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Permalink ELECTRIC BEACH PARTY 8 PM EDT...tonight's playlist

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this evening, monday, july 11, 2022…..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific…streams at

repeating a show from 2015 when our station first started streaming.


the wind beneath my kilt, melodies dilemma....... the penetrators

journey to califura, six waves under..... bang! mustang

earthquake, body surf........ aki aelong and the nobles

shape of things to come, blues theme....... davie allan and the arrows

siboney, hawaii joe........ bambi molesters

twangin' tritones, el boogie....... el danka

cross steppin', dawn patrol the eliminators

taste of honey, invaders....... the exotics

silver coast, coolangatta...... insect surfers

wild weekend, pink panther theme...... three balls of fire

this evening, monday, july 18, 2022 at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the space rangers

'mr. lou' the space rangers
'shadow magic' the space rangers

'twangin' tritones' el danka
'splat' the glasgow tiki shakers
'three 30 blues' duane eddy
'ancient winds' the madeira
'the victor' dick dale

'reef rider' the atlantics
'beyond' the clee-shays
'shape of things to come' davie allan & the arrows
'incognito' daikaiju
'cheesecake' pozor vlak

'jetsetter' the exotics
'geronimo' jon & the nightriders
'mojave dry run' the deadlies
'squad car' the duo-tones
'malibu nightmare' joao erbetta

'our favorite martian' bobby fuller & the fanatics
'hearse full of souls' evan foster

'taipan tower chase' the space rangers
'das model' the space rangers

Last edited: Jul 18, 2022 18:25:14

Love the Space Rangers
I lost my cd, Cry


bigtikidude wrote:

'Love the Space Rangers'......... as do i
'I lost my cd, Cry '.......... oh no Sad

Last edited: Jul 18, 2022 21:59:21

this evening at 8 PM EST, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the shadows

'move it' cliff richards

'gonzales' the shadows
'midnight' the shadows
'wild weekend' the rebels
'southern surf syndicate theme' the penetrators
'side slippin' the supertones

'mr. lou' the space rangers
'dewey's dead' the insect surfers
'surf blaster' the vars-tones
'las cruces' the phantom operators

'fathomless' the fathoms
'dawn patrol' the eliminators
'swamp billy hop' the aqua velvets
'the trouble with those mothra girls' daikaiju

'hail, poseidon' the madeira
'telegraph jungle' el danka
'cabazon' jon & the nightriders'
'into the shadows' the atlantics

'apache' the shadows
'wonderful land' the shadows

this evening, monday, august 1, 2022….8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific.streams at

featured artist: the duo-tones

'ramrod' the duo-tones'
'lonely bull' the duo-tones
'crystal t' the chantays
'tally ho' pj and the galaxies
'torquette' the fireballs
'shape of things to come' davie allan and the arrows

'squad car' eddie and the showmen
'rebel rouser' duane eddy
'failsafe' the original surfaris
'lanky bones' pj and the galaxies
'earthquake' aki aleong and the nobles

'killer dana' the chantays
'mr. moto' the belairs
'let's go trippin' the beach boys
'zephyr cove' duane eddy
'bulldog' the fireballs
'bullwinkle pt. 2' the centurions

'wild weekend' the rebels
'memphis' lonnie mack
'mr. rebel' eddie and the showmen
'body surf' aki aleong and the nobles
'monsooon' the chantays
'blues theme' davie allan and the arrows

'kamikaze' the duo-tones
'outside' the duo-tones

this evening, monday, august 8, 2022…..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain, 5 pacific and repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. stream at

featured artist…rondo hatton from baton rouge, louisiana

'riding the surf' rondo hatton
'sea breeze' rondo hatton
'surf bound' wave invasion
'melodies dilemma' the penetrators

'fathomless' the fathoms
'ripped tide' the phantom operators
'atlantic echo' the atlantics
'cabazon' jon & the nightriders
'standing on the nose in a stylish manner' the bambi molesters

'mystery planet' the bomboras
'our favorite martian' bobby fuller and the fanatics
'exodus' the supertones
'ghosts at the ranch' longboard ranch
'monsoon' the chantays

'attack of the crab women' daikaiju
'telegraph jungle' el danka
'spy vs spy vs spy' burt rocket
'jet setter' the exotics

'chiq hau hauc point' rondo hatton
'saguaro' rondo hatton

tonight, august 15, 2022……8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the bambi molesters

'hawaii joe' bambi molesters
'glider' bambi molesters
'surfabilly' martin cilia
'reefrider' the aqualads
'las cruces' the phantom operators
'atlantic echo' the atlantics

'dawn patrol' the eliminators
'golden earrings' the hunters
'beach bunny' los ventures
'FBI' the shadows
'mr. motor' burt rocket

'locked & loaded' the penetrators
'der mobilste herr' the space rangers
'pilgrimage' speedball jr.
'lunar luau' the huntington cads
'surf rider' the lively ones

'flight of the surf guitar' martin cilia
'ancient winds' the madeira
'wataridori' the surf coasters
'cecilia ann' bambi molesters
'landlocked' bambi molesters

I’ll be tuning in for sure


tonight, august 22, 2022……8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

all european bands......

paper moon and taipa chase......the space rangers

there she blows and treble in paradise........speedball jr.

undegpedwar and chwech.......y niwl

glider and hawaii joe.......the bambi molesters

twangin' tritones and mi guaguanco.........el danka

surfrider and dark eyes......the bitch boys

6 waves under......bang! mustang!
soleil rouge......the space rangers
undegpump........y niwl
standing on the nose in a stylish manner......the bambi molesters
el boogie........el danka

cloudburst by the bitch boys closes the hour

tonight……..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. stream at

featured artist: frank black

'cecelia anne' the pixies

'the man who was too loud' frank black
'miserlou' dick dale
'wrong planet' the destroyers
'ripped tide' the phantom operators
'speedway' the space rangers

'flight of the surf guitar' martin cilia
'wet set' the supertones
'E5' the eliminators
'telegraph jungle' el danka
'surf rider' the lively ones

'attack of the crab women' daikaiju
'bonzai washout' jon & the nightriders
'big noise from malibu' the bitch boys
'ghosts at the ranch' longboard ranch
'baja' the astronauts

'our favorite martian' bobby fuller and the fanatics
'spy vs spy vs spy' burt rocket
'beach bunny' los venturas
'wave walking' the surf raiders
'rumble' link wray

'bullet' frank black and the catholics

Thanks for the spin, Carol!
Cheers, Andy

sorry for not getting last monday's playlist posted. i had my first 4 days off in 6 months and went to two concerts a days drive from here and then a days drive from each other...... one of which i bought a ticket 6 months ago and another which i bought a ticket 2 1/2 years ago.

tonight…….monday, sept. 12, 2022......8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…repeats at midnight EST, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. stream at

featured artist: the eliminators

'E5' the eliminators
'cross steppin' the eliminators
'six waves under' bang!mustang
'golden earrings' the hunters'
'sharam' the space rangers

'dewey's dead' the insect surfers
'satumaa twist' the badding rockers
'bondi james' the atlantics
'long gun' the bambi molesters

'blue eyes twist' the quiets
'intoxica' the aquasonics
'melodies dilemma' the penetrators
'surf rider' the lively ones
'exodus' the supertones

'kamakazi' jon & the nightriders
'siberia' the mustangs
'dark eyes' the bitch boys
'having an average weekend' dirk doom

'point conception' the eliminators
'rincon' the eliminators

Last edited: Sep 12, 2022 07:36:09

this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the mentawais

'surfin' java' the mentawais
'cheater 5' the mentawais
'shoot the pier' the poles
'cloudburst' the bitch boys
'a forest' the phantom 4

'diamond head' jon & the nightriders
'slippery surface' the evanstones
'red sunrise' the space cossacks
'long gun' the bambi molesters
'let's go tripping' the beach boys

'las cruces' the phantom operators
'johnny's noseride' the eliminators
'vila nova' the exotics
'in the shadows' the atlantics
'wataridori' the surf coasters

'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'das model' the space rangers
'surf rider' the lively ones

'finless slide' the mentawais
'flat day' the mentawais

this evening, monday, sept. 26, 2022, at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

tonight's featured artist: king of hawaii

'mr. barbacoa' king of hawaii
'oaxaca' king of hawaii
'honky tonk' beach boys
'malibu babylon' blue stingrays

'walk don't run' the ventures
'rincon' the eliminators
'melodies dilemma' the penetrators
'surf rider' the lively ones
'ancient winds' the madeira

'cylinders' the break
'glider' the bambi molesters
'pacifica' los straitjackets
'ripped tide' the phantom operators

'miserlou' dick dale
'shut down pt. 2' the beach boys
'atlantic echo' the atlantics
'das model' the space rangers

'big sky' king of hawaii
'rat chaser' king of hawaii

Love king of Hawaii


bigtikidude wrote:

Love king of Hawaii

good stuff!

this evening, monday, oct 3, 2022...electric beach party at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain, 9 pacific. streaming at

featured artist: the penetrators

'night of the drunken cheerleaders' the penetrators
'codename:gypsy' the penetrators

'wrong planet' the destroyers
'pacifica' los straitjackets
'6 waves under' bang! mustang
'killer dana' the chantays
'amor del mar' jon & the nightriders

'sunburst kid' bonney and buzz
'night star' the atlantics
'mojave dry run' the deadlies
'outside' the duo-tones
'sunset glide' the eliminators

'shore enough' the atlantics
'torquette' the fire balls
'mystery planet' the bomboras
'beach bunny' los venturas
'toxic train' the atomic mosquitos

'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'locked and loaded' the penetrators

Thanks for the spin, Carol!
Cheers, Andy

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