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Permalink Episode #1 Now Available

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Fantastic podcast, really enjoyed it. Listened to it a couple of times now, I'm really looking forward to the next one.


Still no new podcast!!! Where art thou Brian?!?!?!

I am super sweet

I'm in Melbourne, Australia, not that it means much to you all up there. But the point is, surf guitar music has slowly died here over the years, in fact I havn't really heard it on the radio since I was 10 years old (okay I knew you'd ask, I'm 52). It has been a pleasure to find like minded people in the world. And I thought your podcast was great. Well done Brian, and don't worry, everyone hates their own voice, which is why I play instrumental guitar rather than sing. In fact you actually sounded a bit like Ian Punnet, radio host on your local radio station, Coast to Coast AM, I listen to that via podcast to. Your country is great entertainment, and great people. My thanks to the internet for bringing us all together.

One suggestion. I like the idea of an interview in your podcast. How about also asking the muso interviewees about the equipment they use, choice of guitar, effects, amps etc.

Again well done, and Hi from down under. Regards, Jimbo.

Seeya later
from Australia,
regards, Jimbo.

Thanks for the great feedback Jimbo. And I too am just blown away by the fact that we all live all over the world.

There will be another one, just not sure when exactly.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Good stuff, that podcast. It made me whip out the pencil and paper so I could write down some band names to check out later on (notably The Tomorrowmen).

Nice mix of talk and music, because it's always nice to have a context to put the music in when you listen to it. The stuff you said was on-topic and not an aimless ramble.

I had no trouble searching for it and suscribing via and the iTunes Store.

I know what you mean about hearing your own voice in playback. I've been doing some reading for and I never realised I had a weird accent, let alone all those funny clicks, pops, and whistles that show up. Takes me forever to edit them out.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

Great work Brian,
i transferred the podcast onto my Sony HD recorder and have listened to it numerous times now and a couple of days ago ordered the Madeira CD. I hope to order a few other CDs from the podcast soon, particulalry the Halibuts. There is great variety in there, the interview with Danny is interesting and a good way to break it up a bit.

Well that was terrific, thanks Brian for working that up.

Great compilation of music.

I have to add this little note - "The Madeira's" playing of 'Burning Mirage' is brilliant, in fact this tune will not get out of my head, so I am going to have to learn how to play it. Thanks Ivan. Rolling Eyes Wink Very Happy

And thanks to YouTube! Very Happy Cool

Unless there is a tab of this somewhere????

Singing songs aboot cutting trees down and stuff like that?

Where do people get that "aboot" business from? Nobody talks like that up here. It's more like "Singing songs aboat cutting trees down..."
Sheesh! Razz

O.K., so maybe I'm not the sharpest uh.. piece of glass on the beach..(or something)...

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Can I use that?

Back to the podcast again...
It wouldn't hurt to break up the different tunes with credits in between a bit more often, particularly if (like me) people aren't yet familiar with some of the newer bands or titles.
Maybe something like 2 in a row, with "That was blah-blah with yadda-yaddah, now here's So-and-so with Blood On the Skeg..."

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

The track list is posted in this sub-forum. Smile

Click me

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Singing songs aboot cutting trees down and stuff like that?

Where do people get that "aboot" business from? Nobody talks like that up here. It's more like "Singing songs aboat cutting trees down..."
Sheesh! Razz

He's confusing the Scots with the Aussies. Shaun, go back to accent school.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF



Singing songs aboot cutting trees down and stuff like that?

Where do people get that "aboot" business from? Nobody talks like that up here. It's more like "Singing songs aboat cutting trees down..."
Sheesh! Razz

He's confusing the Scots with the Aussies. Shaun, go back to accent school.

Why am I being chastised for something I said over 8 months ago?
Also, it's just as hard to type accents over the computer as it is sarcasm.

I am super sweet

The track list is posted in this sub-forum. Smile

Click me

Uh... Yes, I found that, but I can't get that with my iPod Nano while I'm in the car or wherever.

Tell you whut though - keep the sets however long you want, but how about putting the playlist in the episode description, with start times? Take this (excerpt from the rss XML ... file ... thingy):

<description>Episode one of the podcast! This show features the music of many great surf bands like The Nebulas, Satan's Pilgrims, The Volcanos, The Madeira, The Belairs, The Halibuts and more. Plus an interview with Danny Snyder from Messhugga Beach Party and The TommorowMen.</description>

... and expand it thusly:

<description>Episode one of the podcast! This show features the music of many great surf bands like The Nebulas, Satan's Pilgrims, The Volcanos, The Madeira, The Belairs, The Halibuts and more. Plus an interview with Danny Snyder from Messhugga Beach Party and The TommorowMen. Intro & Outro: The Madeira - Desert Drums 01:27 Satan's Pilgrims - Badge of Honor *** 03:48 The Madeira - Burning Mirage

That way I can click the centre button twice to see the episode description, and scroll through the playlist while listening. (It's all about me, the centre of the universe, right? Cool )
I'm not sure, but I don't think you can use carriage returns in the text, so you'd need something like the *** for visual separators.

Why am I being chastised for something I said over 8 months ago?

Oh, that.
You're in an episode of "Twilight Zone - The Reality Series". People will be digging up your past actions and confronting you with them over the next few weeks, in an attempt to induce a paranoid delusional state. It'll be hi-larious.

Oops. Embarassed I've said too much.
Now the Producers will come after me. Paranoid

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.


Why am I being chastised for something I said over 8 months ago?

Oh, that.
You're in an episode of "Twilight Zone - The Reality Series". People will be digging up your past actions and confronting you with them over the next few weeks, in an attempt to induce a paranoid delusional state. It'll be hi-larious.

Oops. Embarassed I've said too much.
Now the Producers will come after me. Paranoid

Awesome! I love the Twilight Zone!

I am super sweet

Well all I can say is it's aboot time

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I'll look into putting the track list into the metadata for next time. I have a hosting company for it right now and I don't think they offered that option. But I intend to host it off the new server since we have more bandwidth now. I can change it in the future since I'll be generating the RSS feed. Just gotta figure it out.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'll look into putting the track list into the metadata for next time. I have a hosting company for it right now and I don't think they offered that option.

It wouldn't have to be a separate option. All it should involve is typing in a longer description, which you've got.

Unless there's a limit to the number of characters you're allowed by your host. I've seen some really lo-o-ong metadata descriptions though.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

I liked the reverb on your voice.

that was great. i just listend to it and say "thank you!". i guess it is quite a bit of work to do it. and it shure was worth it. hope you feel like doing another one in the near future. eddie

Listened to this twice yesterday. Very nice! You have a kind sounding voice, & that's cool.

I listened to # 2 and # 3 yesterday.
Both very good.
I like the interviews too.

thanks for doing those.


Very Happy very cool to at last discover the sound of your voice Brian!
That's really a great idea to put such a surf podcast!
I just discover the number 1 yesterday after becoming a member of SG101. I also like other podcats on the web (like the ones of but yours is different then these ones. There is one related to surf genre too but they don't have THE good idea to put an interview which is really the "plus" to my opinion. Because here in France we don't have much opportunities to have such interviews on the medias. besides it helps to understand surf history (and discover unknown (for me!!!) groups! The only bad thing is that I have to buy even more surf cd's now Wink ! Bravo again Brian!


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