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Permalink A new drip tip!

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I recently bought a Quilter Steelaire, which I love! One surprising little feature of the amp was a built in setting for the footswitch marked vaguely "boost". It turns out it's a treble boost, probably included for steel guitar players who the amp was designed for. However! by hitting the treble boost I found my reverb drip increased quite a bit, yet the rest of the guitar tone was still quite musical.

Now I have a few songs where there are small sections that require the muted drippy sound, and it's been a challenge for me for years. I've tried A/B switches with a reverb pedal and tank, or 2 tanks, and lately the Strymon Flint gets a decent drip. All these options have their downsides. Hands down the most convenient and effective method for me is a treble boost. I don't own treble boost pedals, but they're out there, you don't have to buy a Steelaire. They're also easy to build from what I understand.

I find it works best with the tone knob on my tank turned up to 6 or so. I hope some of you can give it a try and see if you get similar results.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Looking around, it seems most treble boost pedals are also distortion pedals, you'll need a boost that is a clean treble boost. Maybe someone can chime in on who makes them.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

for treble booster you have lot in the market
find one with adjustable gain
ex naga viper catalinbread ,you have the control of the amount of gain ,then you could push up your sound without too much distortion

Well, a similar increase of drip can be achieved with an EQ pedal (an old BOSS GE-7 in my case), as I discovered recently. I've kept the bottom frequencies at unity gain and increased the upper frequencies just a bit.
I haven't tried a treble booster yet, but with an EQ pedal the results are rather transparent and pleasant.
I'll try placing the EQ pedal after the reverb unit. I suppose that Steeaire's boost function comes after the reverb either?

Boris Bond @ Bandcamp

Igorilla wrote:

Well, a similar increase of drip can be achieved with an EQ pedal (an old BOSS GE-7 in my case), as I discovered recently.

I played with this last night - had noticed it but didn't think about it too much. An EQ pedal also here, no dramatic changes, just tiny bumps in the range that also seems to yield a small amount of drip increase.

Also have the Boss FBM pedal, set just for a tonal change (not distortion or overdrive stuff) and it has separate gain/level controls in addition to Bass/Mid/Treble/Presence and has a similar effect, just speaking to the drip. Nothing dramatic, but noticeable.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I suggest you fool around with the reverb tank settings. Keep testing as you increase the settings gradually. At the same time try different EQ frequencies. I don't know which one the Steelaire is boosting. There's definitely a slight gain boost as well when I do it, that may help as well.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Tried this with an old danelectro eq. Cool trick, thanks! Just don't forget to turn it off when you hit unmuted high strings with the bridge pickup... ouch!

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

I have been using a clone of a Rangemaster in the 1st position of my pedalboard. It's a great device that compresses and boosts upper midrange frequencies, yielding more drip among other things. With hot pickups like Hallmark or Mosrite, it can be coaxed into real jangle territory, and it's also T.Rex's secret weapon and a requisite partner-in-tone with a Tonebender Fuzz for any who want to emulate mid-60s London psychedelic sounds. Mine sounded like crap until I got the proper carbon 9V battery for it, the kind that sell for $.50.

Squink Out!

I used to own a Rangermaster in the early 70s. I remember it as being pretty wild when coupled to a Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face.

Great tip. But make sure it's a true treble boost and not a high pass filter such as the EHX screaming bird. It claims to be a treble boost but to my ears it doesn't boost anything, rather just cuts your bass making your tone sound like mono shrill ass.

I've never found a completely unusable pedal until I tried the EHX screaming bird. Even mentioning it makes my skin crawl.

the most official drip I was able to squeeze out of one of my guitars was with a surfy bear where dwell was turned down and tone cranked up. similarly, the amp has to be rather trebly, and you need trebly pickups. a clean booster that has a 3way equalizer, BTW, is the T-Rex Twin Boost ...

Three thumbs up! Rangemaster is da shizn!

crumble wrote:

I used to own a Rangermaster in the early 70s. I remember it as being pretty wild when coupled to a Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face.

Squink Out!

I just added the ep boost this past summer to the board at the beginning of the chain. In the last month I added a Bearfoot Baby Pink clean boost to just in front of the el capistan that feeds into the tank. That made an enormouse difference in drip. Both boosts are set to 9 oclock.

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Dec 04, 2015 06:28:13

... ps - this is what i get ...

Would be very helpful if anyone can record samples so we can hear what you have achieved ..?

I am addicted to this sound (which I call surf booch booch)..and would like to know if there's a way to have great "astronauts" sound and still be able to play normally with defined sound...

I saw this clip and am trying to get in contact with the band,...but no-one knows how to get in touch with them.

Their reverb is dirty amazing and I don't know what they did to get it.

bye Robi

I'm out of town Robi, when I get back I'll do something.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I use a Rangemaster clone and find that it doesn't so much as distort the sound as push upper midrange thus pretty severely warping the tone, in a good way, incidentally slamming a reverb input for a pronounced drip. It seems to compress dynamics non-linearly but does not introduce as much distortion as does the reverb tank itself, which to my ear really scrambles guitar tone, again in a good way. The Rangemaster's Germanium transistor, I have been told, is along the lines of 'half of a fuzz circuit'.

DannySnyder wrote:

Looking around, it seems most treble boost pedals are also distortion pedals, you'll need a boost that is a clean treble boost. Maybe someone can chime in on who makes them.

Squink Out!

bitchboysi wrote:

Would be very helpful if anyone can record samples so we can hear what you have achieved ..?

I am addicted to this sound (which I call surf booch booch)..and would like to know if there's a way to have great "astronauts" sound and still be able to play normally with defined sound...

I saw this clip and am trying to get in contact with the band,...but no-one knows how to get in touch with them.

Their reverb is dirty amazing and I don't know what they did to get it.

bye Robi

Did you try to contact Ralph Kilauas (HallmarkSweptWinger)? He is on the forum and reccorded the video you linked.

Here's a quick A/B I did last night. Let me know if you'd like me to try something different on the guitar.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

DannySnyder wrote:

I recently bought a Quilter Steelaire, which I love! One surprising little feature of the amp was a built in setting for the footswitch marked vaguely "boost". It turns out it's a treble boost.

I remember you saying you used a Quilter MicroPro a while back. I wonder if the Steelaire boost differs from MicroPro Boost. Maybe the footswitch highlighted it's usefulness and MicroPro would be good for this also.

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