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Permalink The 427's are Coming!

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This topic was automatically created to discuss the news story The 427's are Coming!.

Dig The 427's! Album "Mavericks" is lots of fun.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Those guys? They're just a bunch of rats!

This thread was about to sink into the oblivion pit so I uploaded this picture of a really cool car. Hey there 427s! Shut em down!!!


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube


Forgive me for a comment about another band on the bill. I need to check out the 427's, I had not heard them/you before.

I couldn't help but notice The Delstroyers are also on the bill for this show. They arrived here a little while back to some pretty decent (deserved!) fanfare. Seeing them on the bill got me wondering what they've been up to lately (anything more than the initial EP?)

Looks like I've got some interwebz research to do!

Anyhow, have a great show over there! Share some video if you get the chance ; )

PS - I'd recommend updating the thred title, or creating a new post in the Show Announcements forum that includes date, location, bands too.

\m/ \m/


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Well damn. That was easy... Listening now Thumbs Up


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Fady wrote:

Forgive me for a comment about another band on the bill. I need to check out the 427's, I had not heard them/you before.

I couldn't help but notice The Delstroyers are also on the bill for this show. They arrived here a little while back to some pretty decent (deserved!) fanfare. Seeing them on the bill got me wondering what they've been up to lately (anything more than the initial EP?)

Looks like I've got some interwebz research to do!

Anyhow, have a great show over there! Share some video if you get the chance ; )

PS - I'd recommend updating the thred title, or creating a new post in the Show Announcements forum that includes date, location, bands too.

\m/ \m/

I'm happy to report that The Delstroyers are alive and well and that we've been head's down chipping away at a full-length that will be out in a few months. Here's a thread posted a while back with some photos:

The Delstroyers studio photos thread


Skins for The Delstroyers

Last edited: Apr 22, 2017 14:48:20

I usually do not miss the SouthBaySurfStomp down at Suzy's over the Memorial Day weekend, but this year I had made plans to be in Seattle. I was thinking about checking out the 427's, but what decided the issue was meeting a couple at a show on Fri who are from Calgary (a non-surf show, tho they looked like the sterotypical rock-a-billy folks). I took it as a sign to stay for the Darrell's show. Viking Surfers are 2/3 female (bass and drum), women do all the talking (not sexist, just fact). Nice job of 'surfin' up trad Norwegian folk songs'. Delstroyers very natty in their red and back outfits, you can tell they've been working on polishing up their chops. 427's totally blew me away. CA (Canadian) bands always seem to have a special charm, and these guys (and gal, "hi" Eve Hel) have it in spades. The CD is great, but their LIVE performance was X5 more. They borrowed pedals and stomp boxes from the other two bands, I've never seen a band do this. Maybe it was me (or an unstable stage), but I kept hearing that 'kick the amp' REVERB surf sound all night. Here's hoping they make an extended trip back to the states (they came a long way for a radio live-mic and ONE show, about as far as I drove from SF). My only warning is they keep a close eye on their passports, they may just excite people down here who will try to steal them so they can't leave the USA!!!

I was on their FB page, I got all sorts of excited when I saw they have a show coming up in LA (SHOUT), but that's Lethbridge, Alberta-June 9@Slice Bar and Grill, you luck folks, you). I should have checked their FB page so I could have caught them on KEXP last Fri.

Darrell's a very cool place, sound dude did an EXCELLENT job (I had my doubts when I saw the PA, but it's the person, not the parts). They even had a taco wagon in the parking lot. Not the usual food truck, but an old Winnie (like three or four generations prior from Billy Blastoff's current taco party vehicle). Very Aurora Ave/Highway 99. And technically SHORELINE (not Seattle), WA.

Very good crowd of staycation locals, mix of friends of the bands and SURF fans (yes, Seattle has 'em). I heard talk after about planning for a Seattle Sound Surf Stomp, if it ever comes true, I hope they bring down some Canadian bands, maybe invite up some Portland surf, and hopefully the weather will be as unbeliveable as it was last weekend (TOTAL sun, temps in the mid-upper 80's). AND the local lightrail connects SEATAC airport to downtown Seattle (and beyond). And both
Jet Blue and ex-Virgin America service SEATAC. mattK

This video submitted as a news item but seems more appropriate here.

Thanks for the great write-up mattK!

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks Matt,
Did you tell them about the Surf Convention?


Scott is the sound dude who does Darrell's, he is really great.

Sorry I missed ya Matt, I was camping. I know our buddy/fan Tien was at the show as I saw some video he posted.

Brian wrote:

This video submitted as a news item but seems more appropriate here.

Thanks for the great write-up mattK!

Thanks for putting this in here Brian. Whew, they sound great.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

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