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Permalink Who Is That Guy? Iconic Surfer with Jaguar in Fender Ad

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  • Can anyone tell me who the guy from the avatar is (yes, the surfer, surfing with the guitar, from the old Fender print ad)?

Last edited: Aug 26, 2013 09:30:38

Funny story! I believe(Although I'm sure I'm partially wrong) that guy was just a hunk of surfer that photographer Bob Perine paid to surf with a jag.

Iconic ad for sure.


This one?

I'm retracting my earlier comment, after some internet research I can find no evidence that it's Johnny Fain. So my answer is "I don't know". Confused

Atomic Mosquitos
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Killers from Space

Last edited: Aug 18, 2013 13:15:35

Preston, you are correct in that he is a handsome boy, though I was always under the impression he was someone of note.

Mosquito, I have done some research myself, as I had been told by a friend that it was a young Dick Dale. He just doesn't look like Mr. Dale to me, which sent me on this quest in the first place.
*By the way, I recently ordered a t-shirt and a (signed) CD from your band.

Thanks for the replies guys. If I find out who he is I will post the answer.

I have a copy of "Golden Age of Fender on hand, I'll see if I can find anything!


That ad was briefly discussed here:

There is an interview with the surfer out there somewhere. Definitely not Dick Dale. Knowing Klas,(who posted this), if this had been a well known surfer he would have mentioned that fact, I think. You could always try to send Klas PM and see if he remembers anything else.

Klas wrote:

Here you go Klas! The classic ad... probably one of the coolest ad ideas ever!!

Yeah, definitely a cool concept for a surf guitar ad. I remember reading a short interview with the surfer about the photo session but unfortunately can't seem to remember any details. I first thought he had said that the guitar didn't have a single drop of water on it after the session but I don't find that very likely, haha.

Actually, I may need to retract my original retractment.
According to Surfer Magazine founder John Severson, it is indeed Johnny Fain in the ad:

"Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 3 September, 2008 : - - Fender said, 'Surf it!' I waited 40 years for that call. I was impressed with Johnny Fain surf guitaring in an ad for Surfer and always wondered how hard it would be. So I 'test drove' the Surf Fever model on Maui on some smooth glassy walls.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Thanks everyone for their input!

Weird that Severson would say that it was Johnny Fain because it doesn't look like him at all. Aside from being Dora's arch nemesis Johnny Fain was also an extra in the Beach Party Movies. He's on screen a lot and this guy in the Fender ad doesn't look like him. I'll try to dig up a pic.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

From an article in Vintage Guitar:

"On three occasions, I was plenty relieved when instruments entrusted to my care were spared damage; once when it was necessary to trust an itinerant surfer to paddle out and catch a wave with a Jaguar strapped on his back; again when we handed over a Jazzmaster to a skydiver we had hired and watched fall from 10,000 feet and float majestically to the ground in front of us; and once again when another shiny new Jag endured a swift run down the ski slopes on Jim Williams’ back. In all three cases, the instruments received nary a scratch nor a dunking."

So Robert Perine didn't mention who the surfer was.!/rich.derksen.7

shivers13 wrote:

Weird that Severson would say that it was Johnny Fain because it doesn't look like him at all. Aside from being Dora's arch nemesis Johnny Fain was also an extra in the Beach Party Movies. He's on screen a lot and this guy in the Fender ad doesn't look like him. I'll try to dig up a pic.

The only photo I could find of Fain was this one from 1968.

I kinda see a resemblance, but it's hard to tell.


Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

I made a number of calls to the Fender museum, but no one there could tell me anything except to try Fender's main office, so I did. The person with whom I spoke, immediately knew the ad I was asking about. He said that Bob Perine did the photos for that ad campaign, except for the one in question (for reasons unknown). Evidently Fender no longer has much information regarding even such iconic prints as the surf guitarist.

ScottO1 wrote:

He said that Bob Perine did the photos for that ad campaign, except for the one in question (for reasons unknown).

That would actually explain why Fender Artehouse does not offer that print. I would have so ordered the largest size if they did!


Several years ago they were selling prints of that ad. I didn't buy one because they were a bit too pricey for me at the time. I really wish I had now.
I do have a t-shirt from when they were selling them.

This seems like it's a real surf unsolved mystery, we need to figure this one out.

morphball wrote:

ScottO1 wrote:

He said that Bob Perine did the photos for that ad campaign, except for the one in question (for reasons unknown).

That would actually explain why Fender Artehouse does not offer that print. I would have so ordered the largest size if they did!

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

skeeter wrote:

Several years ago they were selling prints of that ad. I didn't buy one because they were a bit too pricey for me at the time. I really wish I had now.

Petition time?


Mystery solved!!!

Randy Nauert of The Challengers says.... this is Jon Martin. i spoke with him a few days ago. We'll be visiting in Newport when he returns from Idaho in a few months. The photo was taken at Doheny, in one ride. Jon knee paddled out with the new Jag and caught a wave, stood up and swung it around for this photo. They put the guitar back into its case and sold it.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Going to need a bit more information regarding Jon Martin, before we are able to call this case 'closed'.

That pic was on the cover of the material that came with Rhino Records surf compilation, "Cowbunga". Here is the note that describes the picture:


It's a little hard to read but the Photographer's name is Bob Perine.

Last edited: Aug 26, 2013 04:06:49

Yes! I've read that one before, that was the one I was referring to.


More from Randy Nauert of The Challengers...

Jon owns the Bob Perine photo rights, outside of the Fender ad. Its been used a lot and he's never asked for money and never been given credit. I think that he deserves the credit. Jon had Doheny wired. He always had style. I'm thinking that we should do a then and now photo playing guitar in his garage when he returns.

Its a big deal for Jon, as his photo has been used a lot... though never credited properly. Its a big deal for me as we are friends and used to surf and play guitar together in the early 60's at his Mom's place on Harbor Island... and I always feel good when I see the photo. We're still best buddies!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

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