Joined: Jun 14, 2006
Posts: 203

Posted on Jun 10 2007 07:57 PM
Once, long ago, my cousin and I were playing tag. In a tree. In a tree that hung over an electric fence. We weren't very smart.
As anybody over the age of ten would have predicted, I fell out of the tree onto the electric fence. Kind of hung across it like laundry on a clothes line. Luckily, it was the sort of fence used to keep horses in, so it was relatively gentle as electric fences go.
But still a memorable experience.
Joined: Mar 06, 2007
Posts: 524
Bay City (Michigan)

Posted on Jun 10 2007 09:18 PM
Once, long ago, my cousin and I were playing tag. In a tree. In a tree that hung over an electric fence. We weren't very smart.
As anybody over the age of ten would have predicted, I fell out of the tree onto the electric fence. Kind of hung across it like laundry on a clothes line. Luckily, it was the sort of fence used to keep horses in, so it was relatively gentle as electric fences go.
But still a memorable experience.
Ouch...good thing there was no barbed wire on it...
— I am super sweet