The Concussions - eXXorsizing Our Demons: The Best Of The Concussions CD (Double Crown)
XX. Double ecks. 2xX. The Concussions are at the big two-oh, one of those numbers you just gotta celebrate with one of them, whaddayacallit, retrospectives. It’s been a two-decade journey for this skullfaced and brain-damaged instrumental quartet, who’ve gone from weird to weirder, from loony to goony, from Guano to Moonballs, like no one else could, would or should. They’ve stirred pickle-tickling ’60s pop, slick dim-lit gimlet lounge and fizzy sizzling surf rock into their spumescent sonic brew. They’ve buzzed on hifi/lo-fi fee-fi oui-fi (but never wifi) vibes and tawny analog tones humming with yummy amp buzz. They’ve aged like fine wine and made sure the party was always hardy. And now they stand at the bottom of the crater of their deuce-decade anniversary, celebrating with 22 champagne gems plucked from their discography, and two fresh new tracks, tickled and twaddled, curated and ribbed right here for your pleasure.
Tracks: Put Your Head On My Shoulders - Guano - The Lucky Mosquito - The Iron Giant - Think Pink - Stiletto - Mod Monster - Dreamsickle - Phantom Limbs - Mrs Beasley's Lament - Champagne Problem - How To Strip For Your Girlfriend's Girlfriend - Burger Crunch - Wray Conniff - Morning Breath - Wolfie - Hairy Son - Pump City - Trouble Gum - Moonballs - Polyester Fester - Whack Job - In A Mystic Mood - Ribbed For Your Pleasure
Order From Double Crown Records - $14.75
Double Crown Records
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Last edited: Nov 05, 2022 01:21:55