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Permalink Chris Isaak's Wicked Game?

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Have worked up an instrumental version of Wicked Game for no other reason than I like it.

Wanna play it with my surf band. I know it ain't surf but it sounds like it.

Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Thumbs Up

great tune, give it hell!

We once jammed on Wicked Game for 15-20 minutes. Somebody's Crying is the one we recorded and played live though.

Just played it live a couple weeks ago in my other band Killers from Space.
It's practically an instrumental anyway.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

The way the song became a hit is that the instrumental version of it appeared in the David Lynch movie Wild at Heart. A DJ heard the song in the movie and was so taken by it that he had to find it. Once he tracked it down and it turned out it had a very vocal on it, he started playing it like crazy, which lead to other DJs following suit and the song becoming a massive hit. But it all started with the instrumental version!!!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Jimmy Wilsey who played guitar on it had an instro band a few years back.
The Cd they did didn't have it, but live they did an instro version of wicked game.


Great tone on that tune; Strat with Lace Sensors if memory serves.

I always assumed it was the racey video that made that song such a huge hit.


Completely brilliant song composition, words, and Wilsey's TONE (and playing)!!!
A timeless classic !

GregEL wrote:

Have worked up an instrumental version of Wicked Game for no other reason than I like it.

Wanna play it with my surf band. I know it ain't surf but it sounds like it.

Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Thumbs up!
We have had it in our first set since we began .
Goes great . Recognizable and people love it. Go get em!

It's a great song but it was played to death when it came out. I preferred his less successful hit "Blue Hotel".

I have a Deke Guitar Geek festival dvd that has Jimmy Wilsey playing an instrumental version. The arrangement, tone, and vibe is teally cool. I say tumbs up!


Canadian Surf

Last edited: Apr 12, 2016 06:32:34

"Great tone on that tune; Strat with Lace Sensors if memory serves."

Mr. Wilsey was a regular at the Fender forum many moons ago. He openly answered questions. He claims the track was recorded with an American Vintage '62 Strat with stock pick-ups into a Twin Reverb. Later in the mixing stage they ran in through something to enhance it, or split the signal and ran the second signal through something.
He said the stock AV '62 Strat was Olympic White, LOL.

Seems there's hundreds of you tube videos of people playing it. Found this one interesting:

The Royal Aces have been playing that as an instrumental for awhile now, and it always works well when the time has come at a gig for "a slow, pretty one". Each band can decide what's surf or not!

Many Chris Isaak songs (and covers) are surf music with words:

This cover absolutely sounds like a surf song...

Wicked Game instro

GregEL wrote:

Have worked up an instrumental version of Wicked Game for no other reason than I like it.

The only reason to play a song.

Wanna play it with my surf band. I know it ain't surf but it sounds like it.

Thumbs up or thumbs down?

So what would you have done it they said thumbs down? Not play a song you like playing?

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

slopoke wrote:

Many Chris Isaak songs (and covers) are surf music with words:

There have been a few surfy covers of this Yardbirds song.

I like this one:

"So what would you have done it they said thumbs down? Not play a song you like playing?"

Maybe. If all those who have played it live said it bores the hell out of an audience or sends them running and screaming towards the exits then it's not like there isn't any other songs to play.

Big Blue Spanish Sky is also ripe for a Surfanese extract. When in doubt, ask yourself...what would Jimi do?

PLAY ON!!!!! Cheers

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