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Maybe I should have posted on how to keep and together thread.

Now it's the Beach Boys and the Bastard Boys, and people, where is the love?

I've not followed this all that closely but Mike Love seems like a jerk.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

He tried to sue a local Ventura reporter for $10 million because he badmouthed Love's idea of the Beach Boys. "Chris Jay has written for the weekly newspaper, The VC Reporter since 1999. He’s interviewed hundreds of artists and his recent work can be found archived at the paper’s website.[1] He was sued by Mike Love of the Beach Boys for 10 million dollars over an article Jay wrote about Love’s continued use of the band’s name despite being the only original member. Many Army of Freshmen fans and Beach Boy fans have no idea the lawsuit existed as it was settled out of court prior to any trial or press coverage."

Wow. He couldn't even wait until the tour was over to make that announcement. What a douche.






Mike Love always was a dope . so no surprise

Ben Vaughn said it best:

Not sure where to put this so I'll post it here. Perhaps you have seen this. From the very cool "Letters of Note" website:

In 1964, less than three years after the release of their first single, Surfin', and following many years of psychological and physical abuse, Murry Wilson was fired as manager of The Beach Boys by his son, Brian. A year later, Murry wrote him the following eight page letter. In it, he blames Brian's mother for their ongoing rift due to her less severe punishment techniques, questions Brian's honesty and the actions of his friends in the music business, and recommends that Brian dissolve the band as soon as possible in order to avoid any future problems. It's an incredibly interesting — albeit dark — snapshot of a showbiz family in free-fall, made all the more remarkable when you consider that just a few months after this was written, The Beach Boys began to record Pet Sounds, an album regarded by many as one of the best ever produced.

A transcript follows the photos of the letter.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian, thank you for posting this. I have not finished reading it, but as I do I cannot help but remember a story that was recounted to me by Mike, former bass player for The Surge, that he'd gotten from Brian's biography, "Wouldn't It Be Nice." It was a story about a very harsh and most would say perverse punishment Murray dealt Brian as a child. It was a strange family indeed.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

That was an interesting read. As a father I understand what he said but how would you as an outsider determine who was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

How did Mike Love end up controlling the Beach Boys name? I would have thought Brian would have at least an equal claim to it.

"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .

Richard wrote:

It was a story about a very harsh and most would say perverse punishment Murray dealt Brian as a child.

Which one? Hitting him in the head with a 2x4? Making him stare into his eye socket after taking out his glass eye? Or making him poop on the kitchen floor in front of the family?

Murry Wilson, father from hell...

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Brian had what was at least a severe mental breakdown and was diagnosed at various times as either schizophrenic or bi-polar. He also came under the almost total control of a kind of Svengali-like character who exerted almost total control over him.

Mike eventually wrestled legal control of the Beach Boys from Brian and tried to keep the band going. Mike also did a lot to separate Brian from that guy. Anyone remember his name?

Nothing about this is pleasant to remember for anyone involved. It's really a tragedy and mostly all in the open now.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

The fact that his father put this into a letter would state that it is the truth as he saw it. Of course, perspective is everything in this world, and surely Brian saw things very differently from where he was sitting. None-the-less, the letter was a great read. I found it heartbreaking, haunting, educational and...well... Lets just say that it put into words many of the fears I have as a father.

Considering the age the boys were at the time, and the nature of the business at the time, I would imagine that the fathers side of the story has much more truth than most of us would like to argue. I can imagine that the amount of money and outside influence those boys were experiencing at that time played hell on their integrity, as it would most kids at that age.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

What continues to amaze me is that Brian would write the most gentle and sensitive songs while all this was going on, and not turn into some sort of musical Edgar Allan Poe. A beautiful soul in spite of everything.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel: Eugene Landy was Brian's evil shrink.

Would you ever say to your kid: "As punishment, I will smack you in the ear until you are deaf. It will make you an honest man & you will thank me later."

PolloGuitar wrote:

Richard wrote:

It was a story about a very harsh and most would say perverse punishment Murray dealt Brian as a child.

Which one? Hitting him in the head with a 2x4? Making him stare into his eye socket after taking out his glass eye? Or making him poop on the kitchen floor in front of the family?

Murry Wilson, father from hell...

Ferenc, the last one. It was a pretty shocking and awful story, and to know it was just one of many instances of his father's "discipline" made me cringe and my skin crawl. Sick character.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

DaveF wrote:

Noel: Eugene Landy was Brian's evil shrink.

Would you ever say to your kid: "As punishment, I will smack you in the ear until you are deaf. It will make you an honest man & you will thank me later."

Does anyone know what happened to Landy? And, I hope that was a rhetorical question. My own kids came out of Russian orphanages, so I know a thing or too about horrible childhoods. Their orphanages were improvements, as hard as that is to believe. I seeth when I think of that, or Murry.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Sep 27, 2012 21:13:08

If anyone's been following Mike's facebook page, he's getting LOTS of flack (okay, he's getting flamed pretty bad) for his decision. And, since all that started, he's been trying to make nice to Brian, Al and David. Their fans don't seem to be buying it.

Mike toured for a very long time as The Beach Boys without Brian, Al and David, and made sure they couldn't use the name in any form. I wonder if Brian actually had to pay Mike royalties during his own shows if he sang one his Beach Boys songs? I don't what Mike will do now. I can imagine people going to Mike's Beach Boys shows after all this just to boo him.

No one expected this reunion. Everyone (except maybe Mike) wants all the Beach Boys to stay together. And after this, I expect the only missing Beach Boy no one will miss is Mike himself. I have no idea what will happen, but Mike is continually hearing the only future Beach Boys shows people want to see better include Brian, Al and David or they'll stay away.

I don't hate Mike. He's as much part of The Beach Boys and their sound as everyone but Brian, who IS the heart and soul of The Beach Boys. I wasn't there for all the arguments, fights, lawsuits and the rest of the stuff everyone wishes never had happened. I'll see The Beach Boys any time I can, as long as I'm seeing Brian, Al and David, and I don't care if they have to call themselves the You Know Who We Really Are! If Mike wants out, that's his problem. But he could rise above the past and keep everyone together, as they really ought to be.

I hope he does, but I'm not holding my breath.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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