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Last edited: Jun 22, 2021 18:06:02

D22, thank you for sharing this! Wow!


Deke Dickerson's 2008 Guitar Geek Festival.
Previewing songs from El Dorado.

Last edited: Jun 22, 2021 23:19:28

I went down the JCW rabbit hole during the pandemic. Incredible talent, tone, and style!

The Geek fest set is a bit of a tough watch, though there are some moments. I feel like he may have intended on playing a longer set.

In case any of you are interested, my book on Jimmy Wilsey, who was a friend of mine, “Wicked Game: The True Story of James Calvin Wilsey,” will be published on June 1, 2022. I was a senior writer at Rolling Stone for a decade. The book can be pre-ordered now from HoZac Records and Books. I am donating 25% of my royalties to Jimmy’s teenage son Waylon Wilsey. I hope this is ok to post. I just though some of you would be interested.


Thank you for the info


I'd love to read that book!

MichaelGoldberg wrote:

In case any of you are interested, my book on Jimmy Wilsey, who was a friend of mine, “Wicked Game: The True Story of James Calvin Wilsey,” will be published on June 1, 2022. I was a senior writer at Rolling Stone for a decade. The book can be pre-ordered now from HoZac Records and Books. I am donating 25% of my royalties to Jimmy’s teenage son Waylon Wilsey. I hope this is ok to post. I just though some of you would be interested.

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Currently the book is featured on the HoZac Records and Books website. Glad you are both interested.

MichaelGoldberg wrote:

Currently the book is featured on the HoZac Records and Books website. Glad you are both interested.

Pre-order placed!
Really looking forward to this - Jimmy was an amazing and totally unique talent.

Bill S._______

A must buy for sure!
Any chance it will appear on Amazon soon?
It would save me on tax and shipping costs a lot.
Cheers, Andy

This book is also available through Bandcamp, where the listing states "edition of 500, 92 remaining".

This looks to be an interesting read. There but for some common sense, self discipline, and some even temperament go I.
What makes talent like JCW implode? Perhaps some answers are in this book.
J Mo'

That video was a difficult view and listen. The author has the annoying habit of clicking his tongue/teeth constantly. The radio host has a drop of spit hanging on his upper middle lip off his overgrown mustache. Jesus!
As for Wilsey and the dope "reasons" by the author. - BALONEY.-
Lots of kids traveled a lot and didn't end up junkies. And someone might have told Jimmy that taking heroin doesn't really help in the long run with clinical depression.
These artists and their dope in their latter years are hard to take very seriously - be they Tom Petty or Wilsey. You have to be pretty stupid when you're in your fifties to be taking hard drugs. And that's all - just plain stupid. The guy had a liver transplant from the abuse he put his body through and he still didn't get the message. You can't fix stupid
Be that as it may -
I like the Deke Dickerson vides with Jimmy. His playing was fairly easy to learn and copy - just add reverb. I still listen to Wilsey's only album. The CD is hard to find these days and hence, pricey.

Quite a flash in the pan. Wonder what he'll do in the afterlife if he can't have dope.
J Mo

Sadly, many talented people seem to turn to substance abuse. While I endeavor to be compassionate, it still comes down to making a choice.

Emily Remler was a great jazz guitarist, and was building a successful career, but died of a heart attack at the age of 32, most likely, this was a result of using heroin and dilaudid. Drugs can be very harmful, and addiction is a prison.

I met Joe Pass, in the late ‘70s, and even though he had long since overcome his addiction, there were still artifacts that revealed he had been harmed by the heroin he had taken, more than 15 years earlier.

The best cure is not to start in the first place.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

The vid was posted just to provide some background info on the rise of Jimmy, Isaak, and Silvertone. I thought the info was cool. The substance stuff is always sad. I am not endorsing the content in vid as historically accurate. I just wanted to share someone's experience in the hopes we can appreciate Jimmy's musical talent.

Last edited: Jun 10, 2022 00:10:45

D22 wrote:

The vid was posted just to provide some background info on the rise of Jimmy, Isaak, and Silvertone. I thought the info was cool. The substance stuff is always sad. I am not endorsing the content in vid as historically accurate. I just wanted to share someone's experience in the hopes we can appreciate Jimmy's musical talent.

It’s just sad to see how many talented people fall to drug abuse.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I'm a huge fan of JCW. His Isaak stuff was great, and his solo stuff is even better. I had the pleasure of meeting him and chatting with him at one of the SG101 conventions a few years ago. I need to dig through my photos to find the one of him and I. I didnt want to bug him, as my fanboy tendencies wanted to, so I kept our convo kind of short. I wish I could go back in time and spend even just a few more minutes with him.

I picked up the book and am a couple chapters in. I find the writing to be a bit chaotic at times: the author seems to jump around the timeline a lot. Not that I was expecting (or desiring) a linear biography, but it really is kind of all over the place so far.

But the subject matter itself is very fascinating. The author does convey pretty quickly how badly Jimmy's addiction issues caught on so early, and even though we all know the story's terrible ending, there is an urge to continue on regardless.

The book is much larger than I thought it would be. It will take a while to get through (my days of devouring books weekly are behind me), but I'm committed to finishing it, even though I have little interest in The Avengers stuff.

Thanks for posting that vid, Dario. That's one I haven't seen.

RIP Jimmy

Last edited: Jun 10, 2022 11:04:48

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