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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
326 days ago

dp: dude
307 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
263 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
247 days ago

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198 days ago

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120 days ago

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113 days ago

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Best insanity I've seen on SG101 in years. Perhaps any possible future intervention by you on this thread can wait until I finish my popcorn.
J Mo'

And it all started with MJ12 and The Bilderberg meetings, right?


JohnnyMosrite wrote:

Best insanity I've seen on SG101 in years. Perhaps any possible future intervention by you on this thread can wait until I finish my popcorn.
J Mo'

I think that Roosevelt and Mussolini could show up at any moment. Roosevelt actually owns Gibson and calls the shots from a secret bunker he's been hiding in since 1945, right in Warm Springs, Georgia. If GC fails, Mussolini is going to open a chain of discount guitar stores that always open on time. (There's an obscure reference, if one ever existed.) Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Music is CONTROLLED, it does not follow "business models" and trends are directed and controlled. Just as Hollywood is controlled as to the scripts for movies

Yea, be careful you don't fall off the edge of that flat Earth.

OnedinGiraldo wrote:

It is all cyclical. Music, instruments hold a different place in every generation, does not mean it does not have value or is not important, just not as prominent as it might have been in previous generations. With the amount of "things" vying for ones attention in this day and age, this is not a shocking trend. For those of us who were around prior to the internet, playing an instrument, playing shows was the perfect form of expression, but that does not necessarily hold true today. A Mac Book, software and I can produce my own music in the comfort of my own home. As a 13 or 14 year old, what would you choose?

Cyclical is a convenient go-to term when one does not understand the scope of the push to mold and change the psyche of human beings using art and music.

When wanting to control the size of a human brain also includes keeping from them great artistry while pushing to the lime light mediocrity so they won't be able to tell the difference of what "great" musicianship/art is, one has to wonder why talent is being hidden and derailed.

Granted one can construct music in their own homes but factor in that you will most likely be relegated to your home and never will your art see the light of day certainly not by major record labels because unless you are willing to posture the narrative these record companies have been made to push, you'll be a never-was while some guy pushing DJ buttons on stage at an ULTRA SERIES rave is making more money than your parents and grandparents made in their entire lives.

It has less to do with trends and more to do with agendas to circumvent the appreciation of art and music until trash is art and art is trash.


This "Ketchup on Canvass" piece went for $50,000,000.
Cy Twombly's "untitled" from his Bacchus Series fetched $46,437,500 at a Christie's auction last year 2017.


To do as I've mentioned.

Rewire your brain to believe this is "great art!"

And the people who bought this piece of c**P are there to make sure it happens.

I'm positive they did not spend the money because they thought this was a work (easily done by a 3 year old) that is cutting edge art.

Do you think this art piece says anything other than looney tunes daffy duck meets elmer fudd-ish mindwarpage?

maximumsurfandroll wrote:

Music is CONTROLLED, it does not follow "business models" and trends are directed and controlled. Just as Hollywood is controlled as to the scripts for movies

Yea, be careful you don't fall off the edge of that flat Earth.

Now I understand my uncontrollable urge to buy Rap. Fortunately, I've been able to resist it so far, but you never know.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

maximumsurfandroll wrote:

Music is CONTROLLED, it does not follow "business models" and trends are directed and controlled. Just as Hollywood is controlled as to the scripts for movies

Yea, be careful you don't fall off the edge of that flat Earth.

Yeah "beam me up Scotty" make sure the transporter does not leave your cerebellum on Pluto.

Sniff, sniff, is that haggis still ok?

Your countryman got prison time for a measly youtube joke, that was nothing out of the ordinary that Monty Python's John Cleese and Charlie Chaplin did years before in their own skits.

Where's the hate there?

All's right with the world, eh.

Flat earth is a ruse to discredit people using a rabbit-hole to discredit the media they use to promote such idiocracy.

Not the same thing here.


Last edited: Mar 23, 2018 16:38:59

Dragonsurfer, you are the smartest asshole I've ever come across on this site.

Stormtiger wrote:

Dragonsurfer, you are the smartest asshole I've ever come across on this site.

So can I assume that you Stormtiger are a smart asshole too??

Well, I can be an asshole at times. If I was smart I sure wouldn't post to this thread.

Stormtiger wrote:

Well, I can be an asshole at times. If I was smart I sure wouldn't post to this thread.

Well then your version of "smart" must be:

MEMETICS, big print and pictures.


So are you posting because you're dumb? Or ?

Last edited: Mar 23, 2018 17:17:29

I think you've already demonstrated that you're a smart ass, I need no further proof. Now you're also just an ass. Stupid me, I came here for surf guitar, my mistake.

Stormtiger wrote:

I think you've already demonstrated that you're a smart ass, I need no further proof. Now you're also just an ass. Stupid me, I came here for surf guitar, my mistake.

Oh I see, so to YOU, anyone with a good hold on reality is a smart ass?

Yeah figures...


Funny how the OP's thread was about a major music corporation going belly up and some no-pants-Lance steps up to upchuck all over it adding nothing to the mix except a drunken mindwash wipeout..

Last edited: Mar 23, 2018 17:31:30

What a low blow! I am SO offended. How can I go on. I see you are not so smart as to avoid making sweeping generalizations and making false assumptions. But you are very good at being a complete asshole, you must put a lot of work into it. But I made the mistake of pretending to care what you think. My apologies.

Stormtiger wrote:

What a low blow! I am SO offended. How can I go on. I see you are not so smart as to avoid making sweeping generalizations and making false assumptions. But you are very good at being a complete asshole, you must put a lot of work into it. But I made the mistake of pretending to care what you think. My apologies.

And you did not do the same with your "smartest asshole" sweeping generalization without an iota of comprehension of the information?

Yes you are correct.. it's your mistake. Let's wait for you to make more Mr. Fallacious argument spewing ad hominem without a clue snappy comebacks.

That tail you're chasing must remind you of your home-life.

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