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Permalink Crazy Aces Recording Diary/Update 5/3/14

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We're finally taking some time to track some new material and I'd thought I'd share some of the process with anyone here who might be interested.
I have a backlog of material, some of which we've been playing already for over a year. We've been very lucky to acquire some new fans over the last year due to gigs and the great fortune of some magazine articles and we really wanted to get some new music out while someone's still listening.
I demo most of the stuff on an iPad for the band and then we work out the arrangements together in rehearsals. At this time the tracking will all be done on Pro Tools but there may be some tape in the future. Due to the facts that we're after a different sound this time and the fact that we can't afford a pro studio this time around we're doing it mostly here, at my house and some in the other guys' home studios. Some things will be a challenge and some will probably be easier and better so it should be fun to see what we come up with. I'll post here and there as we progress. The biggest bummer is that most of it will have to be tracked, individually, not my ideal for this type of music and the band has (to me) such a great sound together, I really wish we could do it live, together, similar to the last record but.......I'd rather record, release and share our music than sit around hoping for an ideal and besides, there will be more music to record in the future.
This is the gear I'll be using for the new tunes plus a few more Teiscos, a Reverb Tank and my old Gibson acoustic again.

Last edited: May 03, 2014 08:14:43

O.K., I forgot to upload the picture.

The '72 Mosrite and the '60 Supro made the first cut. A total first wave sounding tune that I'm not even using a tank on. These little 8" speaker, single 6V6 Supros are fantastic for capturing an early 60's sound that won't have overbearing lows that could have to be carved out later with EQ.
The Simple Nady Ribbon mic does a beautiful job of capturing the amps sound.
No EQ at this point, just careful mic positioning.

I finished the tracking for today with an acoustic track using my old '53 Gibson CF100 and a small condenser mic.
I was attempting to meld some Bruce Welch style acoustic rhythm with the first wave-ish electric guitar.
Bruce has a monster right hand technique. Me? Not so much, LOL

Tom, Crazy Aces' drummer and I tracked four songs of drums yesterday using my Sonor kit here with the addition of some better cymbals and snare options he brought. We used a very simple two mic technique. The large condenser mic behind Tom does a beautiful job of pickup up the whole kit. We raise or lower this mic depending on how aggressive of a sound we want and how much room sound we desire. The SM57 in front is capturing Kick drum and some mid kit sounds. If you backed this mic up a foot or two you could do a whole first wave sounding drum track with that one mic. Very effective.
Tom has a much more elaborate and pro recording setup at his house to record drums that he has already tracked an additional three of our new songs on and most likely will do a few more there, depending on the sound we're after.

I won't make this whole thread picture intensive (sorry Brian!) but I'll keep updating as we move along.
more there as well

Very informative diary, Jeff. Lots of useful info. Have you thought of someday recording live during your shows and putting a record together from those?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

We have discussed that and it's still not ruled out.
One of the clubs we play has a pro tools console installed and is wired, mic wise etc. for this purpose. The engineer who runs the rig for recordings is a really, really creative engineer, works with Cheryl Crow and has a handle on getting great sounds.
For their own reasons some of the band didn't want this to be our first choice but we may end up there. I'd love to record with and for an audience even if we didn't use the applause (when we get any, LOL).

I think it's a great idea. I hear so many musicians tell me they were aiming for a "live" sound in their record, and just can't get it in the studio or from recording tracks.

Maybe I learned this from my dad. He loved recording live. It's how they sounded when performing on stage, because they were, and it represented the best of everyone's art. When they started making recordings by tracking a single musician or section, one bar at a time until it was "perfect", they started winning Grammy's, but they weren't playing music anymore. He hated it. And, of course, their live performances never sounded like that, because they never actually played "that".

So, IMHO & FWIW, I hope you make this record or some record at that club. I believe it will capture Crazy Aces terrific stage dynamism, which we see in all the videos, in a way no other method can.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Oct 06, 2013 08:53:17

I'm liking this! I see you have Hendrix on the wall. Big Grin You people that know what you're doing help the rest of us immensely.

" You people that know what you're doing help the rest of us immensely."

Uh oh, we're all screwed, Lol!

Great reading. Looks like you are having fun!


Canadian Surf

wfoguy wrote:

I'm liking this! I see you have Hendrix on the wall. Big Grin

Not just Hendrix, but Duane Eddy's "Have Twangy Guitar, Will Travel", John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers' 'Beano' album, "Having a Rave Up with the Yardbirds", Booker T. & the MGs, annnndddddd, my favorite, the Shadows' debut LP!!! Wow!!! In an American studio - that's SERIOUSLY COOL!

Good luck with the recordings, Jeff! Hope you have fun!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Oct 06, 2013 20:20:33


Your studio set up is entirely too clean and way too organized. What are you thinking?

Just funnin' ya. We are all stoked to hear you guys are recording again.

Best Reverbs,


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Overdubbing bass tracks tonight from the 'home office'...

Primarily taking a line straight from the bass into the Groove Tubes di and into the ProTools interface. It sounds good, but I do miss the "live in the studio" interaction. There's some cool material going down- hope you guys dig it when it's done!


Crazy Aces on facebook
at Reverbnation
my personal website

I'm looking forward to this record a lot. And to finally seeing you play, live and in person. And, oh that Teisco bass is SO wild!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Things are progressing really well so far and we're very happy with the results. It's not sounding like a tracked record and that's good!
Kiwamu cut some tracks last week and will return again tonight. We're using a bunch of different guitars, more than I had thought. I'll post the instruments of choice later but it's ending up quite varied.

No pedals used yet (that will change for other songs) but it's refreshing!

In an attempt to serve the songs the best way possible we even employed a capo on a few tracks to get some ringing chords, an implement you don't see in Surf/Instro too often.
I'm posting the room picture for my friend Ed Katcher. so he can see we're not as tidy as we may seem, especially once we get going, LOL.

Photo troubles, (me, not the site Brian, LOL)
The messy room, got worse as it got later, guitars everywhere, a good problem in my book!

I finally bought your last album download. Great Stuff !! I can't wait to hear yor next album.

Can't wait to hear the results Jeff. Still diggin' GHV2!


Jeff, I think all this is great. The more work I do, the better my life is. That applies to everything. It looks to me that you guys share the concept. I'm sure I'll like the next album. Wait, what's an album? How old am I? Smile

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