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Permalink SG101 2019 MP3 Compilation

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DeathTide wrote:

I’m sad you didn’t submit anything Sam, after all your posting and controversial opinions I wanted to hear you play!

Sam - You can always work something up and submit as a post. Everyone does that all the time and we'll get some feel for your style. Good luck with the recording process; I went computer based (Sonar) a few years back and after about a year of initial trial and error, found it to be easy to put things together and mix.**

DeathTide said: I’m sure I’ll make enemies of anyone who doesn’t already hate me. But I will be honest!

Tide-you're too outside the box, and perhaps these are dangerous ideas you have!!!! Good luck, don't be too brutal when you review me, but do it "your way"!!

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Last edited: Dec 17, 2019 09:31:53

ArtS wrote:

DeathTide wrote:

I’m sad you didn’t submit anything Sam, after all your posting and controversial opinions I wanted to hear you play!

Sam - You can always work something up and submit as a post. Everyone does that all the time and we'll get some feel for your style. Good luck with the recording process; I went computer based (Sonar) a few years back and after about a year of initial trial and error, found it to be easy to put things together and mix.**

Thanks Arts - I plan on doing something with some luck.

I still messing with the same song and got all the parts down the way I want etc. I'm using a Tascam DP-24SD mixer recorder, I lost my USB cable it came with so bought a used cable on eBay (I couldn't have uploaded the song anyway. It has a crazy size special connector on one end.

I liked your song a lot. I use a Rack Eleven for my Amp rig and effects, and a Mustang guitar etc. I have a Danelectro horn bass and rig set up for that in the Rack Eleven as well. Sounds like a real band when I'm playing right. None

DeathTide wrote:

My first guess is copyright stuff.

I’m sad you didn’t submit anything Sam, after all your posting and controversial opinions I wanted to hear you play!

I think the ratings are bogus. And that was before my song had a less-than-perfect rating! Comments comments comments, far more useful than ratings. What is the point of the five star rating? Is anyone going to pass on a song because of a low rating?

Nonetheless these comps are a rare bright and humble spot in this new age of BS. I’ve got the holidays off and I’m gonna dedicate time to comment on every song. And, I’m going to not vote the stars, but instead give two ratings inside the comments:

Vision (originality / experience)
Execution (production)

I’m sure I’ll make enemies of anyone who doesn’t already hate me. But I will be honest!

Yeah copyright might be a problem, but if it actually paid to do it, just pay for the copyright use, that's how song writers make money Smile

The problem is most artists on Bandcamp and other sites really only make chump change, only the top artist make dough, one I saw made like 40 grand off one song. Most only make like 7 bucks or hundreds of dollars etc. Its a lot of luck involved and some have no idea why a song takes off or how it was promoted from what I understand.

I would like to try at least just to see If I hit the lottery too Cool

Sorry about dropping out posting a song. I just was too tired after cutting down trees for three weeks straight. I'm too picky about my playing right now as well. I what it perfect

I wouldn't worry about ratings because people have different tastes in music and all that jazz. I look at it if you like what you do that's good enough.

Hey Sam,
No worries. We've got next year... and it will be here before we know. Striving for perfection in playing is admirable, but sometimes the imperfection make music much more relatable and interesting. (I always thought Dick Dale blew a note in Hava Nagilia-not sure)

Just start plugging away and get ready for next year!

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Yeah man Cool

I went back from my Beat Buddy drum pedal to the Alesis SR16 drum machine. Got a whole drum backing track now, Fills and crashes in the right places etc. Still trying to learn all the functions involved.

If nothing else this Comp motivated me to record now. I looked up how to get the music rights to do a cover, supposedly you just pay $15 per arrangement and 9 cents per download to the copyright holder each year. Some songs are so old no one needs a copyright ete. Copyright might be a source of income for all bands on here, where other players cover originals by other surf acts etc using the same copyright technique etc. If not done already.

Happy Holidays all See you next year

I thought I bump this comp again

Surfing_Sam_61 wrote:

If nothing else this Comp motivated me to record now.

That is excellent! I’m looking forward to hearing stuff.

Daniel Deathtide

Is there an easy link on the home page of SG101 to the compilation?

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Give it a week or 2, Brian usually compiles it and uploads to

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays to all!

Danny is right. Over the next day or two I hope to collect all the MP3's, edit their MP3 tags (god this part sucks), and then create a collection of tracks on for easier mass downloading, visibility, and online streaming.

I'll then update the links on the sidebar to include this new collection. Stay tuned and please be patient a bit longer.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks! You really make this site fun!

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

Happy New Year!

The compilation is now live at this link on

You can use their online player to stream the tracks, and they have lots of links to download the whole thing in various formats. Please share the link and maybe kick a few bucks towards, they do very good work.

I've updated the sidebar links also.

And.... if you would like to contribute some artwork for the compilation please let me know!

Please keep using this thread to discuss the comp and the tracks! Go have another listen using the online player!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Happy new year, Brian!
Thanks for all you do. That was faster than i anticipated.
I'm already looking forward to the 2020 comp. ! Been laying down ideas, it's never too early to start! haha

Thanks SandBug!

Is anyone else having issues playing track 5 in the online player? I get an error message. If you do please report your browser and OS (I'm using Chrome on Mac OSX Mojave).

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I too get an error message wgen I try to play track 5. I'm using chrome.

Brian wrote:

Is anyone else having issues playing track 5 in the online player? I get an error message. If you do please report your browser and OS

Yes, but only for track 5, the site complains "this video file can not be played." I'm using Windows 10, and it happens with each of Chrome, Firefox and Windows Edge browsers.


Last edited: Jan 02, 2020 14:16:21

Same thing, I'm using opera.

Ok thanks, I'm guessing something didn't go right when Gimlet converted the file from .m4a to .mp3.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Track 5 is the only one that does not have any metadata in the file.

summerfun wrote:

Track 5 is the only one that does not have any metadata in the file.

I think it does, but I think I need to kick to re-update the collection. But first I think we need to get a working mp3 file. For some reason thinks that file is a video file or a .m4a file.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I dunno what's going on. Gimlet's track plays fine for me in my browser and has all the necessary mp3 tag information, but the player doesn't like it. That has happened before in previous years. So unless I get a new file from Gimlet that magically works you'll have to download his track and play it locally I guess.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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