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Permalink MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: "Reverb Nation: Live at the 2017 Surf Guitar 101 Convention

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Unfortunately, "Reverb Nation" has not done quite as well as some of us were sure it would. The "buzz" has dwindled. There haven't been very many reviews, either online or in print. Nobody seems to be talking about this CD anymore after only a year and half.

Mark Linett and I both convinced the record company (Entree Records, a division of Sierra Records) back in 2017 that this was going to sell pretty well (considering the number of surf bands out there and the growing number of fans). The record company still has quite a few copies left and because of this, there was no attempt to record last year's SG101 Convention, which is too bad (although we had discussed doing exactly that). As I noted earlier in this thread, "Reverb Nation" was produced with the focus on promoting SG101 specifically (THIS website and the Convention), and surf music in general.

Copies of the CD have been available at a wholesale price for resale directly from the record company, but none of the bands have done so apart from the comp copies that were given to each band (according to the label). I'd personally like to see all the bands on this release buy a box of 30 copies, at least, for merch tables at their shows. Include a copy as part of your press kits. Keep the CD in front of the public. Talk it up. Help promote it. Put it on your band's website or Facebook page.

Last edited: May 13, 2019 15:46:06

I just picked up a box of 30 from John this past weekend.
I will have them with me all summer.
Especially at the Nor Cal shows this coming weekend.
The Pier shows, Surfer Joe fest, and the surf convention.
Oh and the Big Seattle show July 27th.


John wrote:

The eagle has landed!!! I'll have these CDs on my website for sale by the end of the week and they will be available at the Convention on the 4th. Congratulations to all the bands on this record and to SG101!!!!! This is monumental.



It could be everybody just missed the original post like I did. Looks good though.

Will have to check it out - this time a year is busy for a lot of folks.

Yeah I just went on to order one, but couldn't find it - I checked every link (What link do you click on to order) didn't see it on the main page either??? Mad

Under the link "gift shop" from the main page.
Look at all them goodies for sale.
Thanks for reminding me.
I need to buy the
Rumble at Waikiki anthology CD.


It's got to be the best live surf record in history as far as the mix and master are concerned. So well done! The performances are killer!

The Kahuna Kings

Any chance this could be put on Spotify or other streaming / digital services? I think it would attract more listeners.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: May 13, 2019 18:52:11

It's a great cd. It's too bad that this is the state of the music industry.

Come on people, this has a great booklet, needs to be bought as a cd.
Not just streamed.




Now that this thread has been "bumped," please note that I just ordered a few more of these CDs from the record label. So, feel free to order a copy from my website (Gift Shop page at the link below). If you want a copy, now is the time. I doubt this CD will stick around forever.

I also posted about it on my FB.
So we will see how it does.


From the latest issue (#41, Fall 2019) of the fanzine, "Rock Beat International" (PO Box 27636, Towson, MD, 21285):


Bumping this thread because I just acquired all the remaining copies of the "Reverb Nation" CD. I'm selling them for $12/each with FREE shipping. I can also offer multiple copies at a reduced wholesale price (+ shipping).

Which reminds me: the producer, Mark Linett, and myself thought that all the bands represented here would want to buy multiple copies for merch table sales at their future gigs. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. So, here's one last opportunity for any of these bands to do so. All the bands are very well recorded on this record and all of you should be proud to have been included here.

Private message me here or on Facebook if interested in buying a copy or for a bulk purchase at a wholesale rate.

A nor cal friend will be picking some up from John and bringing down to the winter surf fest.


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