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Permalink RIP Dick Dale

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image I went to experience (see, hear, feel) the king last December in Malibu. After the show there was no merch table and no autographing. I brought my DD strat just for this occasion and approached Lana as she was stepping off the stage and told me to hang tight. She came back and waved me in to a nook in the back of the restaurant where he was talking to a small group of 5 or 6 guys when she said pull up a chair. We are all family here. DD spoke mainly about the "beat" and where it originated while Lana filled me full of DD trivia. For 2 hours I sat there in awe. He made eye contact with me many times as if to say "thanks for not toying with your cell phone like these squids are" The show started at 10:00 p.m. and we didn't leave till 2:00 a.m. it was a night to never be forgotten. Before signing my strat he looked it over and mentioned that his did not have a tone knob like mine and said when you get this out into the sunlight the sparkles will change colors but it's probably illegal in California (he really said that!!) As many have said before, he and Lana were exceeding grateful to and accommodating to his fans (even a nobody like me) Dick touched me for the rest of my life and I am forever grateful to this electrifying but humble man. Rest peacefully. I mentioned to Ivan P. on f/b that whenever he decides to record a new album, I will ship this guitar to him for studio use. We can only hope someday soon..........

"Here's to the man who drinks dark ale and goes to bed quite mellow. He lives as he ought to live and dies a jolly good fellow"

The Tentakills are bummed. RIP DD, you kicked ass!


Hal Blaine and Dick Dale in one week Cry Very sad.

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Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

Many good radio memories of the Jim Pewter Show on AFN in Bremerhaven, Germany in the early 1970s.
I was only once at a concert of him, his first gig in Germany
at the Markthalle in Hamburg on March 26th, 1995.
The bad news keep on coming which means that we are now the
"old men"!!
R.I.P. Dick Dale!!!

Last edited: Mar 18, 2019 01:57:16

R.I.P. Dick. Your playing and sound were some of the main reasons I started to play guitar.


The Dead Planet Surfers

RIP & prayers for Lana. No other words really.
Thanks sincerely for stoppin' by, Dick.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

The King is dead. Long live the King!

guitarist, The Mobsmen

Pretty Epic write-up by the BBC. Imissed the Live5 interview. Anyone have a link to it?


RIP Dick Dale and heart felt condolences to Lana. His music and sound is the reason why I started playing the guitar.

aqualadius wrote:

Pretty Epic write-up by the BBC. Imissed the Live5 interview. Anyone have a link to it?

Here's the full 15-minute interview with Ron Eglit, Dick's bass player from the '80s and '90s, from last night on BBC Radio 5 Live, done kinda low-tech (a phone pointed at my computer), but it sounds pretty good:

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The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Mar 18, 2019 11:07:41

It's been years since I've posted here, but I had to drop by and pay my respects. I am grateful to have seen him live several times, and got to talk with him and personally thank him for everything his music has meant to me. He was a gracious and sincere man who valued and appreciated his fans.
He was probably the musician that had the biggest impact on my own guitar playing, along with Link Wray and Lonnie Mack. All three are gone now.
RIP Dick Dale.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Sad day...R.I.P. Dick Dale.

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Damn, just logged in and learned about this. I'd always just assumed that DD would outlive us all. In his own way, I guess he will.

RIP Dick Dale. We'll all miss him. And thanks for bringing us Surf Guitar!

aqualadius wrote:

Pretty Epic write-up by the BBC. Imissed the Live5 interview. Anyone have a link to it?

You may be able to find it on the BBC iPlayer.

Man, this one was tough to wake up too. First Hal Blaine and now Dick Dale. Dick was not only the King of Surf Guitar, he was also the King of Cool! Motorcycles, hot rods, surfboards, airplanes, boats and martial arts along several firsts in the music industry.

RIP Mr. Dick Dale you will be missed!
My sincerest condolences to Lana and Jimmy. Just know he was a Great Man!

R.I.P. Dick Dale:The King Of Surf Guitar..Thank you for everything...

RIP, Dick Dale, and thank you for getting me hooked on Surf!

Man, this one was tough to wake up too. First Hal Blaine and now Dick Dale.
Yes, and André Williams, too, just to rub it in. He may not be Surf, but I got hip to him about the same time I got into Dick Dale Cry

Of course it's alive, you cannot make music with dead Muppahones! -- Marvin Suggs

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