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Anyone play Guitar Hero? Here is my son tearing it up To "You Really Got Me."



Science friction burns my fingers.

Never played the game. I do own those same pajamas, though.

Haven't played, but hope to do so shortly. I've heard it's the best. Long as I get to play the Spinal Tap songs, I'll be a happy kid.

Man, I'd love to be a guitar hero.... tee hee hee


You're MY guitar hero, Strange Bill Bergstrom.

I'm MY guitar hero too, Jon. (I'm kidding folks, I don't even think of myself as a particularly talented guitarist, I just have fun with what I'm doing)

Thanks for the kind words, Jon.


My brother got me the second GH for Christmas. Awesome, awesome game even though it has far and away the WORST MISIRLOU EVER.

It's not a DD arrangement, it's got prominent, cheesy backing organ, and the melody occupies like maybe a tenth of the song. Instead it's mostly glissandos and blooze. Oh, and no reverb.

It's still not as bad as what they did to the Stooges' "Search & Destroy," though, which sounds like Sum friggin' 41 or something.

The first one has a better song list, IMO, but both are amazingly fun..


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I only ever tried it out once last year and I profoundly sucked at it. I was more like the guitar damsel in distress. Rolling Eyes

Zing! Good one, wooz.

Can someone explain what this is to us videogame deprived surf geeks?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Can someone explain what this is to us videogame deprived surf geeks?

Since I doubt I'm going to sleep anytime soon after nine-plus hours of surf music at Baja Marty's shindig earlier, here goes. I'll try and keep it short. (And I will inevitably fail.) Basically, it's a rhythm-oriented videogame, sort of like Dance Dance Revolution only 1,000,000 times less lame.

The game comes with a special controller shaped like a mini Gibson SG. This controller has five colored fret buttons, as well as a white bar you use to strum, and perhaps most importantly, a functional whammy bar. When you play, color-coordinated notes scroll from the top of the screen to the bottom, and when they reach a certain point, you press the appropriate fret button and strum the strum bar.

These notes actually match up with what's going on in the song--when the notes in the song ascend, so do the notes you play. Same with chords. On easier settings, you might end up only having to play a third of the notes in a given song, but on higher difficulty levels, you have to play more notes and a lot more chords. Hammer-ons and pull-offs work the same on the fret buttons as they do on a real guitar, and are pretty much necessary to get through a lot of the solos. On the 'expert' setting, some stuff actually becomes much harder to play in the game than it is on a real guitar. (On expert I can barely make it through Cheap Trick's "Surrender," a song I can play with only a few dozen or so mistakes in real life.)

While this is going on, your "band" performs onscreen. A lot of the character designs and animations are pretty damn funny. (The 70's-rock/Hawkwind-looking guy not only pulls out a violin bow just like Jimmy Page, but he also does the Hendrix-setting-the-guitar-on-fire-and-fanning-the-flames thing as well.)

The main songs in the game are all cover versions of famous songs, performed by what I assume are session musicians hired by the studio. About half of the covers are dead on musically--especially "War Pigs." Others, not so much. Some have added parts--"Surrender" has a bunch of crappy fills added, the Sword's "Freya" ends with a pointless coda riff that's nowhere to be found in the original, Wolfmother's "Woman" now features a shred solo that the actual Wolfmother guitarist probably couldn't play, etc. Two of the songs were taken from the original master tapes, though--Primus' "John the Fisherman" Thumbs Up and Jane's Addiction's "Stop." Puke

There's bonus songs you can purchase as you progress through the game--those are all original artist recordings, and the bands are primarily unknowns. Buckethead wrote one of the bonus songs specifically for the game. (And surprise surprise, it sucks and is no fun to play.)

Hope this clears it up a bit.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Thanks Warren for the explanation. Sounds fun. Man, kids have some cool toys these days. Now, where's my talking GI Joe?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

XBox 360 is coming out with a version with a Gibson Explorer type guitar.

Here is a clip on Youtube that shows a Kid playing Guitar Hero. Looks interesting but call me old fashioned, I would think playing a real guitar more fun and rewarding. Maybe if the game somehow taught you something about music theory and chord shapes I could get a little more excited about it. Just my two coconuts worth.

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Here is a clip on Youtube that shows a Kid playing Guitar Hero. Looks interesting but call me old fashioned, I would think playing a real guitar more fun and rewarding. Maybe if the game somehow taught you something about music theory and chord shapes I could get a little more excited about it. Just my two coconuts worth.

I was thinking that as well. All that time that could be spent playing a "real" guitar. I know I wasted my youth playing Nintendo games. Maybe that's why so many of those 1st wave guitarists were so good so young.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Looks interesting but call me old fashioned, I would think playing a real guitar more fun and rewarding. Maybe if the game somehow taught you something about music theory and chord shapes I could get a little more excited about it. Just my two coconuts worth.

Playing a real guitar is more fun and way more rewarding, but people with zero musical experience seem to flock to the game like flies to, well, you know. And I have started using my pinky a lot more when I play guitar as a result from playing the game.

XBox 360 is coming out with a version with a Gibson Explorer type guitar.

A lot of people are pissed because the X360 version will have ten extra, exclusive songs, including "The Trooper."


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Hey if the game gets people interested in the guitar it can't be all that bad. A lot of people might think playing the guitar is really very hard, and might feel safer trying out a "game" first.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I cant wait for 'Violin Hero' to come out. Then I can express my inner Paganini.

I cant wait for 'Violin Hero' to come out. Then I can express my inner Paganini.

I'm all about Vivaldi.

Hey if the game gets people interested in the guitar it can't be all that bad. A lot of people might think playing the guitar is really very hard, and might feel safer trying out a "game" first.

I wonder what the turnover rate is of players (of the game) who actually end up pursuing real guitar playing. I remember when I played it, the friends who introduced me to the game were pretty good at it, but weren't (and still aren't) guitar players. Playing myself, I didn't feel the urge to get better at guitar shredding. I just got frustrated with the game and wanted my real guitar to play with instead. I get the impression that a lot of the appeal of the game is the artificial glamour of it all, perhaps as much as the guitar controller in your hands.

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