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Permalink Chinese reverb tank.

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So it happenned.
63 Tube Reverb, 6L6 Groove Tubes, 112AX7 and 112AT7, Dwell, mix and clay/tone, lacquered tweed, incl. Footswitch
Dimension: 481927.1cm
Weight: 6.2 KGS
No mention of the tank model !


Don't shoot me, JObeast!

I'm preparing my blunderbuss with a special load of rock salt and chinese white peppercorns. You want rice with that reverb?

Squink Out!

Dunno, I've had some chinese stuff that was decent. Priced a new Fender tank lately? $799! Got anymore information? Might be worth at least a look. Wonder what they cost...

I am only going to assume that this is the same company selling the JOYO brand. A few years ago they had their own version of the Fender Deluxe Reverb that was point to point wired. I never saw them delivered stateside though.

And if this is that company, expect the price to be about 25-30% of the Fender ones.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Well, the price is around 400$. And it is on alibaba.

Quick image search shows this for sale on Amazon for $808.73 + $69.54 shipping. At that price it's a hard pass. I have zero opinion about the country of manufacture and all that, plenty of other countries make good gear and there's plenty of American builders making money recreating this design, so I can't see the typical IP issues really being that big a deal for anyone who'd buy one.

There's a website from a company in the Philippines that shows it for what looks like around $322.54 after exchange rates to USD, but they don't have an option for international shipping or even mention of it as a possibility (even says they prefer pickup from their headquarters). So what the real best price would be seems kind of up in the air. I can't imagine it being worth paying more than what you could get a RI for, unless its aimed at a market where they're not really available at all. Which definitely isn't here.

They try to sell them also in England here for £389.99, which isn't cheap either....
And this seems to be the chinese core of the poodle! They also seem to clone orange tiny terrors and what not.

Last edited: Mar 20, 2016 04:56:06

JObeast wrote:

I'm preparing my blunderbuss with a special load of rock salt and chinese white peppercorns. You want rice with that reverb?

Why? Agreed it has no mojo but It could sound better than the original just as easily. Since what everyone loved about the originals was the inconstant handmade transformers and spring units ( not to mention the 300% tolerances of the tubes). Who knows. But I wouldn't write it off until I tried one.

Might be a real bargain like my $250.00 Chibson Les Paul.

The Kahuna Kings

Here's a link to the company itself. It seems like some of their stuff is handwired, and looks well made and neatly wired in the pictures:

Last edited: Mar 20, 2016 13:42:59

Here's a pic from their website - any chance those are real Peavys?


Bill S._______

They are a Contract Manufacturer. There's a very good chance those are real Peavy products. Come back tomorrow and you'll probably see real Fender products and then real Marshall ones the week after that. That's how it works.

Well I don't know how I can say this but I had china made squire cv strat and is good, I have been playing my ibanez artcore for 8 years and I'm pretty sure the guitar is not that bad. Maybe we should give a chance to this china made tank Yes

The Mentawais
The Rentones

I would love to hear a comparison between on of these and a Fender. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

I would love to hear a comparison between on of these and a Fender.

Might be a while before someone owns one of each. I'd be happy to just hear the Chinese unit, but someone has to take the plunge first.

I took a chance on a Joyo/White Monkey/Recycled Sound 5w Princeton type head with extras like 3/5w, bright switch, standby, DU out and a toroidal OT for $200. It is such a nice amp I built a pine cab for it...


Looks like it's got a shorty tank, and not sure if there'd be room in the cabinet for a full size 17" pan. I'd choose a Surfy Bear over this.

I'm talking with a few buddies in HK about a trip up to the factory in GZ.

What usually happens in China is that a overseas company will hire a factory to make a certain number of products. As part of the deal, the factory will then run off a number of their own knock off products based on the design, but changing a few words. That's why we get Calvin Klien underwear. It's done deliberately to prevent "passing off".

If there is serious interest in these products let me know.

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What about this?
Price : 380 $


A few asian rim tube amp manufacturers offering cheaper products for western consumers have sprung up in the last few years.

I present the KLD Uranus

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

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