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I have an old squire-strat with a 3-way-switch.
has anyone any cool suggestions to modify it?

I'm thinking about something like DD so that I can play it more like a jag.

other suggestions or experiences???

Last edited: Dec 09, 2007 13:51:34

Explain to me why you think Dick Dale's strat plays more like a Jag? It won't play like a jag unless you chop one and a half inches off the neck and put a new tailpiece on the guitar.

I mean he wired it so he can play bridge and neck pickup together. Something impossible for a normal strat. May I should have written "like a Jazz". Sad

For me it would depend on the strat. IMHO an AVRI '62 Strat is perfect for a Strat. I would probably mod a squier though with different pickups, hardware, etc.

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Or just written so you can play bridge and neck pickup. You will have to rewire the guitar. If you are going to do that might as well swap out the pickups and some of the hardware, and all of the wiring.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 22:48:45

I wouldn't worry about the wiring so much as just changing out the pickups and maybe the tuners. If you are going to use the trem a lot I'd suggest getting a graphite nut. I have one on one of my strats and I love it. Personally I'd keep the 3 way switch. I don't see a need for the out of phase positions unless you are Hubert Sumlin or Robert Cray.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 22:48:42

A stock strat is unplayable to me, volume knob's in the way. I take out all the pots, like the sound better too. Also I want 5 springs in the back, not 3.

Not sure if DD ever played with bridge + neck, though I know he sometimes uses all 3 at once.

Matter is just energy waiting to happen.

I wouldn't worry about the wiring so much as just changing out the pickups and maybe the tuners. If you are going to use the trem a lot I'd suggest getting a graphite nut. I have one on one of my strats and I love it. Personally I'd keep the 3 way switch. I don't see a need for the out of phase positions unless you are Hubert Sumlin or Robert Cray.

JP, Squier wiring is going to suck. No point in putting in new pickups if you are going to have cheap wire and horrible pots.

A stock strat is unplayable to me, volume knob's in the way. I take out all the pots, like the sound better too. Also I want 5 springs in the back, not 3.

Not sure if DD ever played with bridge + neck, though I know he sometimes uses all 3 at once.

how does it sound without the pots? more thin, harsh, aggressive, full, louder, or how would you describe it?
the tremolo works quite well with 3 springs, doesn't go out of tune.

JP, Squier wiring is going to suck. No point in putting in new pickups if you are going to have cheap wire and horrible pots.

I'm not gonna invest a lot of money for some fancy pickups. It's a plywood-guitar!
I just wonder how I can change/improve the sound with an other wiring.
Maybe a strangle-switch? Cool

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 22:48:38

I have a plywood Jazz bass with completely replaced electronics and pickups that sounds better than a 60s classic MIM Jazz Bass with stock electronics.

Strat pickups don't cost a lot of money, you can get decent ones for cheap. And wiring is really cheap as well.

I spent $90 on my bass and another $100 for custom shop pickups and the electronics.

I mean he wired it so he can play bridge and neck pickup together. Something impossible for a normal strat. May I should have written "like a Jazz". Sad

Actually, DD's strat has a three way pickup selector, and a switch that activates neck and middle. His strat was made before strats had a five way pickup selector.

As for mods, I say go for it. Neck and bridge sound awesome together, but you should make sure one of them is reverse wound, or else the hum will be alot louder.
As for other mods, you could try taking out one of the tone pots and put a passive mid control in there.
Another cool mod is a series parallel switch.

I am super sweet

I have a plywood strat too and better pups made a lot of difference. A LOT... depending on what you want, you need just one or two better pups. I have seynour duncans *(vintage staggered) in neck and middle, I mosty play mid pup only anyway. (which is ironic cause my other guitar is a jag.)

btw, the easy mod... depending on whether the wires are long enoug .... is to simply screw out middle and neck pup and have them change position ... or bridge and middle. you loose one of the funk settings (mid+) and you gain the neck+bridge. AND you keep the hum bucking effect if you have a RW/RP midpup. easy fast and solderless way to see if you care for the sound. personally I dont care for it, but it's an easy and reversible mod so try it and see.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

how does it sound without the pots? more thin, harsh, aggressive, full, louder, or how would you describe it?

As Zak already explained, you get slightly more volume and a brighter sound, but there's also something that makes it sound better to me that I can't quite put my finger on.

the tremolo works quite well with 3 springs, doesn't go out of tune.

It does but that's not the reason I put 5 springs in mine. It just sounds much better to me with 5 springs.

Matter is just energy waiting to happen.

how does it sound without the pots? more thin, harsh, aggressive, full, louder, or how would you describe it?
the tremolo works quite well with 3 springs, doesn't go out of tune.

It sounds slightly more "hi-fi", more clear with a tiny bit more output and oomph. There's really no need to get rid of the pots fact it greatly limits your possibilites in backing off the volume to get a cleaner tone. You can mod your existing pots so they're "no load" tone pots and effectively out of the circuit when dimed. ( ).

JP, Squier wiring is going to suck. No point in putting in new pickups if you are going to have cheap wire and horrible pots.

I sort of disagree with this one. The main limiter with the Squier guitars are the cheapo Korean pickups. I just don't buy that the cheap wiring affects tone that much. Also, the CTS pots I've used in guitars recently have sucked worse than any Alpha pots I've used (I've got several bad CTSs recently).

I'd be willing to bet that if you installed Alpha pots and cheap wire on a Strat witih great wood and pickups, it would still be a great guitar.

Now, for the 3 way switch...some of the import switches really are terrible but if it works and isn't noisy I wouldn't replace it unless you want to go with a 5 way.

I'm not gonna invest a lot of money for some fancy pickups. It's a plywood-guitar!
I just wonder how I can change/improve the sound with an other wiring.
Maybe a strangle-switch? Cool

Some plywood guitars sound just fine! (Danelectro, etc)

As for the mods, you might try the no-load pot mod, wire it so you can use neck and bridge at the same time, and if you're wanting to get really crazy you could add a steel plate (like on a Tele) to the bridge pickup along with moving the tone control from the mid pickup to the bridge.

The bridge pickup (especially on Squiers) can sound really thin. By moving the tone control you can roll off some of the 'icepick' and the steel plate gives the bridge pup a slightly more 'saturated' sound with maybe a bit more sustain, fatness, and character.

thanks SURFmole. that were some cool suggestions. I will give em a try. Razz

BTW to all strat players:

which Pickup combination do you play mostly?

I play mostly just the bridge, so that it cuts trough the mix, and I can here myself, the neck is too muddy, and my current selfmade mod doesn't allow me to play just the middle. not very cool set up, but I will soon change it.

If you listen to the Jesters stuff it sounds like Messina has the neck & middle sound going most of the time.

I don't claim to know much about Strat history, but I didn't know that Fender even offered a 5 way switch at the time that the Jesters recorded. I know that Sumlin and a lot of the Chicago guys stuck matchsticks into their 3 way switches to get the out of phase sound on the Strat. Do you think that Jim Messina did that too or am I wrong about the advent of the 5 way switch.

In any case I have had, and still have some cheap guitars. From my experience, if the neck is straight and and there are no other real issues with the guitar the best success that I have had with modding the instrument is upgrading the pickups. You don't have to spend a bundle. There are good pickups on ebay all the time for good prices. Even if you scored some pickups from a regular old American Strat you would be making a huge improvement on the Squier. I suggested new tuners as the few Squiers that I have played had pretty gnarly tuners. I don't know much about wiring etc. My belief is that one's money is best spent on pickups and amplifiers. That is where you will make the biggest impact on your tone.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

thanks SURFmole. that were some cool suggestions. I will give em a try. Razz

No problem Very Happy You might also want to check out the James Burton Tele wiring (it uses 3 pickups and the middle position on the 5 way switch is bridge and neck combined).

BTW to all strat players:

which Pickup combination do you play mostly?

I play mostly just the bridge, so that it cuts trough the mix, and I can here myself, the neck is too muddy, and my current selfmade mod doesn't allow me to play just the middle. not very cool set up, but I will soon change it.

I play them all depending on what I'm playing. For leads I like the neck or bridge. That's strange that your neck pup is too muddy?? What amp are you using? You might try to lower the neck pickup and see how that should obviously be more bassy than the other positions but I've never had a strat that was overly muddy on the neck position.

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