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Permalink I can't stop listening to The Bambi Molesters

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A couple of Bambi Molester youtubes. Sundowner which appeared on the Walkabouts - Got No Chains CD:

A great cover of Misirlou, poor quality recording but it's still pretty awesome :

Sundowner which appeared on the Walkabouts - Got No Chains CD:

Dude! What was that Headbang Rock Very cool!
If every song in the world was to be covered by the Babmis, a stupidly happy man I would be.

The first time i heard the words Bambi Molesters i instantly thought of the Sex Pistols "Who Killed Bambi?".
I remember some "Who Killed Bambi?" adverts and news from the New Musical Express pre 1980.
So when i saw Backstage Pass DVD which mentioned Post-Punk, the Jam, Gang of Four and the New Musical Express i became intrigued.
Apparently Bambi was the name of a girl they knew.

When I first heard their name I thought of the Sex Pistols as well! Their band names both provoke a reaction. While I still have somewhat mixed feelings about the name "Bambi Molesters" it's not a name that you easily forget, which definitely works these days in a world where there must literally be millions of bands all fighting for attention.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

I think Sean Berry is currently working on the next issue of The Continental which should be out next month and which will feature a LENGTHY interview (over 9000 words) I did with Dalibor last summer. I think this will be required reading for all the fans of the band. I certainly learned a lot of really cool stuff about the band during this interview. Look for it!

It's an EPIC interview - I'm doing layout work on the magazine now and to run the interview in it's entirety, I'll have to take out the reviews, the ads, the intro page....just kidding. It's a long interview, but it'll fit. There's also a Davie Allan interview (which is fairly long as well), and over 100 CD reviews. Plus a 20+ track CD comp. Great cover art by Johnny Bartlett too.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

While I still have somewhat mixed feelings about the name "Bambi Molesters" .

Quote from Bambis facebook today: "sound is good, but the band's name is sickening".
Bambi is a cute animated character.
Molest means to pester or annoy
I think the problem comes when the mind fills in a space which is not there.

Good news for you Sean, the Bambi Molesters are working on a DVD.

On of my charecters in wow (yeah i know) was named bambimolestr, it lasted bout 2 weeks.. i had some people get VERY pissed bout the name... even after i tried to explain to them what the definition of molest means. And the fact that they turn it sexual make them the sick bastard:)

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

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