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Permalink Most overrated "classic"?

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Fez makes some great points.

oh, and Surfer Joe is terrible.

Wow...I really can't believe what I'm reading. Gonna start revoking memberships.... Razz

Agreed on Surfer Joe, but I don't know if that qualifies as a "classic".

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Mr. Moto. Pretty much everyone's cover is better than the original version.

is this a troll attempt to get people fired up?

Well, I think all opinions expressed in this thread are valid - as long as no one is of the opinion that Pipeline is overrated.

But seriously, here's another vote for Let's Go Trippin' as WAY overrated - that was the one that immediately came to my mind when I saw the thread title.


Mr. Moto. Pretty much everyone's cover is better than the original version.

is this a troll attempt to get people fired up?

Nope, just giving my honest opinion. Smile

Ummm... Can I change my answer to "Surfer Joe"? Laughing

Well, I think all opinions expressed in this thread are valid - as long as no one is of the opinion that Pipeline is overrated.

That would be me. I don't dislike the song really, but I also don't think of the melody is anything special at all. No way do I think Pipeline is good enough for people to be saying things like "best" and "most important" surf song ever. Unless, is there something about the song I've missed?


Well, I think all opinions expressed in this thread are valid - as long as no one is of the opinion that Pipeline is overrated.

That would be me. I don't dislike the song really, but I also don't think of the melody is anything special at all. No way do I think Pipeline is good enough for people to be saying things like "best" and "most important" surf song ever. Unless, is there something about the song I've missed?

Check out 100 Singles you must own. #72.

I guess they think it has something. Me personally, I'm more inclined to Wooza's opinion.


But maybe it's due to overexposure. Sleeping

Actually, now that I think about it, it's the dance moves they did on Lawrence Welk(?) that ruined the song for me, kind of creeped me out. (especially the pianist) And I like dance moves. Rolling Eyes

Danny Snyder

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Well, I agree somewhat that the melody on Pipeline is a bit flat.

But it has a certain atmosphere and texture, and for me, those two things are what I like best about surf music. There's a subtle, steady energy bubbling below the surface on that song that really draws me in.

I didn't realize any video existed of the Chantays performing, WOW! Maybe I'm better off not seeing it, though. Don't want to disturb the primal oceanic images I get in my mind when I hear the song.

Wow...I really can't believe what I'm reading. Gonna start revoking memberships.... Razz

Agreed on Surfer Joe, but I don't know if that qualifies as a "classic".

I was shocked at some of peoples choices too, Brian. Perhaps it has more to do with where/when you heard the song. If you heard SatansPilgrims do "surf Rider" before you heard the Bel-airs version - the the Bel-airs sounds a little tame. Me - I like tame. And I like SP's version. They both have something to offer.

Surf Rider - I heard it first in "Pulp Fiction", and even though I played and heard it a thousand times, I still think about the movie when I hear the Lively ones version, and how cool it was that first time. - althought I like Johnny Fortunes version better.

I don't understand all the hate for "Wipeout", either....
Pipeline? come - on, I mean, come-on. Overplayed - Yes, Over rated, NO! Get some big over the ears head phones, get a 45 of it, and listen to it loud - that song rules. I dare anyone to duplicate that sound. It can't be done.

My most over rated tune? I hate to say it, cause I'm a huge Dick Dale supporter, but I'm going to go with "Lets go Trippin' Its fun for about 30 seconds......but everything else he did early on is GREAT!!!! ( I hope he doesn't read this.)


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Cheers to Klas--this has been a really interesting thread to follow. Some intriguing POVs, some really unexpected inclusions, a little overreacting ...

It's kinda making me feel bad for the Surfaris, though--pretty much everyone's ranked on at least one of their songs. (Which isn't to say "Surfer Joe" doesn't deserve it--even the shorter version is a good two minutes too long.)


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I stand by the Surfaris to the end. Even Surfer Joe. And as far as Wipe Out goes, how can you say a song that got to #2 on the Billboard chart even with the drummer finishing the song with one stick because he dropped one is overrated?

It has been an eye-opening thread. For me, Pipeline is a classic, a masterpiece. And yes, the Chantays version. Wipeout is everyone's whipping boy, but for what it is, and what it accomplished, it is totally cool by me. Do I want to see some lame-ass pretend surf band perform it? Hell no. But it was a crazy song that a bunch of crazy kids made that helped define the genre.

Surfer Joe...hmmm..I'll listen to it again since Ted was so vehement about it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Pipeline is amazing. It has gone through many amazing rethinkings and remains a solid song. Personally I credit the bridge's melody/solo.

Wipe Out... That hasn't done too well as far as being rethought and finding new reincarnations. I have never been taken by one version of Wipe Out. There are other first wave songs I don't like but somebody covers it down the road and I tend to like it.

"Lets go trippin'" and "walk don't run" are not on my list of song to learn,but "pipeline" just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!!! I i'll never forget the 1st time i ever played "wipeout" live..was with a house band at an open mic night in rednecksville, and the girlies shaking their drunk bums to it.. good fun!!


Or "Wipe Out" by The Surfaris...

For the record, The Surfaris during the 1st wave are easily among my favorite surf bands ever. However, to me their version of Wipe Out just isn't that great. The problem isn't the simple melody or sloppy playing but rather the less exciting sound production (especially for the drums).

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

It has been an eye-opening thread. For me, Pipeline is a classic, a masterpiece. And yes, the Chantays version. Wipeout is everyone's whipping boy, but for what it is, and what it accomplished, it is totally cool by me. Do I want to see some lame-ass pretend surf band perform it? Hell no. But it was a crazy song that a bunch of crazy kids made that helped define the genre.

Surfer Joe...hmmm..I'll listen to it again since Ted was so vehement about it.

Well I don't know if I was vehement... Very Happy but I do like corny music. But taken as a whole, if I'm listening to the Surfaris (and not the Challengers standing in for them) and Surfer Joe comes on, I won't skip it. Hey, I like Let's Go Trippin too.

Man, this thread is disturbing to me.
Call me corney but I love Bustin' Surfboards, Surf Rider, Wipe Out and even Surfer Joe and Let's Go Tippin too!

If I had to rate one song as over-rated, I would say Church Key.
And NOT that it's a bad song, it's actually quite cool. But it just doesn't deserve to be coverd quite so often.

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Man, this thread is disturbing to me.

Me too. I'm hard pressed to name an over-rated "classic".

Church Key actually pre-dates surf IMHO. A lot of surf bands covered it though.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think the songs mentioned here as overrated need to be taken on an indiviual level of distaste. I really like most of the songs being shot down here, but I just don't care for Surf Rider... if I am playing 3 sets of surf covers, that is the one song I am not looking forward to. I have never had a sax player to perform it with, and without the sax, I think the melody loses a lot of it's cool. Songs like "Wipe Out" and "Surfer Joe" are always audience faves, so I enjoy them because the crowd does.

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I find comments dissing Pipeline & Wipeout rather amazing considering the fact they were both written by kids still in high school and where both songs went on the charts. Over rated? Those 2 songs fueled the surf music craze. If you surveyed the general public, I think those woudl be the 2 most mentioned songs among those with any awareness of surf music.

The only song I ever saw played twice in a show I have attended was Pipeline. The Breakaways unleased a killer coper at one of the HB shows. When they did some requests at the end of the show, everyone wanted Pipeline again. Outerwave has a fantastic cover of Pipeline. It's a time warp.

What the one song that always gets the people on their feet dancing? Wipeout..... Every time..... I remember being on this floating bar as a kid at the Colorado River. Foxes Pierpoint Landing. They were blasting Wipeout over & over on the jukebox. Boats were pulling up, people were jumping out & dancing. So many people in fact the bar started to sink under the weight of the people. parts of the dance floor were awash. Wipeout played on. Over rated? Not a chance.

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