said he thinks about getting some people together to play surf music again and is interested in hearing modern covers of his Jesters songs. I suppose like Clint alluded to, I had been conditioned to believe that he wanted to forget he ever did that stuff.

I have a bit of a different take regarding his remembrance of Dick Dale. He might have taken a different view about his lack of energy at the show he saw had he knew Dick had a long standing battle with cancer. But I also hear a man remembering the hero of his youth in his prime and feeling frustrated at the feeling that he could be so much better. From what I have seen on video DD could be a little spotty and sloppy in those days, and he may have seen one of those shows. He also had times when he was "on", like the live radio show on KEXP about 10 years ago.

Thanks again Clint and for speaking up for SG101 and asking the questions we wanted to.

"Yang Bu" wasn´t a title chosen by the group but was an expression used at the East Coast. Quite interesting!
In the book Liberty Records by Michael "Doc Rock" Kelly from 1993 (Paperback 2014)I read that
The Ventures recorded so many songs without having a title and so the members of the group went into the Office at Liberty Records and asked some of the ladies there for a proposition of a title. Then they decided if it was good and should be used.

Last edited: May 05, 2020 00:12:11

BillAqua wrote:

Are all the takes different on the 1982 reissue?!

Bill, as far as I know, the tracks on the reissue are all different takes with notable variations in the arrangement and not just different mixes.

There are actually two different reissues, which use these alternate takes without the car noises. There are some more details, including the different track sequences in this thread:

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Thank you Clint Smile

simoncoil wrote:

BillAqua wrote:

Are all the takes different on the 1982 reissue?!

Bill, as far as I know, the tracks on the reissue are all different takes with notable variations in the arrangement and not just different mixes.

There are actually two different reissues, which use these alternate takes without the car noises. There are some more details, including the different track sequences in this thread:


"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

This was a coup! Great job; learned a lot about both guys that really brought home a lot of the early surf days for us East Coasters. Messina has great comedic timing. Quote of the interview

pp - "Audiences walk away remembering having a good time, bands walk away remembering not getting paid"


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Man has ruled this world as a stumbling demented child king long enough! And as his empire crumbles, my precious Black Widow shall rise as his most fitting successor! - Vincent Price from "The Spirit of the Nightmare"

Thank you everyone for the nice comments. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the final interview. After listening to it MANY times as I edited out all the "hmmms" and "ya knows", etc., I wish I would have kept the conversation a bit more focused on "surf". I do not foresee a follow up. I feel fortunate to have gotten this one, I don't think I'll push another... unless Phyllis hits me up again. Smile

I've interviewed lots of guys in the surf world but never anything like this. I'm glad he was willing to do it. Thanks to John Blair for the idea of adding Ron House to the interview. I think that put Jim (or Jimmy as Ron called him) much more at ease talking about topic. His publicist was really the driving force behind doing the interview. She contacted me well over a year ago when I played a Jesters song then posted the playlist on Facebook... tagging Jim. My follow up conversation (back then) included the rumor of Jim not liking to discuss his surf days... that the lack of any mention of the Jesters on his website only bolstered that hearsay. Shortly after that conversation The Jesters were on there.

This virus lock-down has had a tremendous negative impact on all of us but if it wasn't for this I'm not sure if the interview would have ever happened. (I recall something about lemons and lemonade... whatever.)

Thanks again.

Great interview. Saw Messina July 2012. Maybe downplays Jesters days, cuz
hard to maintain the intensity of those tunes (great that night, but not at Jesters level, which listening to House suggests was 'speeded up'). Interesting comments about Dick Dale, who I saw a number of times, and have my thoughts on the last years he was on the road.
Clint Beachwood offers some great context on Dick Dale that appears Messina, House were not aware of.
Again, thanks for getting and posting the interview, fab.


Last edited: May 12, 2020 21:27:08

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