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Northeast of Toronto - about as far from the ocean as you can get

Posted on Aug 16 2018 03:57 PM
I tried to send this to you as a PM but your inbox is full so I am posting it on the open forum. I am also sending it to the contact email on the webpage but I have never received a reply to anything I sent there before so I have no idea whether you ever check that email or not.
Have you seen this?
None of the shows were listenable on the weekend and it has been off whenever I checked since.
There is no notice on SG101 forum or on the North Sea Surf website to tell us that you know about it. Is anything being done to remedy the problem?
Also, the timetables on the website show about twice as many DJ shows as you actually broadcast.
It almost seems as if you don't care what happens anymore.
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North Atlantic

Posted on Aug 16 2018 04:29 PM
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Northeast of Toronto - about as far from the ocean as you can get

Posted on Aug 16 2018 04:39 PM
Believe it or not there are a lot of us that don't do Facebook. Or Twitter.
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Posted on Aug 16 2018 05:00 PM
Then he won't see your comment
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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Posted on Aug 16 2018 05:44 PM
Station on the air now:
Niels Jansen said:
could you please let sidebob know that I hope to come with a statement about NSSR in the course of next month.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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Northeast of Toronto - about as far from the ocean as you can get

Posted on Aug 18 2018 06:25 AM
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Aug 18 2018 10:17 AM
Sidecarbob, I suspect he does care an awful lot but now he has other priorities in his life right now. I can relate to this. I don't want to sound too harsh here but you sound pretty entitled to a service that is being provided to you free of charge from volunteer time. Maybe you could offer to help in some way.
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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Northeast of Toronto - about as far from the ocean as you can get

Posted on Aug 18 2018 11:08 PM
I don't know how I can help but I would be willing if I can.
My feeling is that NSSR is starting to unravel and if it is going to continue Niels is the owner so he has to decide how that will happen.
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Posted on Aug 18 2018 11:13 PM
Some of us ex DJs are sad about this situation lately also.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Mar 29, 2006
Posts: 109

Posted on Aug 19 2018 05:54 AM
bigtikidude wrote:
Some of us ex DJs are sad about this situation lately also.
Yes, let's hope Niels can get things back on track before too long. He had intended to revamp things for 2018 but obviously life's other demands took over.
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Ex SoCal -> Gainesville VA

Posted on Aug 19 2018 09:51 AM
As a relative newcomer to the site I don't know all the history of NSSR but definitely have been amazed at what a fantastic outlet it is to make surf music accessible and available in ways that never existed before. The selfless efforts of Niels and all the DJ's who put the shows together are very much appreciated.
That being said, this seems like a good time to simply ask, how can I or any of the other listeners help? In addition to donations which I am sure are always appreciated, does this come down to something more such as time and computing/connectivity resources being needed?
— Member in good standing, Mentone Beach Syncopation Reverberation Association
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North Atlantic

Posted on Aug 19 2018 11:06 AM
Hi Stoopy,
I’m sure Niels would be very happy to hear from you. The best way to reach him and see how you can help is via Facebook.
It is a labour of love for all of us, and sometimes other things prevent us from keeping up with nssr (my August shows have all been repeats for example). Thanks for looking for ways to help out.
— Canadian Surf
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Ex SoCal -> Gainesville VA

Posted on Aug 19 2018 12:58 PM
^^ Will do & thanks. I do not have a FB account but my wife does...that might skew any demographics me may be keeping as to who's listening, but so'what.
— Member in good standing, Mentone Beach Syncopation Reverberation Association
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Aug 19 2018 02:10 PM
I didn't mean to be a jerk but as someone who also doesn't have a succession plan and who's own time and interest in their pet project has waxed and waned, it doesn't seem very helpful to publicly shame Neils. That might cause someone else in his position to just thrown in the towel. Sure he could have been a bit more transparent about what's going on, but life happens sometimes.
We all recognize what a fantastic resource NSSR is and it would be a damn shame if it fell apart, but these things happen. Should the torch be passed? Should someone else step up? Should the community offer help? Maybe someone else out there wants to start their own streaming radio site? These are all questions that we should be asking now and not making Neils feel bad because I'm guessing he feels pretty bad as it is (speaking from experience here).
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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Hong Kong

Posted on Aug 19 2018 10:31 PM
I’m no fan of NSSR for obvious reasons, but there are some good people involved. I can offer places for shows on and our sister station
However the elitism that was apparent within NSSR must end.
— Sharawaji Records - UK Registered Record Label Dedicated To Surf, Instro, Reverb and Twang - the Network for Surf Music Join Now
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Posted on Aug 19 2018 10:41 PM
As a volunteer tech director for a radio station, Brian's words are resonating so hard with me it almost hurts
— Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Aug 20 2018 08:15 AM
Mike75 wrote:
I’m no fan of NSSR for obvious reasons,
This is completely not obvious to me...?
but there are some good people involved. I can offer places for shows on and our sister station
However the elitism that was apparent within NSSR must end.

— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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Brighton UK

Posted on Aug 20 2018 08:44 AM
Mike75 wrote:
I’m no fan of NSSR for obvious reasons, but there are some good people involved. I can offer places for shows on and our sister station
However the elitism that was apparent within NSSR must end.
Which elitism would that be?
— Los Fantasticos
Joined: Feb 26, 2006
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North Atlantic

Posted on Aug 20 2018 11:43 AM
All my dealings with nssr and everyone involved, pre and becoming a DJ, have been excellent. It is too bad your experience wasn’t the same.
— Canadian Surf
Joined: Jun 27, 2015
Posts: 236
San Francisco East Bay Area

Posted on Aug 20 2018 12:10 PM
I'm a big fan of NSSR. I listen and donate whenever I can (and I should probably donate more.) I think a lot of us around the world would help if we knew what was needed.
I also appreciate that succession planning is hard and it's especially hard to "let go" of one's long-time labor of love.
Is there anyone who could reach out to Niels and affirm to him that there are people around here who REALLY CARE about him and NSSR and who REALLY want to help? This should not be all on his shoulders if he doesn't want it to be. I am convinced (based on absolutely no evidence) that there are more computer geeks per capita in the surf music community than anywhere else - we should pull together and enable Niels to do what he wants with NSSR - or without it.
— Jonathan the Reverbivore
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Last edited: Aug 20, 2018 12:11:02