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Permalink RIP David Bowie

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The music world lost a true innovator. Never one to rest on his laurels. He was always willing to try something new.

This should get some play now:

Here it is to purchase:


Rather it is to say, we should all be playing this loudly from our stereo's and headphones today in celebration of his life and to boast proudly of the fact that our awesome community saw fit to create an homage to a man who truly deserved it! Great tunes too! This is definitely a collector's item!


Very sad news. I hadn't even heard he was sick. Unfortunately we're at a time in history when many of the great rock stars from the 60's and 70's will be dying off.
One of the great things about David Bowie was that he was always changing things up, and would always try something new. Even if you hated what he just put out, you could count on something totally different and new up his sleeve for the next release. It was always interesting and unique, all very cutting edge.

His brilliance was his talent and adaptability. Few true rock stars could have pulled off singing a duet with Bing and creating a great Christmas song without sounding dated or cheesy.

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He contributed greatly to man's cerebral and sonic journey throughout his remarkable career.

The Kahuna Kings

I was always a huge fan of his glam era stuff, but in the last several years started discovering his really early mod career with the Lower Third, the Mannish Boys etc. Great talent! RIP

One of the sad disturbing things I heard on the news today was how he "paved the way for such artist as Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry"

Atomic Mosquitos
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Killers from Space

A very apt producer on that song too, with the Jon & The Nightriders connection.

Wow... BOWIE's gone. You expect these larger than life icons to live forever. He was truly a revolutionary performer and insanely ahead of his time. SPACE ODDITY came out in '69!!! ZIGGY STARDUST AND SPIDERS FROM MARS is one of the first Rock & Roll albums and concerts I was exposed to thanks to my older brother. It's still an all-time favorite. The rock god who seemed like he was from space has left this planet. Hoping he's on his way to meet up with the great Mick Ronson for a Moonage Daydream.


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I normally do not jump on the celebrity death bandwagon. but this death makes me sad. I grow so tired of the words "legend" and "genius" being thrown around to every two-bit musician/artist who croaks these days, but those titles are very appropriate to David Bowie.

When I heard the new album dropped a few days ago, and I heard that it was a bit dark, so of course I was planning on checking it out. Unfortunately I didn't get around to it. Now I'm listening to it for the first time with his death as the context. It makes the darkness of the album even more poignant. The fact that this was all produced and released in silence of his cancer just proves that he was all about his art. He wanted it to speak for itself.

David Bowie is my favourite artist of all time. I am deeply saddened by his passing, but thankful for the body of work he left behind. Back in the mid 80s I was lucky enough to see him live on the Glass Spider tour (Olympic Stadium, Montreal), and was blown away, of course. I really admired the fact that he didn't artisically stagnate in his music, and though I enjoy some eras more than others, there was always something to enjoy no matter what he was playing.

The guitarists working with him had a big influence on my playing-Mick Ronson, Earl Slick, Carlos Alomar, Robert Fripp, Adrian Belew, Reeves Gabrels, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and others.

Glad to have been on the planet at the same time.


Canadian Surf

Apparently his first band, the Konrads did some Shadows covers in the early days. I'd love to hear a recording. The only recording of the Konrads, that I know of, was done around '65 after Bowie (Jones) had already moved on.



Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Last edited: Jan 11, 2016 13:01:34

He was also a member of mod band The Riot Squad for 12 weeks from March of 1967. Apparently they poached him from his backing band the Buzz. The Riot Squad was my friends uncle's band.

I'm as sad as anyone to hear the news. He is in the backing track of my mind.

Last edited: Jan 11, 2016 17:56:49

It's interesting that he put out two records in his final years.
That's a deliberate use of one's suddenly limited time and I find it inspirational, doing what he loved.
He'll be missed.

CrazyAces wrote:

It's interesting that he put out two records in his final years.
That's a deliberate use of one's suddenly limited time and I find it inspirational, doing what he loved.
He'll be missed.

A good point. Imagine knowing you have to fight for your life, and that even if you fight the best you can still lose. Imagine knowing you have a limited time. So you do what you've always done: you make art. You make it in full awareness of your nearing mortality, but you don't tell anyone. Instead, you embed the secret in the art and release it to the world, who consume it without knowing what they're consuming. Releasing a goodbye letter that nobody (apart from close friends & family, of course) knows is a goodbye letter until you're gone...

I'm pretty sure this is unprecedented. Has anyone else done anything like this?

A fitting end for someone who lived and created without precedent.

josheboy wrote:

I'm pretty sure this is unprecedented. Has anyone else done anything like this?

Johnny Cash comes to mind.
He was pretty frail when the last American Recordings sessions were done.
His interpretation and the video for "Hurt" by Trent Reznor is a rather chilling foreshadowing of events that soon followed.

CrazyAces wrote:

josheboy wrote:

I'm pretty sure this is unprecedented. Has anyone else done anything like this?

Johnny Cash comes to mind.
He was pretty frail when the last American Recordings sessions were done.
His interpretation and the video for "Hurt" by Trent Reznor is a rather chilling foreshadowing of events that soon followed.

A close parallel. I heard that Trent Reznor was working with Zach De La Rocha in the studio when a tape with the Hurt video arrived from the Johnny Cash camp. They watched it and called it a day. Both of them were so moved/drained by the video that they couldn't focus on anything else.

One of the main differences between the two I think are that Johnny was very open about his age and frailty. His video even highlighted it. We all knew the end was near for Cash. It was expected sooner or later. But with Bowie it wasn't expected at all. You just thought "oh hey, another Bowie album. He's still at it! Cool!" You never thought it would be his last, let alone his intentional last.

He had a complete media and internet blackout, and his videos just showed an aged star. Nobody knew, or nobody said anything. How he did that in this age of constant internet/media scrutiny is beyond me. How none of this was leaked by friend or family or crew just blows me away. Maybe he thought recovery was possible? I don't know. But he certainly controlled his art and did it his way all the way to the end.

josheboy wrote:

CrazyAces wrote:

josheboy wrote:

One of the main differences between the two I think are that Johnny was very open about his age and frailty. His video even highlighted it. We all knew the end was near for Cash. It was expected sooner or later. But with Bowie it wasn't expected at all. You just thought "oh hey, another Bowie album. He's still at it! Cool!" You never thought it would be his last, let alone his intentional last.

Very true. Good point.

He had a complete media and internet blackout, and his videos just showed an aged star. Nobody knew, or nobody said anything. How he did that in this age of constant internet/media scrutiny is beyond me. How none of this was leaked by friend or family or crew just blows me away.

As far as people working for him, crew etc...there are often non-disclosure contracts that are drawn up in similar instances, must be signed for continued employment and these contracts carry heavy financial and legal penalties if broken.
I've worked for a few artists where I had to sign such agreements (not for terminal reasons) so that they, the artist could be open and live their life as they wanted without threat of being revealed.
Friends and family...well, you hope they would just respect the persons' wishes.

But now I certainly digress from the topic.
Just a possible explanation.

The circumstances were very similar for Freddy Mercury.

RIP David Bowie. Another unique, incredibly gifted, and highly influential artist.

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CrazyAces wrote:

josheboy wrote:

I'm pretty sure this is unprecedented. Has anyone else done anything like this?

Warren Zevon wrote and recorded his final album after getting his terminal diagnosis.

Johnny Cash comes to mind.
He was pretty frail when the last American Recordings sessions were done.
His interpretation and the video for "Hurt" by Trent Reznor is a rather chilling foreshadowing of events that soon followed.

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