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Permalink Surf Rider bass line ?

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The song is in Am,

actually the a-part is partly in harmonic minor, using a 7# on the V chord (E) ... the b part is in mixolydian (major with minor 7th), the scale of the particular chord each time...

though why on earth would you think of it that way?????? in my experience, pop music doesnt follow theory all that well, or rather does a lot of simple things that are theoretically complicated. mediocre understanding and application of theory works best if you ask me. dont think about it too much, copy what you like and ditch what you dont. f around on your instrument and see what comes up.

The bass line appears to follow the notes in the key (rather than the chords) mostly but the notes played over each specific bar actually tend to follow the notes from that particular chord (usually ascending).
- Why doesn’t he just follow the notes from the chords ? Would this sound weird ? why ?
- Is this how bass lines normally go ? Follow the key rather than the chords ?

they do follow the chordnotes, just some other stuff as well. why? why not. it's music. there are rules but they are not binding. they are there for help, not as an obligation. Cool

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I’m a man. I thought we all needed to pull everything apart and try to understand how it worked ! Only joking……………

It was good fun playing it. I like it. I haven’t really played much bass before either, so it was interesting to play something new.

OK, well, I’ll go away, take the bits I like, as you suggest, look at a few other songs and see what I come up with for a few of my own tunes. If I can work out how to record it on my laptop, I’ll record it too and post it here.

Then, we’ll see if it passes the most important test, the ‘cool’ test…………………..

Thanks for the explanation!


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