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I've just discovered that there are websites that allow you to upload ringtones from your own computer. Why not have a section in the 'downloads' area for ringtones. Maximum song length maybe 30 seconds. I think it'd be cool to have some reverberated tones emanating from our cell phones.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

You need to have access to the internet with your phone to download these ringtones. Most modern phones have mini USB or somesort of removable flash memory. All you have to do it hook it up to your computer and drag and drop mp3s or photos.

On my other computer I have has a program that can edit songs to make better ringtones.

Personally I am very picky on my ringtones and there is only one song I've discovered that I will use that sounds decent over the phone's speaker.

Properly reading your post now I think it would be cool to have ringtones available.

I'm fine with that if people upload original creations and not copyrighted stuff.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

... and not copyrighted stuff.

The practical problem here is that really you can't use any existing song. I believe that in principle - i.e., legally - you shouldn't even make a ringtone privately for personal use if you make it from commercial material. Of course, as long as you don't distribute it you might get away with it.

On the other hand, ringtones are potentially something any band could either sell or use as a promotional item, though surprisingly MySpace and its competitors (?) don't actually have a facility to make this or that song - or a defined equivalent of it - a ringtone yet! ("Click here to make this your ringtone.") Exploitation of the song as ringtone possibility is mostly restricted to heavily commercialized music so far.

There are definitely web sites fpr downloading ringtones around, mostly commercial. I remember seeing a Susan and the Surftones ringtone offer about a year ago. I'd have been interested if I only had a cell phone. Shocked However, if I did have one, I think maybe I'd prefer something from Slacktone, say a snippet of Daytona Mona?

I hadn't considered the issue that Jake raises of whether a given snippet might sound reasonable on a phone. Let alone what bit or what length of bit might be reasonable as a ringtone. Heck, maybe Slacktone doesn't work well on phones ...

I haven't actually seen anyone take this notion of selling ringtones to the logical extreme of specifically trying to create hit ringtones. So far the material in circulation is mostly either derived from something else or amounts to fairly a fairly simple-minded sound effects things, I think. Or maybe I'm just too peripheral to the cell phone culture to know what's happening.

I gather there may be several phone-specific schemes for ringtone files and/or downloading them. You can definitely get software for creating ringtones from sound files, but you need to make sure it supports your phone. The scheme for downloading ringtones to a given phone can be a bit difficult to use. In particular, you may require specific hardware, which you might need to order as an additional product; i.e., your phone as you bought it may not have a way to accept ringtones from your computer, though it can almost certainly get them from your phone service for a fee. Wink

Another consideration: my kids, who, unlike me, are fully plugged in cell phone people, tell me that fancy ringtones are all very well, but they prefer to save the memory for pictures and addresses, etc.

I think a case can be made that this is legal.

We all have the technology available (for free) to make any song file into your own ringtone. If you already bought a Slacktone CD and load it in your ipod, is it any different to load 30 seconds of it into your cell phone? Aren't most songs available on Amazon for public use in 30 second lengths?

FWIW I'll be posting 30 second snippets of Tmen songs onto the download page. I'll see how Mel feels about MBP songs.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

There are hit ringtones. They are big big business. Teenagers spend an insane amount of money on their cellphones.

On our contact page on our band website, when somebody signs up to be on our e-mail list we send them ringtones from our originals. They have to use the bluetooth technology between their computer and cellphone to upload them, so it's not a direct process. But it has proven to be popular and a lot of people have requested them - especially after seeing us at a show.


I used this website:

It was free, easy and worked perfectly well. It sends the soundfile to your phone so no need to hook up to computer.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Thanks Danny!


There are hit ringtones. They are big big business.

OK, but were they designed as ringtones up front, or are they follow ons to some song that's a hit in its own right? Just asking, from the depths of my ignorance. I'm not claiming there's no such thing or anything like that.

I'm thinking of how people used to make a song, and then maybe add a video treatment, whereas now I think at least some operations make the video and the song is the sound track.

So I'm thinking people might sometimes eventually set out to make a good ring tone and the song would be playing it three times in a row, or concatenating several different ones together. I'm not sure whether I'm intrigued or horrified ...

There is literally people who make ringtones for ringtones sake. And some rap artists released a single via ringtone only.

There is literally people who make ringtones for ringtones sake. And some rap artists released a single via ringtone only.

wow i guess listening to surf music i am missing so much. LOL

No, you are missing absolutely nothing at all. Well, you aren't missing hit ringtones anyways. They are awful awful things.

Personally I am very picky on my ringtones and there is only one song I've discovered that I will use that sounds decent over the phone's speaker.

Let me guess. You only like ringtones made with vintage equipment.


The ringtone I have was recorded with protools, and reissue amps and guitars.

The ringtone I have was recorded with protools, and reissue amps and guitars.

KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The ringtone I have was recorded with protools, and reissue amps and guitars.

Get a job kid.

Okay, sorry, I finally got around to adding this download category.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

So where are the ringtones you guys? Hmmm

I'll be working on some shortly

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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