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Permalink ELECTRIC BEACH PARTY 8 PM EDT...tonight's playlist

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Looks interesting with some stuff I haven't heard. Thanks!

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

monday, jan.30, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


Tonight’s featured artist is the duo tones. I’m on the road and have no internet. I’ll try to post a set list later.

monday, feb. 6, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


On the road and my computer won’t turn on with all of my set lists in it. —

monday, feb. 20, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


Thanks for the spin, Carol.
Cheers, Andy

monday, feb. 27, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


monday, march 6, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


monday, march 13, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


monday, march 20, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

monday, march 27, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

monday, april 3, 2023…..this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


tonight…..monday, april 10, 2023 at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific……repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: james wilsey

'san bernardino' james wilsey
'discos nuevos' james wilsey
'tubesteak' the surfites
'out of limits' the surge
'surf rider' the lively ones
'mojave dry run' the deadlies

'stampede' jon & the night riders
'hail, poseidon' the madeira
'fair game' the aquamarines
'stompin' after 5' the cornells
'kitten with a whip' the rockats
'fiberglass jungle' crossfire
'wetset' the supertones

'incognito' daikaiju
'undegpump' y niwl
'twitchin' the torquays
'das model' the space rangers
'bumble bee' the surf coasters

'the rattler' james wilsey
'diabolic' james wilsey

the next hour opens with two tunes by chris isaak with james wilsey on guitar

tonight……monday,april 17, 2023..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. stream at

featured artist: frank black

'cecelia anne' the pixies

'the man who was too loud' frank black
'miserlou' dick dale
'wrong planet' the destroyers
'ripped tide' the phantom operators
'speedway' the space rangers

'flight of the surf guitar' martin cilia
'wet set' the supertones
'E5' the eliminators
'telegraph jungle' el danka
'surf rider' the lively ones

'attack of the crab women' daikaiju
'bonzai washout' jon & the nightriders
'big noise from malibu' the bitch boys
'ghosts at the ranch' longboard ranch
'baja' the astronauts

'our favorite martian' bobby fuller and the fanatics
'spy vs spy vs spy' burt rocket
'beach bunny' los venturas
'wave walking' the surf raiders
'rumble' link wray

'bullet' frank black and the catholics

Thanks for the spin, Carol. Cheers, Andy

tonight……monday,april 24, 2023..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. stream at

tonight's featured artist: the beach boys


Last edited: Apr 24, 2023 10:13:11

Thanks for the spin, Carol! Cheers, Andy

this evening, may 1, 2023 at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

tonight's featured artist: jon & the nightriders

'banzai washout' jon & the nightriders
'geranimo' jon & the nightriders
'the wedge' the duo-tones
'das model' the space rangers
'cactus planet' webb wilder
'telegraph jungle' el danka

'fathomless' the fathoms
'crystal t' the chanteys
'tiki bar crawl' slacktone
'tiki patrol' the phantom operators
'atlantic echo' the atlantics

'flight of garuda' daikaiju
'landlocked' the bambi molesters
'surf lady' dirty fuse
'E5' the eliminators
'invaders' the exotics

'moving target' jon & the nightriders
'rumble at waikiki' jon & the nightriders

this evening, monday, may 8, 2022...electric beach party at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain, 9 pacific. streaming at

featured artist: the penetrators

'night of the drunken cheerleaders' the penetrators
'codename:gypsy' the penetrators

'wrong planet' the destroyers
'pacifica' los straitjackets
'6 waves under' bang! mustang
'killer dana' the chantays
'amor del mar' jon & the nightriders

'sunburst kid' bonney and buzz
'night star' the atlantics
'mojave dry run' the deadlies
'outside' the duo-tones
'sunset glide' the eliminators

'shore enough' the atlantics
'torquette' the fire balls
'mystery planet' the bomboras
'beach bunny' los venturas
'toxic train' the atomic mosquitos

'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'locked and loaded' the penetrators

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