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Who here has had a hernia in the upper abdomen? I'm curious as to what my post-surgery recovery time is going to be, as we have a gig scheduled 20 days later.

Some specfics. My scar from a previous operation to take out some tumors in my chest has reopened on the inside. The surgery isn't going to be lapriscopic, and the previous scar is going to be reopened.

Any info would be appreciated.

Perhaps they could roll you onstage in a hospital bed. Wink You know I kid.

I'd do it.

Im sure your Doctor will tell you otherwise but what the hell man , its rock and Roll! Id say dont move around too much and youll be alright.

Haha good luck!

Seems like everyone I know that has had any surgery lately was given a standard 2 month recovery, but they all recovered well before that.

I heard recovery is 19 days, 23 hrs and 59 minutes - so you'll have a minute to spare. GET A ROADIE TO MOVE YOUR GEAR and then enjoy the gig. Good luck with it all.


I won't be carrying my own gear until maybe sometime in October. I don't want to risk anything.

You're a kid, you'll heal in no time. ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Let's see. I broke my arm on March the first. Had a plate screwed in on the 6th, and played guitar on the 7th, and I'm a old guy.
Soooo with you being a young guy, I would say a little o'l chest operation should have you down,,,,, say four days maybe five tops??

My best wishes to you Jake.

I am not a doctor neither do I play one om stage.. come to think of it, I don't play on stage anymore.


Speedy recovery speedy recovery all the best Jake Cool Don't you go haulin' those Dual Showman cabs with 15"s Wink travel lite Guitar


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I had a hernia surgery when I was two years old. My mom said that I was running around after a day or two. I guess age does make a difference.

Gonna depend entirely on you Jake... Do you have the self control to not push it before the show, and to not jump around like this Monkey during the show. Playing your guitar isn't what's going to be limited. A good test is to ask your doctor about "light traveling". If light traveling gets the green light, and you can manage to stand relatively still while playing, you should be able to gig...

I can only tell you what I encountered. I had my hernia operation at the end of last month. Ouch!!! but within 2 weeks I felt a little better (I was off pain meds)and decided to travel. After a week of traveling I got my incision infected so I had to lay low for a full week and take antibotics. (I am an idiot to travel so soon) It has now been almost a month and I am able to get out and resume all normal activities (even with the 1 week setback)
My doctor will not let me go back to work for another couple of weeks but he said I have absolutely no restrictions.
I hope you have an equally sucessful recovery!

Thanks Trode, that is exactly what I was looking for.

After a week of traveling I got my incision infected so I had to lay low for a full week and take antibotics.

Hence my suggestion to ask about "light travel". That really seems to be code for "yeah, you can go ahead and rest less, spend more time on your feet, and raise your heartrate a bit, but don't get stupid"

I will do no travelling after the surgery as the new Harry Potter book comes out several days later and I am risking no chance of having the book spoiled. I'm honestly going to turn off all my computers and TVs 3 days before.

if your off of work, for recovery time, how come I have not seen you down here for shows???

I can only tell you what I encountered. I had my hernia operation at the end of last month. Ouch!!! but within 2 weeks I felt a little better (I was off pain meds)and decided to travel. After a week of traveling I got my incision infected so I had to lay low for a full week and take antibotics. (I am an idiot to travel so soon) It has now been almost a month and I am able to get out and resume all normal activities (even with the 1 week setback)
My doctor will not let me go back to work for another couple of weeks but he said I have absolutely no restrictions.
I hope you have an equally sucessful recovery!


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