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Permalink Reflections on my first year on SurfGuitar101 and living the surfy life

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Today is the anniversary of my first post to SG101 and my decision to try to be active here on the forums and in the local surf music community. So what have I done over the last year?

First and foremost, I have met some great people (online and off.)

I had lurked here for a bit before first posting, so I already had a high opinion of the SG101 community, and a year later I can only say that it is now even higher. So whether I have only read your posts, or responded to them, or you have responded to mine, all I can say is that it has been a splendid experience. The discussions have been informative, insightful, supportive, funny, and good natured. There may have been a spat or two, but Brian's steady hand has always ensured that decorum was maintained at a reasonable level. (No small feat based on what I have seen on the internet.)

I have met some great people in the flesh. I'm going to only use their SG101 user names, but I'm sure it will come as no surprise that these are some of the finest people you will find anywhere. So I will embarrass a few of them by calling them out:
Chad Shivers – To live in Atlanta at this time is like living in a golden age, if you are into surf music of course, and it is in great measure due to Chad, the ringmaster of the Southern Surf Stomp circus.
Richard – Sent me a personal message shortly after my first post and it was a revelation to find out that a surf musician lived in the same town. Richard answered a ton of questions for me about the surf scene in Atlanta and in the world in general. Clued me in on some great bands and filled me in on who's who in Atlanta and on the SG101 forums. He really welcomed me into the surf community.
Eddie Katcher – A real Renaissance man. He can do everything: plays great guitar, writes great tunes, fixes amps, sets up guitars, leads a band, records and mixes said band in his home studio, attends and/or performs at every local show, and still found time to reach out to me with an offer to setup my new Squier Jazzmaster. An offer that I gladly accepted. And once well setup, said guitar has continued to play great and brought me much joy.

And I have met and continue to meet other fabulous SG101ers: killbabykill34, MadScientist, Surf_Skater, CrazyAces.

So what else?

I attended some shows:
The first Southern Surf StompFest in September 2015 (Aqualads, The Mystery Men?, Gold Dust Lounge, the Surge!, The Beech Benders, Caroline & the Ramblers, Ouroboros Boys, El Capitan and the Band with No Name)
That was my first surf show and I followed it up by attending the Southern Surf Stomps in
October (Fiend without a Face, The KBK, Bad Friend),
December (Chad Shivers & The Silent Knights),
February 2016 (Beech Benders, Blacktop Rockets, Gemini 13),
May (The Surge!, The AmpFibians, Tiger! Tiger!)
July (Crazy Aces, The one and only Bill Davis, The Flamethrowers)

(Thanks again, Chad!!)

I bought some great albums:
The Mystery Men? - Sonos Delirium
The Surge! - Dam! (Another Release)
The Madeira – Ancient Winds
The Penetrators – Kings of the High Speed Weekend
Eddie Angel – Guitar Party
Daikaiju – Phase 2
Crazy Aces – Surfadelic Spy-a-Go-Go; Garageland
The Challenger's – Go Sidewalk Surfing!
A few of complilations – Monsters of Surf; The Birth of Surf Volume 3; Legends of Guitar, Surf vol. One; For a Few Guitars More

And a couple of videos: Reverb Junkies; Pounding Surf!

I bought an Olympic White Squier VM Jazzmaster – love it.

I built a Surfy Bear Reverb – Wonderful fun. Love it, too.

And one of my biggest thrills was waking up on New Year's Day and discovering that Paul Johnson (pjmoto) had posted to a thread I started about the Challengers. And to top it off, a few days later Randy Nauert (Randyn) of the Challengers made his first post to SG101. That was pretty unbelievable, but it just goes to show what a special place SG101 is. That thread got a lot of thoughtful and insightful responses from the SG101 community and made me feel like I had managed to contribute a little to the history of surf music that is amassed here.

I got way too excited voting for the various North Sea Surf Radio Top nnn lists.

And I learned how to make a pretty damn good Mai Tai.

All in all, a great year and SurfGuitar101 was very much a part of it. Thanks, everyone.


My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Tim, it has been a privilege, sir. SG101 is indeed an awesome place for all the reasons you mentioned. Life in general keeps me from being as engaged on here and locally as I'd like to be (see that I'm typing this just after 5:00am...) but to find someone in the same town on here just about blew my mind. I'll definitely be seeing you at Stompfest if not sooner.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Wow, what an eloquent testimonial! Thumbs Up
Very glad you're here.
(I get tied up trying to vote on those NSSR lists too...)

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

This post made my day.

Glad you are here! Hope you can make it to a SG101 convention sometime.

I still need to attend a StompFest or Instro-Summit.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Very well said! I couldn't agree more. It's the people here who truly make sg101 what it is. SG101!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jul 15, 2016 08:48:24

Great post and refection on what has impacted you.
Nothing like a new love affair to make your life better. Smile

Great to have you here! Thanks for reminding of us of how great SG101 can be.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I've been reading SG101 a lot more lately.
Not that I ever stopped.
But the lack of substantial content on FB and all the Politics on there has made me stop following my feed.


Last edited: Jul 15, 2016 11:18:10

Awesome post. Well written Silverfish.

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

We're so happy to have you as part of the scene, Tim! Great post!

I agree with the others. Really well said my friend.
This is the only forum on the internet that I hang out, post and read regularly and that's because the folks here are good human beings.
It's been so great to meet people like you in person, through this website and whenever I've had that privilege it's always been a great experience, good people with a common love of this music.
We're very fortunate.
Thanks again Brian and to all who participate.


Wow Tim, that is so cool. I really appreciate the kudos. I do all that stuff I do because I love it. Plain an simple.

I really enjoy helping others, especially when it is surf and instro related. I've said a number of times that from the late '60s until the early mid '90s, I thought that I was the only person on the face of the earth still loving, listening to and playing around with surf/instro. Boy was I wrong!

Surfguitar101.......Instro family Number 1.

Can't wait to see what this next year has going for it! You are absolutely right. Brian, Chad, Jeff, Crispy..... we have a lot of gifted and dedicated leadership around these parts.

This is a Golden Age.

Thanks again!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Hey Tim, glad you're here and contributing to the website. As long as we keep getting members like you, the forum will continue to stay vibrant. That goes for all our active membership - thanks a ton!!!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Mai tais eh? Ahem. Just HOW GOOD ARE THEY?

Cheers SG101!

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


What wonderful responses! I'm very, very glad to be here. Thank you, all!

Hi montereyjack - I have posted my Mai Tai recipe here. How good? Try it.


My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

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