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Permalink Help working out a drum part

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I'm working on a new song and I am seeking some opinions on a drum part.

What do you think of the half-time drums that come in at the climax of the linked song (about 1:35)? Distinctly not surf but I think the change adds to the "size" of the song and it coincides with a key change to relative major.

It's just a rough mix, so no promises on fidelity!

Link with lousy title.

Neptune Trojans

Last edited: Aug 17, 2020 21:50:39

Interesting question!

First of all, I like the song and the overal sound, and it's good that there is a change in the song at this moment, but I'm not too keen on the half time thing. To me that sounds a little bit too much like stadium rock, a litte cheesy maybe.

I (with my very narrow taste and limited experience) would either go back to the surf beat and built up tension with some more rolls or continue with the toms and get a bit more busy with them.

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Simon, I appreciate your input (and tact!). It's an idea I have kicked around myself. Just for reference, I did a quick edit. Is that more like what you're thinking, at least in terms of the surf beat?

Neptune Trojans

Last edited: Aug 18, 2020 09:05:36

Actually I like the drums in the finish. It gives a feeling of 'uncertainty' to the ending.
But it doesn't follow the normal surf drum pattern.
But a lot of modern surf music falls outside the mold these days.

Hey, Brent! Cool tune you have cooking there! I remember that I owe you, so here’s a couple of ideas that may support the feel you seek:
Try a straight “4-on-the-floor” kick drum pattern throughout, in place of the 1&3. And keep it thumping during the muted guitar-only part.
Build those muted sections with a building volume straight eighth note ride pattern, - on your floor tom. Add the accents simultaneously with the high tom.
Maybe replace the eighth note high hat with either a drier (“clicky” jazz ride, or perhaps one with a bit of a “ping”.
You may find these elements add a bit of “drive” to your drums, - for better or maybe for worse! But have fun experimenting.
- Dick B.

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Thanks, Joelman!

And Dick, thanks too. You don't owe me anything. Cheers But I might try some of those ideas and I might adjust the mix for something more "trad." We'll see how that goes.

Neptune Trojans

Last edited: Aug 19, 2020 17:33:30

I liked it. Yes, there’s a Stadium Rock vibe, but IMO, it works. I was wishing I had a lighter to hold up in the air. Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Aug 20, 2020 21:09:30

Is that capital D a sign you don't like the change? Ha!

Right now I'm kind of working with some of Dick's suggestions regarding ride vs hats, but keeping the stadium rock. I wonder if adding that second eighth on the two (like a half-time surf beat) would work. Next time I get a chance I'll see how it goes.

Neptune Trojans

Last edited: Aug 20, 2020 20:58:19

BrentD wrote:

Is that capital D a sign you don't like the change? Ha!

Right now I'm kind of working with some of Dick's suggestions regarding ride vs hats, but keeping the stadium rock. I wonder if adding that second eighth on the two (like a half-time surf beat) would work. Next time I get a chance I'll see how it goes.

No, but it is a sign.

A couple of updates back, my iPad started to place a capital letter anyplace that I went back end edited a line of text. In this case, I wanted to change “like” to “liked”. So it’s a sign that Apple is using less talented programmers than they used to.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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