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Permalink Crazy Aces Recording Diary/Update 5/3/14

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RonC57, Thanks for supporting us by purchasing our music! We really appreciate it and it helps us to be able to put out more. I'm glad you're digging it.

Mike, Thanks again. Still playing your new one in the shop.

wfoguy, I'd have to agree on the more work concept. Between day job, designing and crafting a prototype guitar model and these recordings I tend to fall into bed at night completely exhausted.........but very fulfilled.
I've worked very hard for my small place in life (not complaining, this life is still charmed compared to many in this world) but I am very, very thankful to be able to be creative on a near daily basis. Life is short, work hard, create. That seems to be my mantra these days.

The latest: I got together with our mixing/mastering friend and sometimes Crazy Ace, Alex McCollough to listen to our mixes and work through the best way to master our home recorded material and the results are, in my opinion, fantastic.
I've been finalizing mixes on five tunes over the last two weeks and we're about to start tracking again, at least another two or three tunes before the end of the year and a few more after that.
The beneficial aspect of these recordings is it has made me a lot more proactive about getting things set up at my house so we can record live in 2014 and that's very exciting to me. It would be fun to write, record and release more material more often and we're headed in that direction.
Hopefully a single or two released before year's end.
More later

In-home recording studio? That ought to make recording new material a lot easier. Yes Anticipation increasing! I'm already looking forward to hearing your new material played live and in-person next year.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

A great direction to head in.


Canadian Surf

Another step forward in the home recording cave.
We just added a pair of these gorgeous sounding vintage Ampex 601 tube preamps that we hope to use on the second half of the record.
A lot of early 60's Surf, R&B and Motown was recorded on these type of pre-s. They go all the way from nice and clean and big to dirty and nasty.

At the end of this week we hope to master 4 more songs which will take the completed song tally to 5, including the new single we're releasing this week, to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank.

Still hoping for first quarter of 2014 for record completion.


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

The Ampex is beautiful. Can't wait to hear it in use.


Canadian Surf

I keep lovin' the sound of that blue Teisco. That guitar just sounds awesome live through the little Princeton; happy to see it in the room on the your current efforts.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Thanks, That little, blue Teisco ET-201 ended up being quite a surprise for live gigs. I bought it because it has different pickups than my others but never knew it would end up playing such a frequent role.
Funny enough, I haven't used it yet for recording.
We have used a lot of guitars for this record so far though, more than I had planned or considered.
On some songs we know exactly which instrument is right for a sound/track. On others we just grab whatever's around or whatever Kiwamu has brought with him until we find something that fits the sonic need. We used two Strats for parts on the record which is something you don't normally see us play so it's a fun luxury to have these choices.
Another funny, flip side to this is both Kiwamu and I would have no issues recording an entire album with only one guitar, in fact in some ways it would be easier.

Thanks for all your insights Jeff; Strats, interesting, looking forward to it. Yes, that little Teisco is one of those that makes a person keep their 3rd eye out when walking through pawn shops I imagine, in the "ya never know" category. Yours is proof that what's coming out is all that matters.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Jeff, how about a song called "Teisco Twist" recorded with all Teisco guitars and bass? Might be a good name for an entire album recorded with them.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Ha, That's a fun idea Noel!
There's a already a few that are mostly Teisco
Some of you already heard this but here's an example of a Teisco Track.
Not everything on the record will be this grungy but you get the idea of what we're accomplishing down here using pretty basic recording techniques and gear. There's always room for improvement but we're pretty happy so far

And so it continues.......
We're back at it after a holiday break and some time to work out arrangements on new material. We're hitting it hard now as we want to be able to have new music, in hand, available at the Instro Summit in May.
Tracked yesterday with this set up.
My Princeton has a Mojo BV-30H Greenback copy in it which is pretty warm and has a slight bump in mids which is great for live as it keeps my love of Hi frequencies tamed but for recording some parts it can be a little too "british" and not Fendery enough so I keep a Jensen P-12Q in this Marshall style cab (a wonderful sounding cab) to get a clearer, more sparkly sound and it won out yesterday for some clear, cowboy/western tracks, especially with the Epiphone Sorrento (Killer!). The JazzGuar was used on a percussive rhythm track, the Dano bass for a guide track and my old Gibson acoustic for strummed rhythm. The bass track will be replaced by Oscar on upright/doghouse bass.
The mic of choice was a Nasdy RSM-5 Ribbon, direct into an Mbox.

Today will be crunchy, nasty, Fuzz day, different songs so we'll probably see the return of a few Teiscos and maybe try a new submixer set-up with an old Digi 002 Rack.

Today is crunchy, nasty fuzz day so we'll probably see a return of some Teiscos.

Great thread and nice pics. Love the pre's!

The Kahuna Kings

CrazyAces wrote:

Today is crunchy, nasty fuzz day so we'll probably see a return of some Teiscos.

This is really cool to follow & looking forward to it. Teiscos & that Princeton live are a killer combo, clean or gnarly.

Have fun! Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Two more songs of guitar tracking done.
Kiwamu and I are breaking out all kinds of fun guitars, like this fairly rare '59 Guyatone LG-50 for yes, a slide part! Killer sounding guitar.
This was the type of guitar Hank Marvin and Jeff Beck started on, re-labeled "Antoria" for sale in the UK
This weekend's tracks featured a Harmony Rocket and some Rickenbackers as well as one of my old Supros.
Vintage Ibanez model 59 Bruno Fuzz made an appearance. Nasty!
We're hoping to bring this record/CD with us to The Instro Summit so we're hitting it hard.

Your music room is waayyy cooler than mine.

CrazyAces wrote:

We're hoping to bring this record/CD with us to The Instro Summit so we're hitting it hard.

Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Sweet! I'm jealous. Smile


wfoguy, "Your music room is waayyy cooler than mine."

I've got a good excuse since we have clients/customers coming in and out all the time. It used to be a dark cave but that wouldn't do and luckily my dear wife and business partner agreed.

Mike, "Sweet! I'm jealous."
Nah......I'm just another middle aged guy trying to make a record in my basement, ha ha!

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